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Last active March 23, 2016 04:54
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question 3: Plot only the top 5 QBs by rank and color the marks by rank.

B. choose a single-hue colormap


The multiple hue varies in such a way that with increase in rank the intensity of color also increases.

There is no particular reason for choosing red. I have choosen it simply because I like it.

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var cValue = function(d) {
if(d['Conf'] == 'Pac-12' ) {
return 'Pac-12';
} else if(d['Conf'] == 'MWC'){
return 'MWC';
} else if(d['Conf'] == 'MAC'){
return 'MAC';
else if(d['Conf'] == 'SEC'){
return 'SEC';
else if(d['Conf'] == 'Big 12'){
return 'Big 12';
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Rk Player School Conf Cmp PassingAttempts Pct Passing Yards Y/A AY/A PassingTD Interceptions Rate RushingAttempts Rushing Yards Rushing Avg RushingTD
1 Marcus Mariota Oregon Pac-12 254 372 68.3 3773 10.1 11.9 38 2 186.1 117 669 5.7 14
2 Garrett Grayson Colorado State MWC 250 386 64.8 3779 9.8 10.7 32 6 171.3 53 -25 -0.5 0
3 Zach Terrell Western Michigan MAC 231 330 70.0 3146 9.5 9.6 23 10 167.0 67 203 3.0 3
4 Blake Sims Alabama SEC 230 355 64.8 3250 9.2 9.7 26 7 161.9 73 321 4.4 6
5 Jake Waters Kansas State Big 12 231 349 66.2 3163 9.1 9.4 20 6 157.8 139 471 3.4 8
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