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Created July 3, 2015 15:08
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annotated pixel script
//declaring an anonymous self executing function
//this function is declared and immediately executed
//@Parameters - t= window, e= document
! function(t, e) {
// if FQTag is not present in window object already, initialize it with following function
// the argument to this function 'o' is of the form as shown below-
// {
// "org": "keswu4ug7detrumayur3",
// "s": "${AUCTION_ID}",
// "p": "${SELLER_MEMBER_ID}",
// "a": "${SITE_ID}",
// "cmp": "${CREATIVE_ID}",
// "fmt": "banner",
// "rd": "URL",
// "ctu": "CTURL",
// "ad": "ElementID",
// "rt": "display",
// "sl": "1",
// "fq": "1"
// }
t.FQTag = t.FQTag || function(o) {
var n, r = t.encodeURIComponent,
i = ["s", "r", "c"].join(""), // i = "src"
a = ["i", "n", "n", "e", "r", "H", "T", "M", "L"].join(""), // a= "inneHTML"
l = ["aux=1"],
s = "",
d = "s" + Math.floor(1000000001 * Math.random()); // random string of the form s2093482034
//populating the passed object with more properties
o.iif = != t.location, //boolean- if the script is inside an iframe or the main page?
o.rf || (o.rf = e.referrer), // string - domain from where did i arrive this page from
//if the length of the above URI is greatere than 1000, and it does not contain any query params, extract the initial part before query params
//as we might not be interessted in the latter part
o.rf.length > 1e3 && (o.rf.indexOf("?") > -1 ? o.rf = o.rf.split("?")[0] : o.rf.indexOf("%3F") && (o.rf = o.rf.split("%3F")[0])),
// URL of the current page/iframe, the script is in
o.loc || (o.loc = e.location),
// same logic as above, trim this URL if too long
o.loc.length > 1e3 && (o.loc.indexOf("?") > -1 ? o.loc = o.loc.split("?")[0] : o.loc.indexOf("%3F") && (o.loc = o.loc.split("%3F")[0])),
// timestamp plus random string - used as a UUID whenever this script executes
o.s = o.s || (new Date).getTime().toString(36) + "-" + Math.floor(4294967296 * (1 + Math.random())).toString(16).substring(1);
//iterate over all properties of the object o
for (var c in o)
// push each property and value in the array l as a string in the form of propertyName=propertyValue
// if a property called "rt" is present , skip it, and instead, initialize the variable n with its value
o.hasOwnProperty(c) && ("rt" === c ? n = r(o[c]) : l.push(r(c) + "=" + r(o[c])));
//if n isstill not initialized, in case "rt" was not present in o, initialize it with "click"
// in this example however, it was present and its value was "diaplay"
n = n || "click",
// make a long string by concatenating all elements of array l
// so basically l is a string representation of the full object o now
l = l.join("&");
//function which takes two arguments t and e
// t is a script tag
// e is a function
// the calls e (if passed) when script t is fully loaded
var f = function(t, e) {
var o = !1; //false
t.onload = t.onreadystatechange = function() {
o || this.readyState && "loaded" != this.readyState && "complete" != this.readyState || (o = !0, t.onload = t.onreadystatechange = null, e && e())
// create a div tag
h = e.createElement("div");
// initialize it one pixel tall and wide (basically this is what we call as pixel) = = "1px", = = "0", = "absolute", = "none";
//create a script tag
var p = e.createElement("script");
//asign it the source attribe as -
// (random string d) (rt)
// | |
// (the whole o obj properties as key=value)
p[i] = s + ".js?cId=" + d + "&rt=js&irt=" + n + "&" + l,
// pass this script tag to function f to load it
var m = "__sp_iframe_" + Math.floor(1000000001 * Math.random()),
y = s + "?rt=" + n + "&" + l; // y = (the whole o obj properties as key=value)
// put an iframe inside the pixel div h
// <iframe id="__sp_iframe_29384723947" src=" (the whole o obj properties as key=value)" name="__sp_iframe_29384723947" style="border:0;height:1px;margin:0;padding:0;width:1px"></iframe>
// this will put a pixel on the page
h[a] = '<iframe id="' + m + '" src="' + y + '" name="' + m + '" style="border:0;height:1px;margin:0;padding:0;width:1px"></iframe>';
// function g
// checks if the document is loaded, if not retries until it is loaded (body tag present on page)
// it then inserts the script tag p inside the pixel h and again inserts the pixel h on the page body
// this will essentially place the pixel on page, until now pixel was just being prepared
var g = function() {
if (e.body) {
// place script inside pixel
// place pixel inside page body
// pick up the pixel(iframe) from the page
var o = e.getElementById(m),
// random string
n = "s_" + d,
// a function r which is executed when iframe is loaded
r = function() {
// after iframe is loaded, it runs some script from which might place some property called __sp on the global window object
// it keeps checking the presence of this property on the page until is is present after some logic is run in the script loaded by pixel
t.__sP && t.__sP[n] ? (t.__sP[n](o, y), o.onload = o.onreadystatechange = null) : setTimeout(r, 10)
// call function r when iframe is loaded
f(o, r)
} else setTimeout(g, 0)
//call function g
}(window, document);
//this is again a self executing function which gets initialized and executed after the first one
! function() {
// call the function FQTag, which was initialized in the above function with following object-
// the values that you see in the form ${} are macros which are dynamically inserted on the server in this script
// and their actual value would be different when the scrpit executes
"org": "keswu4ug7detrumayur3",
"s": "${AUCTION_ID}",
"a": "${SITE_ID}",
"cmp": "${CREATIVE_ID}",
"fmt": "banner",
"rd": "URL",
"ctu": "CTURL",
"ad": "ElementID",
"rt": "display",
"sl": "1",
"fq": "1"
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