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Last active June 5, 2020 15:21
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Testing StructureMap child containers and Injection
<Query Kind="Program">
void Main()
// setup according to registry below. That is:
// IThingRepository requires an IFoo.
// IFooProvider requires an IThingRepository (which depends on IFoo)
// IFoo is implemented by Foo, but decorated by CachedFoo, which also depends on IBar
// so the full dependency chain is like this, top to bottom:
// IFooProvider
// => IThingRepository
// => IFoo
// => CachedFoo (decoration)
// => IBar
// set up the container
var container = new Container(cfg => cfg.IncludeRegistry<FooRegistry>());
// instantiate the singleton IThingRepository (which should also instantiate IFoo, CachedFoo, and IBar)
_ = container.GetInstance<IThingRepository>();
// get the IFooProvider and check that it's getting a CachedFoo decorator from the IBasketRepository
// and that the IFoo being held by CachedFoo is of type Foo
var fooProvider = container.GetInstance<IFooProvider>();
var cachedFoo = fooProvider.CreateFoo();
// build a child container and eject the IFooProvider singleton
var child = container.CreateChildContainer();
child.Invoking(c => c.GetInstance<IFoo>()).Should().Throw<Exception>();
// add a substitute Foo
var substituteFoo = Substitute.For<IFoo>();
// ensure we can request the fake foo
var requestedFoo = child.GetInstance<IFoo>();
// get an instance of the FooProvider (should become the singleton)
// assert that the inner foo should be the FakeFoo we just injected
var fooProvider2 = child.GetInstance<IFooProvider>();
var cached2 = fooProvider2.CreateFoo() as CachedFoo;
var provider2 = child.GetInstance<IFooProvider>();
public class FooRegistry : Registry
public FooRegistry()
.DecorateWith((ctx, inner) => new CachedFoo(inner, ctx.GetInstance<IBar>()));
public interface IFooProvider { IFoo CreateFoo(); }
public class FooProvider : IFooProvider
private readonly IThingRepository _repo;
public FooProvider(IThingRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
public IFoo CreateFoo()
return _repo.Foo;
public interface IThingRepository { IFoo Foo { get; } }
public class ThingRepository : IThingRepository
public ThingRepository(IFoo foo)
Foo = foo;
public IFoo Foo { get; }
public interface IFoo { }
public interface IBar { }
public class Foo : IFoo { }
public class Bar : IBar { }
public class CachedFoo : IFoo
public CachedFoo(IFoo innerFoo, IBar bar) { InnerFoo = innerFoo; }
public IFoo InnerFoo { get; }
public class FakeFoo : IFoo { }
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