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Created November 21, 2017 22:48
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Reconstruction of Switzerland using swisscom open data (trips between cantons)
kt pop
ZH 1466.4
BE 1017.5
LU 398.8
UR 36.0
SZ 154.1
OW 37.1
NW 42.4
GL 40.0
ZG 122.1
FR 307.5
SO 266.4
BS 191.8
BL 283.2
SH 79.8
AR 54.5
AI 16.0
SG 499.1
GR 196.6
AG 653.7
TG 267.4
TI 351.9
VD 773.4
VS 335.7
NE 178.1
GE 484.7
JU 72.8
# read swisscom open data from
# already downloaded:
m0 = read.delim("trips-der-reisenden-zwischen-schweizer-kantonen.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";", quote = "\"",
dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "")
# remove unnecessary connections
m0 = subset(m0, Ziel.Kanton != 'Undefined')
m0 = subset(m0, Start.Kanton != 'Undefined')
m0 = subset(m0, Start.Kanton != Ziel.Kanton)
# m0 = m0[m0$Start.Kanton != 'Undefined',]
m0$Start.Kanton = factor(m0$Start.Kanton)
m0$Ziel.Kanton = factor(m0$Ziel.Kanton)
m = m0
kt = c("Aargau" = "AG", "Appenzell Ausserrhoden" = "AR", "Appenzell Innerrhoden" = "AI","Basel-Landschaft" = "BL", "Basel-Stadt" = "BS",
"Bern" = "BE", "Fribourg" = "FR", "Geneva" = "GE", "Grisons" = "GR", "Jura" = "JU", "Lucerne" = "LU", "Neuchâtel" = "NE",
"Nidwalden" = "NW", "Obwalden" = "OW", "Schaffhausen" = "SH", "Schwyz" = "SZ", "Solothurn" = "SO", "St. Gallen" = "SG",
"Thurgau" = "TG", "Ticino" = "TI", "Uri" = "UR", "Valais" = "VS", "Vaud" = "VD", "Zug" = "ZG", "Zurich" = "ZH")
m$kt.start <- revalue(m$Start.Kanton, kt)
m$kt.ziel <- revalue(m$Ziel, kt)
m = subset(m, select = c("kt.start", "kt.ziel", "Anzahl.Reisende"))
# simple way to make the distance matrix symmetric
m2 = m
names(m2) = c("kt.ziel", "kt.start", "Anzahl.Reisende")
m = rbind(m,m2)
# we are just interested in the sums and not individual dates
ma = aggregate(m$Anzahl.Reisende, list(m$kt.start, m$kt.ziel), sum)
names(ma) = c("kt.start", "kt.ziel", "Anzahl.Reisende")
# population 2015 originally copied table at
pop = read.delim("pop.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "\"",
dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "")
ma = merge (ma, pop, by.x="kt.start", by.y="kt")
ma = rename(ma, c("pop" = "pop.start"))
ma = merge (ma, pop, by.x="kt.ziel", by.y="kt")
ma = rename(ma, c("pop" = "pop.ziel"))
# gravitation model: F = (P1 * P2) / (distance^2)
# therefore dist:
ma$dist = sqrt(ma$pop.start * ma$pop.ziel / ma$Anzahl.Reisende)
# matrix
ma = with(ma, tapply(dist, list(kt.start, kt.ziel),"[[",1))
d = ma
d[] = 0
fit <- isoMDS(d, k=2)
# plot solution
x <- -fit$points[,1]
y <- fit$points[,2]
plot(x, y, xlab="", ylab="",
main="Nonmetric MDS", type="n", asp=1, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)
text(x, y, labels = row.names(fit$points), cex=1.1)
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aquilo commented Nov 21, 2017


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