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Last active June 11, 2021 15:27
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Save andrewxhill/093c89fa45e5f657fec7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
command-line python interface for manipulating data on CartoDB
import os
import urllib
import urllib2
import base64
import json
import sys
import argparse
import requests
except ImportError:
print 'The requests package is required:'
class CartoDB:
def __init__(self, options):
# do stuff
self.options = options
self.api_url = "" % (self.options['u'])
self.import_url = "" % (self.options['u'], self.options['k'])
self.new_tables = []
self.internal_columns = ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'the_geom', 'the_geom_webmercator', 'cartodb_id']
self.type_map = {'string':'text', 'boolean': 'boolean', 'date': 'timestamp', 'number':'numeric'}
def _log(self, message):
if self.options['verbose'] == True:
print message
def _error(self, error):
print error
def sql_api(self, sql):
# execute sql request over API
params = {
'api_key' : self.options["k"],
'q' : sql
r = requests.get(self.api_url, params=params)
return r.json()
def upload(self):
# import a file
# see
# returns new table name
r =, files={'file': open(self.options['f'], 'rb')})
data = r.json()
if data['success']!=True:
self._error("Upload failed")
complete = False
last_state = ''
while not complete:
import_status_url = "" % (self.options['u'], data['item_queue_id'], self.options['k'])
req = urllib2.Request(import_status_url)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
d = json.loads(str(
if last_state!=d['state']:
if d['state']=='uploading':
self._log('Uploading file...')
elif d['state']=='importing':
self._log('Importing data...')
elif d['state']=='complete':
complete = True
self._log('Table "%s" created' % d['table_name'])
if d['state']=='failure':
return d['table_name']
def columns(self, table):
sql = "SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 0" % table
data = self.sql_api(sql)
return data['fields']
def add_column(self, table, name, coltype):
sql = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s %s" % (table, name, coltype)
data = self.sql_api(sql)
return True
def overwrite(self, append=False):
# upload new data
new_table = self.upload()
source_columns = self.columns(new_table)
target_columns = self.columns(self.options['t'])
insert_cols = {}
alter_cols = []
for c in source_columns.keys():
if c in self.internal_columns:
source_columns.pop(c, None)
if c not in target_columns.keys():
insert_cols[c] = self.type_map[source_columns[c]['type']]
insert_cols[c] = self.type_map[target_columns[c]['type']]
for c in alter_cols:
self.add_column(self.options['t'], c, insert_cols[c])
select_list = []
for c,t in insert_cols.items():
select_list.append( "%s::%s" % (c,t))
sql = "INSERT INTO %s (the_geom, %s) " % (self.options['t'], ','.join(insert_cols.keys()))
sql += "SELECT the_geom, %s FROM %s; " % (','.join(select_list), new_table)
sql += "DROP TABLE %s" % new_table
self._log("Writing data to %s and droppping %s" % (self.options['t'],new_table))
if append==False:
sql = "DELETE FROM %s; %s " % (self.options['t'], sql)
data = self.sql_api(sql)
if 'error' in data.keys():
self._log('Overwrite failed, cleaning-up')
sql = "DROP TABLE %s" % new_table
return False
return True
def drop_table(self):
# drop a table '
self._log("Dropping table %s" % self.options['t'])
sql = "DROP TABLE %s" % self.options['t']
data = self.sql_api(sql)
if 'error' in data.keys():
return True
def clear_rows(self):
# clear all rows from a table
self._log("Deleting all rows")
sql = "DELETE FROM %s" % self.options['t']
data = self.sql_api(sql)
if 'error' in data.keys():
return True
def export_table(self):
self._log("Exporting new %s" % self.options['m'])
params = {"format": self.options['m'], "api_key": self.options["k"],"q": "SELECT * FROM %s" % self.options["t"]}
r = requests.get(self.api_url, params=params, stream=True)
with open(self.options['l'], 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in r.iter_content(10):
return True
def clean_table(self):
# clean up table for speed
self._log("Cleaning up unused space")
sql = "VACUUM FULL %s" % self.options['t']
data = self.sql_api(sql)
if 'error' in data.keys():
self._log("Optimizing existing indexes")
sql = "ANALYZE %s" % self.options['t']
data = self.sql_api(sql)
if 'error' in data.keys():
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
'import' : {
"description": "Import a file to create a new table",
"requirements": ["f","k","u"],
"example": "python import -f myfile.csv -k myapikey -u myusername"
'overwrite' : {
"description": "Overwrite an existing table with data from a file",
"requirements": ["f","k","u","t"],
"example": "python overwrite -f myfile.csv -t some_existing_table -k myapikey -u myusername"
'append' : {
"description": "Append rows to an existing table from a file",
"requirements": ["f","k","u","t"],
"example": "python append -f myfile.csv -t some_existing_table -k myapikey -u myusername"
'clear' : {
"description": "Clear all rows from an existing table",
"requirements": ["k","u","t"],
"example": "python clear -t some_existing_table -k myapikey -u myusername"
'drop' : {
"description": "Completely drop an existing table",
"requirements": ["k","u","t"],
"example": "python drop -t some_existing_table -k myapikey -u myusername"
'export' :{
"description": "Export an existing table to a local file (default GeoJSON)",
"requirements": ["k","u","t","l"],
"example": "python export -t some_existing_table -m CSV -l local_file.csv -k myapikey -u myusername"
'clean' : {
"description": "Vacuum and analyze a table for speed",
"requirements": ["k","u","t"],
"example": "python clean -t some_existing_table -k myapikey -u myusername"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="CartoDB Python Utility")
parser.add_argument('method', nargs="?", help='e.g. %s' % ','.join(SUPPORTED_METHODS.keys()))
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', dest='f', help='Source file')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--local', dest='l', help='Local file')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--format', default="GeoJSON", dest='m', help='Export file format')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', dest='u', help='CartoDB username')
parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', dest='k', help='CartoDB account API Key')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', dest='t', help='Target table')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', default=False, action="store_true", help='Verbose output if included')
args = parser.parse_args()
options = vars(args)
def success(message):
print 'SUCCESS', message
def failure(message):
print 'FAILURE', message
m = args.method.lower()
if m in SUPPORTED_METHODS.keys():
for d in SUPPORTED_METHODS[m]["requirements"]:
if options[d] is None:
print "Arguement -%s is required\n\n%s\n\ndescription:\t%s\nrequired args:\t%s\nexample:\t%s" % (d,m,SUPPORTED_METHODS[m]['description'],SUPPORTED_METHODS[m]['requirements'],SUPPORTED_METHODS[m]['example'])
cartodb = CartoDB(options)
if args.method.lower() == 'import':
new_table = cartodb.upload()
if args.method.lower() == 'overwrite':
status = cartodb.overwrite()
if status == True:
success('Table data replaced')
if args.method.lower() == 'append':
status = cartodb.overwrite(True)
if status == True:
success('Data appended to table')
if args.method.lower() == 'clean':
status = cartodb.clean_table()
if status == True:
success('Cleaned table')
if args.method.lower() == 'drop':
status = cartodb.drop_table()
if status == True:
success('Dropped table')
if args.method.lower() == 'clear':
status = cartodb.clear_rows()
if status == True:
success('Cleared all rows from table')
if args.method.lower() == 'export':
status = cartodb.export_table()
if status == True:
success('Exported table to %s' % options['l'])
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