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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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type price mpgCity driveTrain passengers weight
small 15.9 25 front 5 2705
midsize 33.9 18 front 5 3560
midsize 37.7 19 front 6 3405
midsize 30 22 rear 4 3640
midsize 15.7 22 front 6 2880
large 20.8 19 front 6 3470
large 23.7 16 rear 6 4105
midsize 26.3 19 front 5 3495
large 34.7 16 front 6 3620
midsize 40.1 16 front 5 3935
midsize 15.9 21 front 6 3195
large 18.8 17 rear 6 3910
large 18.4 20 front 6 3515
large 29.5 20 front 6 3570
small 9.2 29 front 5 2270
small 11.3 23 front 5 2670
midsize 15.6 21 front 6 3080
small 12.2 29 front 5 2295
large 19.3 20 front 6 3490
small 7.4 31 front 4 1845
small 10.1 23 front 5 2530
midsize 20.2 21 front 5 3325
large 20.9 18 rear 6 3950
small 8.4 46 front 4 1695
small 12.1 42 front 4 2350
small 8 29 front 5 2345
small 10 22 front 5 2620
midsize 13.9 20 front 5 2885
midsize 47.9 17 rear 5 4000
midsize 28 18 front 5 3510
midsize 35.2 18 rear 4 3515
midsize 34.3 17 front 6 3695
large 36.1 18 rear 6 4055
small 8.3 29 front 4 2325
small 11.6 28 front 5 2440
midsize 61.9 19 rear 5 3525
midsize 14.9 19 rear 5 3610
small 10.3 29 front 5 2295
midsize 26.1 18 front 5 3730
small 11.8 29 front 5 2545
midsize 21.5 21 front 5 3200
midsize 16.3 23 front 5 2890
large 20.7 19 front 6 3470
small 9 31 front 4 2350
midsize 18.5 19 front 5 3450
large 24.4 19 front 6 3495
small 11.1 28 front 5 2495
small 8.4 33 4WD 4 2045
small 10.9 25 4WD 5 2490
small 8.6 39 front 4 1965
small 9.8 32 front 5 2055
midsize 18.2 22 front 5 3030
small 9.1 25 front 4 2240
midsize 26.7 20 front 5 3245
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Scatterplot of various numerical attributes of 54 cars. Plot different variables against each other to visualize interesting trends in the data.
<div class="separator"></div>
<p> X (horizontal axis) </p>
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<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu2">
<script type="text/javascript">
var variables = ["passengers", "weight", "price", "mpgCity"];
var names = {"passengers" : "Passengers",
"weight" : "Weight (pounds)",
"price" : "Price ($1000s)",
"mpgCity" : "Miles Per Gallon"}
menu = $(".dropdown-menu");
variables.forEach(function(element, index, array){
menu.append("<li role='presentation'><a role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' href='#'>"
+ names[element]
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var scatterplot = function(var1, var2){
d3.csv("../static/data/00/cars.csv", function(error, data) {
data.forEach(function(d) {
d[var1] = +d[var1];
d[var2] = +d[var2];
x.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d[var1]; })).nice();
y.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d[var2]; })).nice();
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.attr("cx", function(d) { return x(d[var1]); })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return y(d[var2]); })
insertHTML = "";
insertHTML = insertHTML + variable + " : " + d[variable] + "<br/>"
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template: '<div class="tooltip" role="tooltip"><div class="tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>',
title: insertHTML,
trigger: 'hover focus click'
.on("mouseover", function(d){
.style("opacity", .9);
str = "";
variables.forEach(function(element, index, array){
str = str + element + " : " + d[element] + "<br/>"
return str;
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function wrap(text, width) {
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return displacedHeight;
var displayNote = function(var1, var2){
if(var1 == var2) {
note1 ='svg').append('text')
.text("Note: You've plotted a variable against itself. That's why the points are in line perfectly!")
.attr("class", "note")
.call(wrap, 150);
if(var1 == variables[0] || var2 == variables[0]) {'svg').append('text')
.text("Note: You've plotted using the passengers variable. This quantity is discrete, and can sensibly only take on values 4, 5, 6!")
.attr("class", "note")
.attr("y",[0]['bottom'] + 20)
.call(wrap, 150);
var1Name = $("#dropdownMenu1").text();
var2Name = $("#dropdownMenu2").text();
var1 = Object.keys(names).filter(function(key) {return names[key] === var1Name})[0];
var2 = Object.keys(names).filter(function(key) {return names[key] === var2Name})[0];
scatterplot(var1, var2);
displayNote(var1, var2);
$('#dropdownMenu1').siblings("ul").find("a:contains(" + names[variables[1]] +")").click();
$('#dropdownMenu2').siblings("ul").find("a:contains(" + names[variables[2]] +")").click();
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