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Created September 20, 2015 14:35
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Electricity vs. Population: any correlation?
Municipality NaturalGasuse Electricityuse Wateruse Population Populationdensity Medianage Averageincomeperinh Officefloorarea area
Anderlecht 984522 418180 4985242 113462 6394.34 36.7 11261.46 524024.95 17.74
Auderghem 320704 115611 1447865 32350 3581.14 40.1 17696.27 321760.72 9.03
Berchem-Sainte-Agathe 176914 72438 887951 23410 7936.79 38.95 15046.42 90167.02 2.95
Bruxelles 2573584 1686285 11976359 168576 5170.1 36.23 11864.3 6428826.88 32.61
Etterbeek 450486 183664 2168804 46228 14678.71 37.31 13610.23 358748.68 3.15
Evere 290449 215504 1607681 37364 7445.83 38.89 13191.12 399182.19 5.02
Forest 545031 139242 2483845 54024 8646.42 37.56 13746.41 135030.32 6.25
Ganshoren 178241 52290 875849 23664 9638.24 40.52 15004.99 18431.33 2.46
Ixelles 926258 343715 4658527 84216 13273.6 37.65 14512.63 939731.17 6.34
Jette 406521 131501 1975850 49411 9797.29 38.52 14371.01 61758.5 5.04
Koekelberg 124386 44221 791382 21025 17932.2 35.78 12195.21 30600.32 1.17
Molenbeek-Saint-Jean 519024 212687 3501007 94653 16065.23 34.77 9844.19 402963.29 5.89
Saint-Gilles 445780 172708 2693971 50377 19953.36 35.73 11487.78 532159.4 2.52
Saint-Josse-ten-Noode 260427 183108 1531589 27207 23817.8 33.18 8241.88 958689.4 1.14
Schaerbeek 920251 331260 5360875 130587 16042.7 34.62 10906.66 751794.71 8.14
Uccle 912934 269110 3779824 80487 3513.18 41.67 18706.78 241409.7 22.91
Watermael-Boitsfort 290179 89269 1141538 24467 1891.83 42.44 19130.74 242765.6 12.93
Woluwe-Saint-Lambert 567628 240750 2639277 52592 7279.33 40.85 16403 412974.99 7.22
Woluwe-Saint-Pierre 434530 118082 1923506 40535 4579.51 41.91 18850.44 187846.65 8.85
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h1>Electricity use vs. Population in Brussels municipalities: any correlation? &nbsp; </h1>
<p>Source: Electricity use <a href="" style="color: orange">SIBELGA</a>, 2011; Population <a href="" style="color: orange">IBSA</a>, 2011 &nbsp; </p>
<br>This graph presents the relationship between electricity use and the number of inhabitants in Brussels Capital Region municipalities. </br>
<br>While it is visible that most municipalities are grouped at the bottom left part of the graph and seem to have a high correlation coefficient, there is an outliar at the top right corner. This municipality (Brussels) is by far the largest and has a number of offices that distort this graph. </br>
<br>By hovering your mouse on the data points you can read the exact values (Electricity use and Population) of each municipality. This option is still a bit shaky at the moment.</br>
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