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Last active March 2, 2018 21:51
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Gun ownership and death
license: gpl-3.0
state gun_deaths gun_ownership
Alabama 17.40 48.9
Alaska 18.50 61.7
Arizona 13.96 32.3
Arkansas 16.35 57.9
California 7.82 20.1
Colorado 11.10 34.3
Connecticut 4.20 16.6
Delaware 8.97 5.2
Florida 12.40 32.5
Georgia 12.55 31.6
Hawaii 1.64 45.1
Idaho 12.41 56.9
Illinois 8.55 26.2
Indiana 12.87 33.8
Iowa 7.54 33.8
Kansas 10.82 32.2
Kentucky 13.70 42.4
Louisiana 18.53 44.5
Maine 10.31 22.6
Maryland 9.58 20.7
Massachusetts 3.11 22.6
Michigan 11.74 28.8
Minnesota 7.49 36.7
Mississippi 16.85 42.8
Missouri 13.95 27.1
Montana 15.47 52.3
Nebraska 7.97 19.8
Nevada 13.44 37.5
New Hampshire 6.12 14.4
New Jersey 5.48 11.3
New Mexico 14.82 49.9
New York 4.32 10.3
North Carolina 12.26 28.7
North Dakota 10.51 47.9
Ohio 11.00 19.6
Oklahoma 15.87 31.2
Oregon 10.97 26.6
Pennsylvania 11.21 27.1
Rhode Island 4.18 5.8
South Carolina 15.39 44.4
South Dakota 8.05 35.0
Tennessee 15.49 39.4
Texas 10.47 35.7
Utah 11.10 31.9
Vermont 8.94 28.8
Virginia 10.10 29.3
Washington 8.86 27.7
West Virginia 14.45 54.2
Wisconsin 9.61 34.7
Wyoming 15.27 53.8
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