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Created September 21, 2015 11:03
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JS Bin // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<style id="jsbin-css">
.chapter-illo {
width: 100%;
<div class="chapter-illo">
<!-- inline SVG -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_6" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
width="840.24px" height="592.8px" viewBox="0 0 840.24 592.8" enable-background="new 0 0 840.24 592.8" xml:space="preserve">
<image xlink:href="" x="0" y="0" height="592.8px" width="840.24px" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" />
<path fill="none" stroke="#EB6824" stroke-width="3" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M815.787,589.919l-20.333-113.186l-59.333-81.333
<p>Original illustration by the Gentleman Draughtsman.</p>
<p>See this effect in situ in <a href="">The Unraveling of Tom Hayes</a>.</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script tyle="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script id="jsbin-javascript">
This is a breakdown of the effect used in 'The Unraveling of Tom Hayes'.
See it in situ:
What this does:
- Animates dash offset of multiple <path>s within an SVG
- Adds a physics-enabled 'thread' which follows dash offset progress
Technologies used:
- SVG controlled by Snap.svg (
- HTML5 Canvas with Vertlet-JS physics engine (
Additional features _not_ included in this code:
- Replacing a static JPEG with SVG image using AJAX (progressive enhancement!)
- and load SVG background image first, for seamless transition from JPG to SVG
- Trigger animation when illustration scrolls into view
- Deactivate animation if offscreen (to improve performance)
// kick it all off
var u = unraveling($('svg')).init();
// this function controls the SVG animation
function unraveling($svg){
if (oldFF()){
var snap = Snap($svg[0]);
var w = +$svg.attr('width').replace('px','');
var h = w/2;
if (snap.node.offsetWidth > w) {
w = snap.node.offsetWidth;
var animationLength = 10000;
var paths = snap.selectAll('path');
// loop through every path in the SVG
// these make up the Hayes portrait
var pathData = [];
var totalLength = 0;
// store data for each path
// this will come in handy later
var length = path.getTotalLength();
d: path.attr('d'),
length: length
// set each path's stroke pattern to a single,
// full-length line
"stroke-dasharray": "0 " + length + " " + length,
"stroke-dashoffset": length,
"stroke-linecap": "round"
totalLength += length;
// add a 'remainder' path underneath
// which will be revealed when unraveled
var remainderColor = 'white';'image').after(
opacity: 0.9,
fill: 'none',
stroke: remainderColor,
'stroke-width': path.attr('stroke-width'),
"stroke-linecap": "round"
fill: 'none'
// calculate percentage of unraveling
// each path represents
for (var i = 0; i < pathData.length; i++) {
pathData[i].perc = pathData[i].length/totalLength;
var firstPoint = paths[0].getPointAtLength(0);
// this function runs the animation
// animOpts takes two properties:
// - onMove: callback for moving physics-enabled thread
// - onEnd: callback for unpinning thread
function animatePath(animOpts){
var onMove = animOpts.onMove;
var i = 0;
function anim(){
var path = paths[i];
moveToPoint(path, onMove);
// animated dashoffset to give impression
// that line is disappearing
"stroke-dashoffset": 10
}, (animationLength*pathData[i].perc), function() {
// when finished, make line invisible
path.attr('opacity', 0);
if (paths[i]) {
// run animation for next path
} else {
// unpin thread for finish
// or it'll hang awkwardly
// this controls where the 'loose thread' is pinned to
function moveToPoint(path,callback){
Snap.animate(0, totalLength, function(value) {
movePoint = path.getPointAtLength(value);
if (!isNaN(movePoint.x)) {
}, animationLength);
// new instance of the physics-enabled thread
var threadMove = Thread({
// use the illustration SVG's actual color
color: paths[0].attr('stroke'),
svg: $svg,
start: {
x: paths[0].getPointAtLength(0).x,
y: paths[0].getPointAtLength(0).y
// prevents thread from 'pooling' at the bottom
noPooling: false
return {
init: function(){
onMove: threadMove.move,
onEnd: threadMove.end
} // end unraveling function
// this controls the canvas-based, physics-enabled dangling thread
function Thread(opts) {
// canvas dimensions
var width = +opts.svg.outerWidth();
var height = +opts.svg.outerHeight();
// match coordinate system to our viewBox'd SVG
var mod = {
x: +opts.svg.eq(0).attr('width').replace('px',''),
y: +opts.svg.eq(0).attr('height').replace('px','')
opts = opts || {};
opts.color = opts.color || 'black';
opts.start = opts.start || {x:width/2,y:height};
// VertletJS uses a regular HTML5 canvas
// which in this case goes over the top of the SVG
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'absolute'; = 'inline-block'; = 'right';
// retina stuff
var dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
canvas.width = width*dpr;
canvas.height = height*dpr;
canvas.getContext("2d").scale(dpr, dpr);
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
// create a new physics simulation
// using VertletJS
var sim = new VerletJS(width, height, canvas);
sim.friction = 0.95;
sim.gravity = new Vec2(0,1.5);
opts.start.x = (opts.start.x/mod.x)*width;
opts.start.y = (opts.start.y/mod.y)*height;
// some useful configuration variables
var threadLength = 2;
var joinLength = 10;
var lineWidth = 2;
// reduce complexity if on mobile
// to increase performance
if ($(window).width() < 992) {
joinLength = 15;
lineWidth = 1;
threadLength = 1;
// create entities - ie, the points of the thread
// (which is actually several tiny circles linked together
// with straight lines)
var stiffness = 6;
var vecs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var xx = opts.start.x;
var yy = opts.start.y+(i*joinLength);
vecs.push( new Vec2(xx,yy) );
// combine them into a single line
var segment = sim.lineSegments(vecs, stiffness);
// pin the end of the thread so it dangles
var pin =;
// control how the thread is styled
// using the regular canvas API
segment.drawConstraints = function(ctx, composite) {
ctx.moveTo(composite.particles[0].pos.x, composite.particles[0].pos.y);
for (var i = 1; i < composite.particles.length; i++) {
if(composite.particles[i]) {
ctx.lineTo(composite.particles[i].pos.x, composite.particles[i].pos.y);
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = opts.color;
segment.drawParticles = function(ctx, composite) {
// draw nothing for particles
// animation loop
var loopIndex = 0;
var loop = function() {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// prevent the thread from getting too long
// especially on mobile
var limit = 150;
if ($(window).width() < 992) {
limit = 50;
return {
init: loop,
move: function(x,y){
// this function is called during the unraveling() function
// it moves the pinned particle and increases
// the thread length, giving the illusion of unraveling
var first = segment.particles[0];
var last = segment.particles[segment.particles.length-1];
// only increase it once every 5 loops,
// and only until 150
if ((loopIndex%5 === 0) && (segment.particles.length < 150) && first && first.lastPos) {
var pY = first.lastPos.y+2;
// make sure it doesn't drop off the bottom
// or the thread risks leaping around like a snake
if (pY > sim.height+4) {
pY = sim.height-1;
// add a new particle on the end
// to increase thread length
var newParticle = new Particle({
x: first.lastPos.x,
y: pY
// we need to modify the constrainsts between particles
var newConstraint = new DistanceConstraint( newParticle , segment.particles[1], 2);
// move pinned particle
pin.pos.x = (x/mod.x)*width;
pin.pos.y = (y/mod.y)*height;
end: function(){
// optional: make thread drop out the bottom
if (opts.noPooling){
sim.bounds = function(){};
// when finished, remove pinned particle
delete segment.constraints[segment.constraints.length-1];
delete segment.particles[segment.particles.length-1];
/* Check if Firefox version is below 40, which has an SVG bug */
function oldFF(){
var ffversion = window.navigator.userAgent.split('Firefox/')[1];
if (ffversion && (+ffversion < 40)){
return true;
} else {
return false;
<script id="jsbin-source-css" type="text/css">.chapter-illo {
width: 100%;
> svg {
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">/*
This is a breakdown of the effect used in 'The Unraveling of Tom Hayes'.
See it in situ:
What this does:
- Animates dash offset of multiple <path>s within an SVG
- Adds a physics-enabled 'thread' which follows dash offset progress
Technologies used:
- SVG controlled by Snap.svg (
- HTML5 Canvas with Vertlet-JS physics engine (
Additional features _not_ included in this code:
- Replacing a static JPEG with SVG image using AJAX (progressive enhancement!)
- and load SVG background image first, for seamless transition from JPG to SVG
- Trigger animation when illustration scrolls into view
- Deactivate animation if offscreen (to improve performance)
// kick it all off
var u = unraveling($('svg')).init();
// this function controls the SVG animation
function unraveling($svg){
if (oldFF()){
var snap = Snap($svg[0]);
var w = +$svg.attr('width').replace('px','');
var h = w/2;
if (snap.node.offsetWidth > w) {
w = snap.node.offsetWidth;
var animationLength = 10000;
var paths = snap.selectAll('path');
// loop through every path in the SVG
// these make up the Hayes portrait
var pathData = [];
var totalLength = 0;
// store data for each path
// this will come in handy later
var length = path.getTotalLength();
d: path.attr('d'),
length: length
// set each path's stroke pattern to a single,
// full-length line
"stroke-dasharray": "0 " + length + " " + length,
"stroke-dashoffset": length,
"stroke-linecap": "round"
totalLength += length;
// add a 'remainder' path underneath
// which will be revealed when unraveled
var remainderColor = 'white';'image').after(
opacity: 0.9,
fill: 'none',
stroke: remainderColor,
'stroke-width': path.attr('stroke-width'),
"stroke-linecap": "round"
fill: 'none'
// calculate percentage of unraveling
// each path represents
for (var i = 0; i < pathData.length; i++) {
pathData[i].perc = pathData[i].length/totalLength;
var firstPoint = paths[0].getPointAtLength(0);
// this function runs the animation
// animOpts takes two properties:
// - onMove: callback for moving physics-enabled thread
// - onEnd: callback for unpinning thread
function animatePath(animOpts){
var onMove = animOpts.onMove;
var i = 0;
function anim(){
var path = paths[i];
moveToPoint(path, onMove);
// animated dashoffset to give impression
// that line is disappearing
"stroke-dashoffset": 10
}, (animationLength*pathData[i].perc), function() {
// when finished, make line invisible
path.attr('opacity', 0);
if (paths[i]) {
// run animation for next path
} else {
// unpin thread for finish
// or it'll hang awkwardly
// this controls where the 'loose thread' is pinned to
function moveToPoint(path,callback){
Snap.animate(0, totalLength, function(value) {
movePoint = path.getPointAtLength(value);
if (!isNaN(movePoint.x)) {
}, animationLength);
// new instance of the physics-enabled thread
var threadMove = Thread({
// use the illustration SVG's actual color
color: paths[0].attr('stroke'),
svg: $svg,
start: {
x: paths[0].getPointAtLength(0).x,
y: paths[0].getPointAtLength(0).y
// prevents thread from 'pooling' at the bottom
noPooling: false
return {
init: function(){
onMove: threadMove.move,
onEnd: threadMove.end
} // end unraveling function
// this controls the canvas-based, physics-enabled dangling thread
function Thread(opts) {
// canvas dimensions
var width = +opts.svg.outerWidth();
var height = +opts.svg.outerHeight();
// match coordinate system to our viewBox'd SVG
var mod = {
x: +opts.svg.eq(0).attr('width').replace('px',''),
y: +opts.svg.eq(0).attr('height').replace('px','')
opts = opts || {};
opts.color = opts.color || 'black';
opts.start = opts.start || {x:width/2,y:height};
// VertletJS uses a regular HTML5 canvas
// which in this case goes over the top of the SVG
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'absolute'; = 'inline-block'; = 'right';
// retina stuff
var dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
canvas.width = width*dpr;
canvas.height = height*dpr;
canvas.getContext("2d").scale(dpr, dpr);
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
// create a new physics simulation
// using VertletJS
var sim = new VerletJS(width, height, canvas);
sim.friction = 0.95;
sim.gravity = new Vec2(0,1.5);
opts.start.x = (opts.start.x/mod.x)*width;
opts.start.y = (opts.start.y/mod.y)*height;
// some useful configuration variables
var threadLength = 2;
var joinLength = 10;
var lineWidth = 2;
// reduce complexity if on mobile
// to increase performance
if ($(window).width() < 992) {
joinLength = 15;
lineWidth = 1;
threadLength = 1;
// create entities - ie, the points of the thread
// (which is actually several tiny circles linked together
// with straight lines)
var stiffness = 6;
var vecs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var xx = opts.start.x;
var yy = opts.start.y+(i*joinLength);
vecs.push( new Vec2(xx,yy) );
// combine them into a single line
var segment = sim.lineSegments(vecs, stiffness);
// pin the end of the thread so it dangles
var pin =;
// control how the thread is styled
// using the regular canvas API
segment.drawConstraints = function(ctx, composite) {
ctx.moveTo(composite.particles[0].pos.x, composite.particles[0].pos.y);
for (var i = 1; i < composite.particles.length; i++) {
if(composite.particles[i]) {
ctx.lineTo(composite.particles[i].pos.x, composite.particles[i].pos.y);
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = opts.color;
segment.drawParticles = function(ctx, composite) {
// draw nothing for particles
// animation loop
var loopIndex = 0;
var loop = function() {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// prevent the thread from getting too long
// especially on mobile
var limit = 150;
if ($(window).width() < 992) {
limit = 50;
return {
init: loop,
move: function(x,y){
// this function is called during the unraveling() function
// it moves the pinned particle and increases
// the thread length, giving the illusion of unraveling
var first = segment.particles[0];
var last = segment.particles[segment.particles.length-1];
// only increase it once every 5 loops,
// and only until 150
if ((loopIndex%5 === 0) && (segment.particles.length < 150) && first && first.lastPos) {
var pY = first.lastPos.y+2;
// make sure it doesn't drop off the bottom
// or the thread risks leaping around like a snake
if (pY > sim.height+4) {
pY = sim.height-1;
// add a new particle on the end
// to increase thread length
var newParticle = new Particle({
x: first.lastPos.x,
y: pY
// we need to modify the constrainsts between particles
var newConstraint = new DistanceConstraint( newParticle , segment.particles[1], 2);
// move pinned particle
pin.pos.x = (x/mod.x)*width;
pin.pos.y = (y/mod.y)*height;
end: function(){
// optional: make thread drop out the bottom
if (opts.noPooling){
sim.bounds = function(){};
// when finished, remove pinned particle
delete segment.constraints[segment.constraints.length-1];
delete segment.particles[segment.particles.length-1];
/* Check if Firefox version is below 40, which has an SVG bug */
function oldFF(){
var ffversion = window.navigator.userAgent.split('Firefox/')[1];
if (ffversion && (+ffversion < 40)){
return true;
} else {
return false;
.chapter-illo {
width: 100%;
This is a breakdown of the effect used in 'The Unraveling of Tom Hayes'.
See it in situ:
What this does:
- Animates dash offset of multiple <path>s within an SVG
- Adds a physics-enabled 'thread' which follows dash offset progress
Technologies used:
- SVG controlled by Snap.svg (
- HTML5 Canvas with Vertlet-JS physics engine (
Additional features _not_ included in this code:
- Replacing a static JPEG with SVG image using AJAX (progressive enhancement!)
- and load SVG background image first, for seamless transition from JPG to SVG
- Trigger animation when illustration scrolls into view
- Deactivate animation if offscreen (to improve performance)
// kick it all off
var u = unraveling($('svg')).init();
// this function controls the SVG animation
function unraveling($svg){
if (oldFF()){
var snap = Snap($svg[0]);
var w = +$svg.attr('width').replace('px','');
var h = w/2;
if (snap.node.offsetWidth > w) {
w = snap.node.offsetWidth;
var animationLength = 10000;
var paths = snap.selectAll('path');
// loop through every path in the SVG
// these make up the Hayes portrait
var pathData = [];
var totalLength = 0;
// store data for each path
// this will come in handy later
var length = path.getTotalLength();
d: path.attr('d'),
length: length
// set each path's stroke pattern to a single,
// full-length line
"stroke-dasharray": "0 " + length + " " + length,
"stroke-dashoffset": length,
"stroke-linecap": "round"
totalLength += length;
// add a 'remainder' path underneath
// which will be revealed when unraveled
var remainderColor = 'white';'image').after(
opacity: 0.9,
fill: 'none',
stroke: remainderColor,
'stroke-width': path.attr('stroke-width'),
"stroke-linecap": "round"
fill: 'none'
// calculate percentage of unraveling
// each path represents
for (var i = 0; i < pathData.length; i++) {
pathData[i].perc = pathData[i].length/totalLength;
var firstPoint = paths[0].getPointAtLength(0);
// this function runs the animation
// animOpts takes two properties:
// - onMove: callback for moving physics-enabled thread
// - onEnd: callback for unpinning thread
function animatePath(animOpts){
var onMove = animOpts.onMove;
var i = 0;
function anim(){
var path = paths[i];
moveToPoint(path, onMove);
// animated dashoffset to give impression
// that line is disappearing
"stroke-dashoffset": 10
}, (animationLength*pathData[i].perc), function() {
// when finished, make line invisible
path.attr('opacity', 0);
if (paths[i]) {
// run animation for next path
} else {
// unpin thread for finish
// or it'll hang awkwardly
// this controls where the 'loose thread' is pinned to
function moveToPoint(path,callback){
Snap.animate(0, totalLength, function(value) {
movePoint = path.getPointAtLength(value);
if (!isNaN(movePoint.x)) {
}, animationLength);
// new instance of the physics-enabled thread
var threadMove = Thread({
// use the illustration SVG's actual color
color: paths[0].attr('stroke'),
svg: $svg,
start: {
x: paths[0].getPointAtLength(0).x,
y: paths[0].getPointAtLength(0).y
// prevents thread from 'pooling' at the bottom
noPooling: false
return {
init: function(){
onMove: threadMove.move,
onEnd: threadMove.end
} // end unraveling function
// this controls the canvas-based, physics-enabled dangling thread
function Thread(opts) {
// canvas dimensions
var width = +opts.svg.outerWidth();
var height = +opts.svg.outerHeight();
// match coordinate system to our viewBox'd SVG
var mod = {
x: +opts.svg.eq(0).attr('width').replace('px',''),
y: +opts.svg.eq(0).attr('height').replace('px','')
opts = opts || {};
opts.color = opts.color || 'black';
opts.start = opts.start || {x:width/2,y:height};
// VertletJS uses a regular HTML5 canvas
// which in this case goes over the top of the SVG
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'absolute'; = 'inline-block'; = 'right';
// retina stuff
var dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
canvas.width = width*dpr;
canvas.height = height*dpr;
canvas.getContext("2d").scale(dpr, dpr);
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
// create a new physics simulation
// using VertletJS
var sim = new VerletJS(width, height, canvas);
sim.friction = 0.95;
sim.gravity = new Vec2(0,1.5);
opts.start.x = (opts.start.x/mod.x)*width;
opts.start.y = (opts.start.y/mod.y)*height;
// some useful configuration variables
var threadLength = 2;
var joinLength = 10;
var lineWidth = 2;
// reduce complexity if on mobile
// to increase performance
if ($(window).width() < 992) {
joinLength = 15;
lineWidth = 1;
threadLength = 1;
// create entities - ie, the points of the thread
// (which is actually several tiny circles linked together
// with straight lines)
var stiffness = 6;
var vecs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var xx = opts.start.x;
var yy = opts.start.y+(i*joinLength);
vecs.push( new Vec2(xx,yy) );
// combine them into a single line
var segment = sim.lineSegments(vecs, stiffness);
// pin the end of the thread so it dangles
var pin =;
// control how the thread is styled
// using the regular canvas API
segment.drawConstraints = function(ctx, composite) {
ctx.moveTo(composite.particles[0].pos.x, composite.particles[0].pos.y);
for (var i = 1; i < composite.particles.length; i++) {
if(composite.particles[i]) {
ctx.lineTo(composite.particles[i].pos.x, composite.particles[i].pos.y);
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = opts.color;
segment.drawParticles = function(ctx, composite) {
// draw nothing for particles
// animation loop
var loopIndex = 0;
var loop = function() {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// prevent the thread from getting too long
// especially on mobile
var limit = 150;
if ($(window).width() < 992) {
limit = 50;
return {
init: loop,
move: function(x,y){
// this function is called during the unraveling() function
// it moves the pinned particle and increases
// the thread length, giving the illusion of unraveling
var first = segment.particles[0];
var last = segment.particles[segment.particles.length-1];
// only increase it once every 5 loops,
// and only until 150
if ((loopIndex%5 === 0) && (segment.particles.length < 150) && first && first.lastPos) {
var pY = first.lastPos.y+2;
// make sure it doesn't drop off the bottom
// or the thread risks leaping around like a snake
if (pY > sim.height+4) {
pY = sim.height-1;
// add a new particle on the end
// to increase thread length
var newParticle = new Particle({
x: first.lastPos.x,
y: pY
// we need to modify the constrainsts between particles
var newConstraint = new DistanceConstraint( newParticle , segment.particles[1], 2);
// move pinned particle
pin.pos.x = (x/mod.x)*width;
pin.pos.y = (y/mod.y)*height;
end: function(){
// optional: make thread drop out the bottom
if (opts.noPooling){
sim.bounds = function(){};
// when finished, remove pinned particle
delete segment.constraints[segment.constraints.length-1];
delete segment.particles[segment.particles.length-1];
/* Check if Firefox version is below 40, which has an SVG bug */
function oldFF(){
var ffversion = window.navigator.userAgent.split('Firefox/')[1];
if (ffversion && (+ffversion < 40)){
return true;
} else {
return false;
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