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Last active May 17, 2020 08:41
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Unemployment rate according to several sources

This is an example of simultaneously fetching data from several JSON-stat compatible APIs using async/await and displaying each datum as soon as it is available.

For a similar example where the table is only filled once all the data have been fetched, see Unemployment in Norway according to different sources.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Unemployment rate</title>
<link href="|Montserrat:700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="/d/8e7f41e61eb9576ea016e8c624d81400/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src=",npm/jsonstat-utils@2.5.5"></script>
const sources=[
id: "no",
label: "Norway", //table label
geo: null, //No need to filter the data for a geo
countries: [ { id: "no" } ], // provides data for NO
process: null, //No need to post-process the data
method: "post",
url: "",
data: {
"query": [
"code": "ContentsCode",
"selection": {
"filter": "item",
"values": [
"code": "Tid",
"selection": {
"filter": "top",
"values": [
"response": {
"format": "json-stat2"
id: "dk",
label: "Denmark",
geo: null,
countries: [ { id: "dk" } ],
process: null,
method: "get",
url: "*"
id: "fi",
label: "Finland",
geo: null,
countries: [ { id: "fi" } ],
process: null,
method: "post",
url: "",
data: {
"query": [
"code": "Vuosi",
"selection": {
"filter": "top",
"values": ["5"]
"code": "Sukupuoli",
"selection": {
"filter": "item",
"values": [
"code": "Ikäluokka",
"selection": {
"filter": "item",
"values": [
"code": "Tiedot",
"selection": {
"filter": "item",
"values": [
"response": {
"format": "json-stat"
/* Italy was the first country to support JSON-STAT. Unfortunately, it does not support JSON-stat anymore
id: "it",
label: "Italy",
time: "IDTIME", //No time role available
geo: null,
countries: [ { id: "it" } ],
process: (ds, f)=>ds.toTable({type: "arrobj"}, e=>{ if(e["IDTIME"].length===4) { return e[f]; } }),
method: "get",
url: ",6,3,26,12,7,16,0&lang=1"
id: "eurostat",
label: null, //not a table
time: "time", //No time role available
geo: "geo",
countries: [
{ id: "no", value: "NO" },
{ id: "dk", value: "DK" },
{ id: "fi", value: "FI" }
/* Italy is gone: { id: "it", value: "IT" }*/
method: "get",
url: ""
id: "oecd",
label: null, //not a table
geo: "COUNTRY",
countries: [
{ id: "no", value: "NOR" },
{ id: "dk", value: "DNK" },
{ id: "fi", value: "FIN" }
/* Italy is gone { id: "it", value: "ITA" } */
process: null,
method: "get",
url: ""
id: "unece",
label: null, //not a table
time: "Year", //No time role available
geo: "Country",
countries: [
{ id: "no", value: "578" },
{ id: "dk", value: "208" },
{ id: "fi", value: "246" }
/* Italy is gone { id: "it", value: "380" } */
process: null,
method: "post",
url: "",
data: {
"query": [
"code": "Country",
"selection": {
"filter": "item",
"values": [
"208", //DK
"246", //FI
// Italy is gone "380", //IT
"578" //NO
}/*, There seems to be a problem with UNECE's API: wrong support of PC-Axis "top"
"code": "Year",
"selection": {
"filter": "top",
"values": ["5"]
"response": {
"format": "json-stat"
//Build table
let html="";
sources.forEach(async (e)=>{
html+=`<table id="${}"><caption>Unemployment rate in ${e.label}</caption><colgroup><col /><col span="2" /><col span="2" /><col span="2" /><col span="2" /></colgroup><thead><tr><th class="void" rowspan="2"></th><th colspan="2">Last period</th><th colspan="2">Last period &minus; 1</th><th colspan="2">Last period &minus; 2</th><th colspan="2">Last period &minus; 3</th></tr><tr><th class="time">Year</th><th class="value">Value</th><th class="time">Year</th><th class="value">Value</th><th class="time">Year</th><th class="value">Value</th><th class="time">Year</th><th class="value">Value</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr class="${}"><th>NSO</th><td class="t0 time"></td><td class="t0 value"></td><td class="t1 time"></td><td class="t1 value"></td><td class="t2 time"></td><td class="t2 value"></td><td class="t3 time"></td><td class="t3 value"></td></tr><tr class="eurostat"><th>Eurostat</th><td class="t0 time"></td><td class="t0 value"></td><td class="t1 time"></td><td class="t1 value"></td><td class="t2 time"></td><td class="t2 value"></td><td class="t3 time"></td><td class="t3 value"></td></tr><tr class="oecd"><th>OECD</th><td class="t0 time"></td><td class="t0 value"></td><td class="t1 time"></td><td class="t1 value"></td><td class="t2 time"></td><td class="t2 value"></td><td class="t3 time"></td><td class="t3 value"></td></tr><tr class="unece"><th>UNECE</th><td class="t0 time"></td><td class="t0 value"></td><td class="t1 time"></td><td class="t1 value"></td><td class="t2 time"></td><td class="t2 value"></td><td class="t3 time"></td><td class="t3 value"></td></tr></tbody></table>`;
sources.forEach(async (e,i)=>{
const options={ method: e.method };
res=await fetch(e.url, options),
json=await res.json(),
ds=JSONstat( json.structure ? JSONstatUtils.fromSDMX(json) : json).Dataset(0),
time=ds.Dimension( ds.role && ds.role.time ? ds.role.time[0] : source.time )
filter=source.geo ? [[source.geo, country.value]] : {},
value=(source.process) ? source.process(ds, "value") : ds.Data(filter, false),
idclass="#"" ."+id+" .t"
for(let j=0; j<4; j++){
document.querySelector(idclass+j+".time").innerText=(source.process) ? source.process(ds, source.time)[last-j] : time.Category(last-j).label;
document.querySelector(idclass+j+".value").innerText=(value[last-j]) ? value[last-j].toFixed(1)+" %" : "—";
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