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Last active May 22, 2024 11:11
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Save bancek/b37b780292540ed2d17d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CUE splitter using ffmpeg (to mp3)
cue_file = 'file.cue'
d = open(cue_file).read().splitlines()
general = {}
tracks = []
current_file = None
for line in d:
if line.startswith('REM GENRE '):
general['genre'] = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[2:])
if line.startswith('REM DATE '):
general['date'] = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[2:])
if line.startswith('PERFORMER '):
general['artist'] = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:]).replace('"', '')
if line.startswith('TITLE '):
general['album'] = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:]).replace('"', '')
if line.startswith('FILE '):
current_file = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:-1]).replace('"', '')
if line.startswith(' TRACK '):
track = general.copy()
track['track'] = int(line.strip().split(' ')[1], 10)
if line.startswith(' TITLE '):
tracks[-1]['title'] = ' '.join(line.strip().split(' ')[1:]).replace('"', '')
if line.startswith(' PERFORMER '):
tracks[-1]['artist'] = ' '.join(line.strip().split(' ')[1:]).replace('"', '')
if line.startswith(' INDEX 01 '):
t = map(int, ' '.join(line.strip().split(' ')[2:]).replace('"', '').split(':'))
tracks[-1]['start'] = 60 * t[0] + t[1] + t[2] / 100.0
for i in range(len(tracks)):
if i != len(tracks) - 1:
tracks[i]['duration'] = tracks[i + 1]['start'] - tracks[i]['start']
for track in tracks:
metadata = {
'artist': track['artist'],
'title': track['title'],
'album': track['album'],
'track': str(track['track']) + '/' + str(len(tracks))
if 'genre' in track:
metadata['genre'] = track['genre']
if 'date' in track:
metadata['date'] = track['date']
cmd = 'ffmpeg'
cmd += ' -b:a 320k'
cmd += ' -i "%s"' % current_file
cmd += ' -ss %.2d:%.2d:%.2d' % (track['start'] / 60 / 60, track['start'] / 60 % 60, int(track['start'] % 60))
if 'duration' in track:
cmd += ' -t %.2d:%.2d:%.2d' % (track['duration'] / 60 / 60, track['duration'] / 60 % 60, int(track['duration'] % 60))
cmd += ' ' + ' '.join('-metadata %s="%s"' % (k, v) for (k, v) in metadata.items())
cmd += ' "%.2d - %s - %s.mp3"' % (track['track'], track['artist'], track['title'])
print cmd
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OscarL commented Mar 10, 2021

@holesocks: that's the idea! The script I have in progress it's called "", and it let's you select format/codec/bitrate/etc... albeit personally will only use it to do .flac to .flac splitting (particularly due to your comments regarding frame-level splitting).

Using ffmpeg you can do splitting without re-conversion, but there's a bug in ffmpeg, and the split files end up all having the right size, but the wrong duration in them (and tend to confuse some media players). I just resort to "flac 2 flac" with the default compression level (fast enough even on my old CPU) and files work ok.

I've intentionally kept this gist as close to the original as possible (while fixing the most glaring errors), because maybe other fellows can do like me... and use it for practicing their programming with a simple, but concrete project.

Thanks for your feedback, and greetings from Argentina! :-)

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ghost commented May 7, 2021

Thank you 🙏

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I made this FFmpeg based command line utility, it has some interesting options and is flexible enough for most needs, the results seem accurate.

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