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Last active December 30, 2016 23:34
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Docker Kata 005 cluster creation script.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Purpose: Create a Swarm Mode cluster with a single master and a configurable
# number of workers.
# This script is a mirror of the following gist, which is used to
# populate a Medium story. Unfortunately, there's no way to synchronize all
# three
# Medium:
# Gist:
# Set global environment variables
workers=${WORKERS:-"node01 node02 node03 node04"}
# Creates a local Docker Machine VM
# Arguments:
# $1: the name of the Docker Machine
create_machine() {
docker-machine create \
-d virtualbox \
# Function to save configuration loading while we switch Docker Machine
# environment variables
# Arguments:
# $@: the Docker engine commmand that we'll load into the configuration
swarm_master() {
docker $master_conf $@
# The body of our script
main() {
if [ -z "$WORKERS" ]; then
echo "Using default $workers. Set \$WORKERS environment variable to alter."
# Create your master node
echo "Creating master node"
create_machine $master
# Derive useful variables for Swarm setup
master_ip=$(docker-machine ip ${master})
master_conf=$(docker-machine env ${master})
# Initialize the swarm mode
echo "Initializing the swarm mode"
swarm_master swarm init --advertise-addr $master_ip
# Obtain the worker token
worker_token=$(docker ${master_conf} swarm join-token -q worker)
echo "Worker token: ${worker_token}"
# Create and join the workers
for worker in $workers; do
echo "Creating worker ${worker}"
create_machine $worker &
for worker in $workers; do
worker_conf=$(docker-machine config ${worker})
echo "Node $worker information:"
docker $worker_conf swarm join --token $worker_token $master_ip:$swarm_port
# Dsplay the cluster info
echo "====================="
echo "Cluster information"
echo "Discovery token: ${worker_token}"
echo "====================="
echo "Swarm manager setup:"
docker-machine env $master
echo "====================="
echo "Docker Machine cluster status"
docker-machine ls
echo "====================="
echo "Docker Swarm node status"
swarm_master node ls
main $@
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