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Last active September 2, 2018 12:01
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  • Save antimatter15/87e9f88c07e8e4c4f8ed1afc934f2748 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save antimatter15/87e9f88c07e8e4c4f8ed1afc934f2748 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
body {
background: #eee;
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
.paper {
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
width: 350px;
white-space: pre-wrap;
font-family: monospace;
background: white;
display: inline-block;
.paper h1 {
margin: 0;
font: inherit;
font-weight: bold;
background: #ddd;
padding: 5px 10px;
margin: -10px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.label {
background: #fff0d0;
padding: 5px 10px;
margin: 5px 0;
border-radius: 10px;
.paper textarea {
width: 100%;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
min-height: 150px;
background: transparent;
#background {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: -1;
textarea.stale:not(:focus) {
font-style: italic;
background: #fff0d0;
<div id="background"></div>
<div id="root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
const { Component, h } = window.preact;
let functionCache = {};
function render(){
let _ = Symbol('_'), $ = Symbol('$');
let $db = new Map(), $hooks = new Map();
function match_data(obj, pattern, cb, args=[]){
if(pattern.length === 0){
if(obj.has($)) cb(...args);
}else if(pattern[0] === _){
for(let [key, val] of obj.entries())
match_data(val, pattern.slice(1), cb, [...args, key]);
let val = obj.get(pattern[0]);
if(val) match_data(val, pattern.slice(1), cb, args);
function match_patterns(obj, datum, args=[]){
if(datum.length === 0){
for(let cb of obj.get($)) cb(...args);
let next = datum.slice(1);
let a = obj.get(datum[0]),
b = obj.get(_)
if(a) match_patterns(a, next, args);
if(b) match_patterns(b, next, [...args, datum[0]]);
function fill_path(obj, path){
let ptr = obj;
for(let part of path){
if(!ptr.has(part)) ptr.set(part, new Map());
ptr = ptr.get(part)
return ptr
function when(...args){
let cb = args[args.length - 1], pattern = args.slice(0, -1);
claim('when', => k === _ ? '_' : k))
let ptr = fill_path($hooks, pattern)
if(!ptr.has($)) ptr.set($, []);
match_data($db, pattern, cb)
function claim(...args){
let ptr = fill_path($db, args)
if(ptr.has($)) return;
ptr.set($, true)
match_patterns($hooks, args)
let latercb = []
const later = cb => latercb.push(cb)
let newFunctionCache = {}, i) => {
let me = { index: i }
claim(me, 'paper')
claim(me, 'code', code)
try {
newFunctionCache[code] = functionCache[code] ||
new Function('_', 'me', 'when', 'claim', 'later', code)
newFunctionCache[code](_, me, when, claim, later)
} catch (err) {
claim(me, 'error', err)
functionCache = newFunctionCache;
for(let cb of latercb)
try { cb(); } catch (err) { console.error(err) };
const FILENAME = 'papers.js'
function savePapers(){
fetch(FILENAME, {
method: 'PUT',
body: papers.join('\n\n///////////////////////////////////////\n\n')
.then(res => res.text())
.then(res => console.log(res))
let papers;
.then(res => res.text())
.then(text => text.split(/\n+\/{30,}\n+/g))
.then(list => {
papers = list;
claim(me, 'name', 'mouse')
claim(me, 'x', 901)
claim(me, 'y', 29)
when('fox is out', () => {
claim(me, 'wish', 'labelled', 'squeak')
claim(me, 'wish', 'outlined', 'red')
claim(me, 'name', 'fox')
claim(me, 'x', 1075)
claim(me, 'y', 114)
claim('fox is out')
claim(me, 'name', 'leprechaun labeler')
claim(me, 'x', 1531)
claim(me, 'y', 103)
when(_, 'is a leprechaun', (lep) => {
claim(lep, 'wish', 'labelled', 'is a leprechaun')
claim(lep, 'wish', 'background', 'rgb(200, 255, 200)')
claim(me, 'name', 'leprechaun')
claim(me, 'x', 1482)
claim(me, 'y', 370)
claim(me, 'is a leprechaun')
claim(me, 'name', 'bob')
claim(me, 'x', 1306)
claim(me, 'y', 649)
claim(me, 'name', 'bob the leper')
claim(me, 'x', 1726)
claim(me, 'y', 647)
when(_, 'name', 'bob', (person) => {
claim(person, 'is a leprechaun')
claim(me, 'name', 'frog')
claim(me, 'x', 2287)
claim(me, 'y', 25)
claim(me, 'is a frog')
claim(me, 'name', 'label frogs')
claim(me, 'x', 2688)
claim(me, 'y', 174)
when(_, 'is a frog', (lep) => {
claim(lep, 'wish', 'labelled', 'is a frog')
claim(me, 'name', 'hungry snek')
claim(me, 'x', 2259)
claim(me, 'y', 334)
return //disabled
when(_, 'is a frog', (frog) => {
claim(me, 'eats', frog)
claim(frog, 'wish', 'labelled', 'ded')
claim(frog, 'wish', 'outlined', 'red')
claim(me, 'name', 'poison frog')
claim(me, 'x', 2303)
claim(me, 'y', 624)
claim(me, 'is a frog')
claim(me, 'is poison')
claim(me, 'name', 'poison behavior')
claim(me, 'x', 2660)
claim(me, 'y', 356)
when(_, 'is poison', (poison_frog) => {
when(_, 'eats', poison_frog, (snek) => {
claim(snek, 'wish', 'labelled', 'ded')
claim(snek, 'wish', 'outlined', 'red')
claim(me, 'name', 'read-only renderer')
claim(me, 'x', 16)
claim(me, 'y', 258)
return //disabled
when(_, 'paper', obj =>
when(obj, 'code', _, code => {
let el = h('div', { class: 'paper' }, code)
claim('wish', 'preact render', el)
claim(obj, 'el', el)
claim(me, 'name', 'editable renderer')
claim(me, 'x', 87)
claim(me, 'y', 353)
when(_, 'paper', obj =>
when(obj, 'code', _, code => {
let textarea;
function save(){
textarea.lastValue = textarea.value;
papers[obj.index] = textarea.value
let el = h('div', { class: 'paper' }, [
h('textarea', {
ref: e => {
textarea = e;
if(e.lastValue == e.value || !e.value){
e.lastValue = code;
e.value = code;
textarea.lastValue != textarea.value)
onInput: e => {
textarea.lastValue != textarea.value)
onKeyDown: e => {
if((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 83){ // Cmd-S
h('button', {
onClick: e => save()
}, 'Save')
claim('wish', 'preact render', el)
claim(obj, 'el', el)
claim(me, 'name', 'preact')
claim(me, 'x', 38)
claim(me, 'y', 9)
let elements = []
when('wish', 'preact render', _, el => {
later(() => {
let root = document.getElementById('root');
h('div', { }, elements),
claim(me, 'name', 'titlebar')
claim(me, 'x', 508)
claim(me, 'y', 702)
when(_, 'name', _, (obj, name) =>
when(obj, 'el', _, el => {
let h1 = h('h1', { class: 'title' }, name)
claim(obj, 'title', h1)
claim(me, 'name', 'position absolute')
claim(me, 'x', 32)
claim(me, 'y', 626)
when(_, 'paper', obj =>
when(obj, 'x', _, x =>
when(obj, 'y', _, y =>
when(obj, 'el', _, el => { = {,
position: 'absolute',
top: y,
left: x
claim(me, 'name', 'close button')
claim(me, 'x', 504)
claim(me, 'y', 1024)
when(_, 'paper', obj =>
when(obj, 'code', _, code =>
when(obj, 'title', _, el => {
el.children.push(h('button', { style: { float: 'right' }, onClick: () => {
papers.splice(obj.index, 1)
}}, '×'))
claim(me, 'name', 'fork button')
claim(me, 'x', 109)
claim(me, 'y', 1026)
when(_, 'paper', obj =>
when(obj, 'code', _, code =>
when(obj, 'el', _, el => {
el.children.push(h('button', {
onClick: () => {
.replace(/claim\s*\(\s*me\s*,\s*'x'\s*,\s*(\d+)\)/, (a, b) => a.replace(b, +b + 20))
.replace(/claim\s*\(\s*me\s*,\s*'y'\s*,\s*(\d+)\)/, (a, b) => a.replace(b, +b + 40))
}, 'Fork'))
claim(me, 'name', 'toggle button')
claim(me, 'x', 893)
claim(me, 'y', 1041)
when(_, 'paper', obj =>
when(obj, 'code', _, code =>
when(obj, 'title', _, el => {
let enabled = !/\n\nreturn/.test(code);
if(!enabled) claim(obj, 'disabled');
el.children.unshift(h('input', {
type: 'checkbox',
checked: enabled,
onClick: e => {
papers[obj.index] = code.replace(/\n\n+(return[^\n]*)?/, ? '\n\n' : '\n\nreturn //disabled\n')
claim(me, 'name', 'outliner')
claim(me, 'x', 475)
claim(me, 'y', 281)
when(_, 'wish', 'outlined', _, (obj, color) =>
when(obj, 'el', _, el => { = {,
borderColor: color,
borderWidth: 3
claim(me, 'name', 'labeler')
claim(me, 'x', 551)
claim(me, 'y', 338)
when(_, 'wish', 'labelled', _, (obj, text) =>
when(obj, 'el', _, el => {
el.children.push(h('div', { class: 'label' }, text + ''))
claim(me, 'name', 'draw backgrounds')
claim(me, 'x', 628)
claim(me, 'y', 414)
when(_, 'wish', 'background', _, (obj, color) =>
when(obj, 'el', _, el => { = {,
background: color,
claim(me, 'name', 'make titlebar draggable')
claim(me, 'x', 712)
claim(me, 'y', 750)
when(_, 'title', _, (obj, h1) =>
when(obj, 'x', _, x =>
when(obj, 'y', _, y =>
when(obj, 'code', _, code => { = {,
userSelect: 'none',
cursor: 'move'
h1.attributes.onMouseDown = e => {
document.body.onmousemove = k => {
papers[obj.index] = code
(a, b) => a.replace(b, x + k.pageX - e.pageX))
(a, b) => a.replace(b, y + k.pageY - e.pageY))
document.body.onmouseup = k => {
document.body.onmousemove = null;
document.body.onmouseup = null;
claim(me, 'name', 'thingy')
claim(me, 'x', 1484)
claim(me, 'y', 1239)
claim(me, 'name', 'glow when near thingy')
claim(me, 'x', 1960)
claim(me, 'y', 1210)
when(_, 'name', 'thingy', thingy =>
when(me, 'near', thingy, 'with radius', 400, () => {
claim(me, 'wish', 'glow', 'green')
claim(me, 'wish', 'labelled', 'is near thingy')
claim(me, 'name', 'handle proximity')
claim(me, 'x', 2478)
claim(me, 'y', 1240)
when('when', _, 'near', _, 'with radius', _, (page, other, radius) => {
if(other === '_') return; // don't trigger for literal wildcard
//claim(page, 'wish', 'labelled', 'has a geofence')
when(page, 'x', _, page_x =>
when(page, 'y', _, page_y => { // got page xy
when(other, 'x', _, x =>
when(other, 'y', _, y => { // got obj xy
if(Math.abs(page_x - x) < radius
&& Math.abs(page_y - y) < radius){
claim(page, 'near', other, 'with radius', radius)
claim(me, 'name', 'periodically re-render')
claim(me, 'x', 2062)
claim(me, 'y', 2181)
return //disabled
window.renderTimeout = setTimeout(() => render(), 100)
claim(me, 'name', 'current date and time')
claim(me, 'x', 2469)
claim(me, 'y', 2185)
claim(me, 'wish', 'labelled', new Date)
claim(me, 'name', 'display value at whisker')
claim(me, 'x', 311)
claim(me, 'y', 1973)
when(me, 'points up at', _, page =>
when(page, 'value', _, value => {
claim(me, 'wish', 'labelled', value)
claim(me, 'name', 'the answer to life the universe and everything')
claim(me, 'x', 35)
claim(me, 'y', 1666)
claim(me, 'value', 42)
claim(me, 'name', 'whisker behavior')
claim(me, 'x', 457)
claim(me, 'y', 1373)
const WHISKER_LENGTH = 150;
const PAPER_HEIGHT = 213;
const PAPER_WIDTH = 350;
when('when', _, 'points up at', '_', page => {
when(page, 'x', _, page_x =>
when(page, 'y', _, page_y => { // got page xy
let el = h('div', {
style: {
position: 'absolute',
top: page_y - WHISKER_LENGTH,
zIndex: -1,
left: page_x + (PAPER_WIDTH/2),
width: 5,
background: '#ccc'
claim('wish', 'preact render', el)
when(_, 'x', _, (obj, x) =>
when(obj, 'y', _, y => {
if(Math.abs(page_x - x) < PAPER_WIDTH / 2
&& Math.abs(page_y - PAPER_HEIGHT - y) < WHISKER_LENGTH
&& obj !== page){ = {,
background: '#acacff'
claim(page, 'points up at', obj)
claim(me, 'name', 'extract x coordinate')
claim(me, 'x', 455)
claim(me, 'y', 1686)
when(me, 'points up at', _, page =>
when(page, 'x', _, value => {
claim(me, 'value', value)
claim(me, 'name', 'extract y coordinate')
claim(me, 'x', 887)
claim(me, 'y', 1647)
when(me, 'points up at', _, page =>
when(page, 'y', _, value => {
claim(me, 'value', value)
claim(me, 'name', 'output as hue')
claim(me, 'x', 598)
claim(me, 'y', 2017)
when(me, 'points up at', _, page =>
when(page, 'value', _, value => {
claim(me, 'wish', 'background', 'hsl(' + value + ', 100%, 50%)')
claim(me, 'name', 'number of pages')
claim(me, 'x', 1299)
claim(me, 'y', 1653)
claim(me, 'value', papers.length)
claim(me, 'name', 'UNIX timestamp')
claim(me, 'x', 1683)
claim(me, 'y', 1615)
claim(me, 'value', / 100)
claim(me, 'name', 'Slider Input')
claim(me, 'x', 2100)
claim(me, 'y', 1585)
claim(me, 'value', 24)
when(me, 'value', _, value =>
when(me, 'code', _, code =>
when(me, 'el', _, el => {
el.children.push(h('input', {
type: 'range',
value: value,
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
onInput: e => {
papers[me.index] = code
(a, b) => a.replace(b,
claim(me, 'name', 'output as progress bar')
claim(me, 'x', 2108)
claim(me, 'y', 1899)
when(me, 'points up at', _, page =>
when(page, 'value', _, value =>
when(me, 'el', _, el => {
el.children.push(h('progress', {
value: value % 100,
max: 100
claim(me, 'name', 'extract code length')
claim(me, 'x', 2471)
claim(me, 'y', 1535)
when(me, 'points up at', _, page =>
when(page, 'code', _, value => {
claim(me, 'value', value.length)
claim(me, 'name', 'output as my rotation')
claim(me, 'x', 1674)
claim(me, 'y', 1934)
when(me, 'points up at', _, page =>
when(page, 'value', _, value =>
when(me, 'el', _, el => { = {,
transform: `rotate(${value}deg)`
// based on
claim(me, 'name', 'Made-up claim demo')
claim(me, 'x', 3442)
claim(me, 'y', 1527)
claim(me, 'blahblahblah')
// based on
claim(me, 'name', 'Made-up claim when demo')
claim(me, 'x', 3488)
claim(me, 'y', 1763)
when(_, 'blahblahblah', page => {
claim(page, 'wish', 'background', '#007fff')
claim(me, 'name', 'Button Counter')
claim(me, 'x', 2533)
claim(me, 'y', 1798)
claim(me, 'value', 8)
when(me, 'value', _, value =>
when(me, 'code', _, code =>
when(me, 'el', _, el => {
el.children.push(h('button', {
style: {
display: 'block',
fontSize: 32
onClick: e => {
papers[me.index] = code
(a, b) => a.replace(b, (+b)+1))
}, `Clicked ${value} times`))
claim(me, 'name', 'Button Counter Resetter')
claim(me, 'x', 2921)
claim(me, 'y', 1884)
claim(me, 'value', 82)
when(_, 'name', 'Button Counter', page =>
when(page, 'value', _, value =>
when(page, 'code', _, code =>
when(me, 'el', _, el => {
el.children.push(h('button', {
style: {
display: 'block',
fontSize: 32
onClick: e => {
papers[page.index] = code
(a, b) => a.replace(b, 0))
}, `Reset Button`))
claim(me, 'name', 'display value at whisker')
claim(me, 'x', 1287)
claim(me, 'y', 1915)
when(me, 'points up at', _, page =>
when(page, 'value', _, value => {
claim(me, 'wish', 'labelled', value)
claim(me, 'name', 'highlight long code snippets')
claim(me, 'x', 2967)
claim(me, 'y', 1413)
when(_, 'code', _, (page, value) => {
if(value.split('\n').length > 25){
claim(page, 'wish', 'background', 'rgb(255,200,255)')
claim(me, 'name', 'frog')
claim(me, 'x', 3083)
claim(me, 'y', 84)
claim(me, 'is a frog')
claim(me, 'name', 'frog')
claim(me, 'x', 3103)
claim(me, 'y', 124)
claim(me, 'is a frog')
claim(me, 'name', 'frog')
claim(me, 'x', 3123)
claim(me, 'y', 164)
claim(me, 'is a frog')
claim(me, 'name', 'frog')
claim(me, 'x', 3143)
claim(me, 'y', 204)
claim(me, 'is a frog')
claim(me, 'name', 'frog')
claim(me, 'x', 3163)
claim(me, 'y', 244)
claim(me, 'is a frog')
claim(me, 'name', 'frog')
claim(me, 'x', 3191)
claim(me, 'y', 287)
claim(me, 'is a frog')
claim(me, 'name', 'glower')
claim(me, 'x', 712)
claim(me, 'y', 468)
when(_, 'wish', 'glow', _, (obj, color) =>
when(obj, 'el', _, el => { = {,
boxShadow: `0 0 30px ${color}`,
# based on
import argparse
import http.server
import os
class HTTPRequestHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_PUT(self):
path = self.translate_path(self.path)
if path.endswith('/'):
self.send_response(405, "Method Not Allowed")
self.wfile.write("PUT not allowed on a directory\n".encode())
except FileExistsError: pass
length = int(self.headers['Content-Length'])
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
self.send_response(201, "Created")
self.wfile.write(("Saved %d bytes to '%s'\n" % (length, path)).encode())
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--bind', '-b', default='', metavar='ADDRESS',
help='Specify alternate bind address '
'[default: all interfaces]')
parser.add_argument('port', action='store',
default=8000, type=int,
help='Specify alternate port [default: 8000]')
args = parser.parse_args()
http.server.test(HandlerClass=HTTPRequestHandler, port=args.port, bind=args.bind)
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