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  • Save andyli/5011520 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andyli/5011520 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Java abstract class implemented in Haxe macros. Related:!topic/haxelang/WzeI-N1XbIg
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Type;
using Lambda;
Old school abstract class.
Classes that implements it, and their sub-classes, will be able to declare abstract methods (methods that without body).
There will be a check in compile-time such that no public constructor is allowed without all abstract methods implemented.
interface AbstractClass {}
private typedef StringMap<T> = #if haxe3 Map<String, T>; #else Hash<T>; #end
class AbstractClassBuilder {
#if macro
The without-body declared methods of an AbstractClass.
Uses fully-qualified class names as keys, stores StringMaps of method name keys.
Filled in by build() called by @:autoBuild.
static var declAbstracts:StringMap<StringMap<Bool>> = new StringMap();
All abstract methods, including the inherited ones, of an AbstractClass.
Uses fully-qualified class names as keys, stores StringMaps of method name keys.
Filled in by checkAbstractClass() during onGenerate.
static var allAbstracts:StringMap<StringMap<Bool>> = new StringMap();
The remainning AbstractClasses that need to be processed by checkAbstractClass().
Uses fully-qualified class names as keys.
Filled in during onGenerate.
static var typesToProcess:StringMap<ClassType> = new StringMap();
Returns fully-qualified class name.
Used to get a key for StringMap.
static function getFullClassName(cls:ClassType):String {
return (cls.pack.length > 0 ? cls.pack.join(".") + "." : "") +;
static function __init__():Void {
Context.onGenerate(function (types:Array<Type>):Void {
for (t in types) {
switch (t) {
case TInst(clsr, _):
var clsName = getFullClassName(clsr.get());
if (declAbstracts.exists(clsName)) {
typesToProcess.set(clsName, clsr.get());
while (!typesToProcess.empty()) {
static function checkAbstractClass(cls:ClassType):Void {
var allAbsFields:StringMap<Bool> = new StringMap();
var clsName = getFullClassName(cls);
allAbstracts.set(clsName, allAbsFields);
//copy the declared ones
var absFields = declAbstracts.get(clsName);
for (k in absFields.keys()) {
allAbsFields.set(k, true);
if (cls.superClass != null && declAbstracts.exists(getFullClassName(cls.superClass.t.get()))) {
//Super class is AbstractClass.
var supClsName = getFullClassName(cls.superClass.t.get());
if (!allAbstracts.exists(supClsName)) {
//copy the inherited ones
var supallAbsFields = allAbstracts.get(supClsName);
for (k in supallAbsFields.keys()) {
allAbsFields.set(k, true);
var fields = cls.fields.get();
for (field in fields) {
if (!absFields.exists( && allAbsFields.exists( {
if (!allAbsFields.empty() && cls.constructor != null && cls.constructor.get().isPublic) {
var missingFields = [];
for (k in allAbsFields.keys()) missingFields.push(k);
Context.error("Abstract class cannot have public constructor. Missing implementation of: " + missingFields.join(", "), cls.pos);
static public function build():Array<Field> {
var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
var cls = Context.getLocalClass().get();
var clsName = getFullClassName(cls);
if (declAbstracts.exists(clsName)){
//The class has been built already.
//It occurs when a class extends an AbstractClass, and it also implements AbstractClass.
return fields;
if (cls.isInterface) {
return fields;
var absFields = new StringMap();
declAbstracts.set(clsName, absFields);
for (f in fields) {
if (f.access.has(AStatic)) continue; //we only care non-static methods
switch (f.kind) {
case FFun(fun):
if (fun.expr == null) { //method without an implementation
absFields.set(, true);
//give a method body so it compiles
fun.expr = if (fun.ret == null || switch (fun.ret) { case TPath(p): p.pack.length == 0 && == "Void"; default: false; })
macro throw "abstract method, must override";
macro return throw "abstract method, must override";
return fields;
class Color implements AbstractClass {
public function toRGBX():RGBX;
public function clone():Color;
class RGBX {
public function new(){}
class HSB extends Color { //src/Main.hx:11: lines 11-13 : Abstract class cannot have public constructor. Missing implementation of: toRGBX, clone
public function new(){}
class HSL extends Color {
public function new(){}
override public function toRGBX():RGBX {
return new RGBX();
override public function clone():HSL {
return new HSL();
class Main {
static public function main() {
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andyli commented Feb 26, 2013

As of revision 9, it should be compatible with other macro libs (eg. tink), since the check is moved to onGenerate.

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Thanks, very nice! Is this implemented in a haxelib/github library somewhere?

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Hi Andy ! Did I do something wrong ? AbstractClass.hx:14: characters 2-11 : Type not found : AbstractClassBuilder

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Sorry, my bad. I didn't switch to the right package.

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