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Created March 9, 2014 20:03
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from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
import types
import dis
import os
import struct
import sys
def _unpack(s):
if len(s) == 2:
return struct.unpack(b'<H', s)[0]
return struct.unpack(b'<B', s)[0]
def readop(buf, i):
"""read an opcode. return (name, argument, length in bytes)"""
op = _unpack(buf[i])
if op < dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
return (dis.opname[op], None, 1)
if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG:
arg = _unpack(buf[i+1:i+3]) * (2**16) + _unpack(buf[i+4:i+6])
op = _unpack(buf[i+3])
return (dis.opname[op], arg, 6)
return (dis.opname[op], _unpack(buf[i+1:i+3]), 3)
def makeop(op, arg=None, len_=None):
"""build an opcode. if len_ is specified, pad with NOP until it's
long enough, or error if it's longer"""
if not isinstance(op, (int, long)):
op = dis.opmap[op]
if op < dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
assert arg is None
s = struct.pack(b'<B', op)
assert arg is not None
if arg >= 2**16:
s = struct.pack(b'<BHBH', dis.EXTENDED_ARG, arg >> 16, op, arg & 0xFFFF)
s = struct.pack(b'<BH', op, arg)
if len_ is not None:
assert len(s) <= len_
while len(s) < len_:
s += dis.opmap['NOP']
return s
def _get_plain():
def plain():
return plain
def get_function_in_context(g):
"""make a function with no local variables or closures with a given __globals__"""
return eval(_get_plain.__code__, g, {})
def execute(frame, *rv):
"""jump back into a frame, and execute it until it next returns.
if anything is passed for 'rv', it should be a single object, which we will pretend
was just returned from a function. for this to work, the frame's instruction pointer
must be pointing at a CALL_FUNCTION or similar opcode.
won't work on generators."""
# we need a frame because it contains the lasti
co = frame.f_code
lo = frame.f_locals
consts = co.co_consts
# if we're to fake a return from a function call, we NOP out the function call as well
# it's always the instruction at the instruction pointer; we can read this one and
# make sure it's a function call operation.
# we then add an extra constant (which might not really be constant) to the code object,
# and add an instruction to load that constant (so it takes the place in the stack of
# the return value).
if rv:
# insert a new constant and load it
consts = consts + (rv[0],)
# read the function call op, just to make sure it doesn't have >65535 arguments...
op = readop(co.co_code, frame.f_lasti)
initial = makeop('LOAD_CONST', len(consts) - 1)
lasti = frame.f_lasti + op[2]
initial = b''
lasti = frame.f_lasti
# we need to load our locals
# attempt to jump over our NOPs if we have room
jump = makeop('JUMP_FORWARD', lasti - len(initial) - 3, 3)
if len(initial + jump) < lasti:
initial = initial + jump
# NOP out the code body leading up to the last executed instruction
# (or possibly the instruction after that, if we're faking a return)
new = initial + chr(dis.opmap['NOP']) * (lasti - len(initial)) + co.co_code[lasti:]
# give the new code all its locals as arguments
# (it's the only sane way to get python to recognize them)
argcount = co.co_nlocals
argseq = [lo.get(n, None) for n in co.co_varnames]
# build the new code object)
flags = co.co_flags & ~12
newco = types.CodeType(
if 'RECKLESS_DEBUG' in os.environ:
# we have to hack sys.stdout because 'dis' doesn't have an option to disassemble
# to a string
stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
print('\n== showing bytecode-patching information for {0} in {1} =='.format(co.co_name, co.co_filename), file=sys.stderr)
print('before:', file=sys.stderr)
print('after:', file=sys.stderr)
print('\n', file=sys.stderr)
sys.stdout = stdout
# bake a new function, replace its code object with the hacked up one above, and
# execute it with the local variables from the original frame as its args
context = get_function_in_context(frame.f_globals)
context.__code__ = newco
return context(*argseq)
def advance_frame(frame):
"""trick python into advancing a frame's instruction pointer by one line"""
oldtrace = frame.f_trace
frame.f_trace = sys.gettrace()
frame.f_lineno += 1
frame.f_trace = oldtrace
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