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Binary Heap implementation in Scala. It can be used for priority queue. In addition to standard Priority Queue available in Java or Scala, this supports delete and update on K-V pair(Priority is defined by Value) with addition pointer/map stored to the keys.
package util
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Single Array Based Binary Min Heap
class BinaryHeap[T]{
/* key:priority pair; the ordering is on the priority. */
private class KVPair(val key: T, val value: Double) extends Ordered[KVPair] {
override def toString: String = "(" + key + ":" + value + ")"
def compare(that: KVPair) =
/* Heap is implemented as array */
private val heap = new ArrayBuffer[KVPair]
def size: Int = heap.size
def isEmpty: Boolean = size == 0
private val key2idxMap = new HashMap[T, Int]()
override def toString: String = size + ": " + heap.toString + "\n" + key2idxMap.toString
def contains(key: T) = key2idxMap.contains(key)
def get(key: T) = if(contains(key)) heap(key2idxMap(key)).value else -1
/* Return the root of the element, i'e minimum priority element */
def root: Tuple2[T, Double] = {
val kvPair = heap(0)
Tuple2(kvPair.key, kvPair.value)
/* Overload iterator*/
/* Heap Push and Bubble up till heap property violation retained */
def ++(key: T, priority: Double) = push(key, priority)
def +=(key: T, priority: Double) = push(key, priority)
def push(key: T, priority: Double){
if (key2idxMap.contains(key)) update(key, priority)
else {
heap += (new KVPair(key, priority))
key2idxMap += (key -> (size - 1))
bubbleUp(size - 1)
/* Bubble up till Heap property Violations are restored */
private def bubbleUp(idx: Int){
val (current, parent) = (heap(idx), heap((idx-1) / 2))
if (idx != 0 && current < parent) {
heap.update((idx-1) / 2, current)
heap.update(idx, parent)
key2idxMap += (current.key -> (idx - 1) / 2, parent.key -> idx)
bubbleUp((idx-1) / 2)
/* Heap pop the root and Bubble down till heap property violation retained */
def pop: Tuple2[T, Double] = {
if (size == 0) throw new Exception("Heap is Empty!!!")
val min = root
if (size == 1) {
} else if (size > 1) {
val last = heap.remove(size - 1)
key2idxMap += (last.key -> 0)
key2idxMap -= min._1
heap.update(0, last)
/* BubbleDown Routine */
private def bubbleDown(idx: Int) {
val ltChildIdx = 2 * idx + 1
if (ltChildIdx >= size) return
val rtChildIdx = ltChildIdx + 1
val ltChild = heap(ltChildIdx)
val minIdx = {
if (rtChildIdx < size)
if (heap(rtChildIdx) < ltChild) rtChildIdx
else ltChildIdx
else ltChildIdx
val min = heap(minIdx)
if (min < heap(idx)) {
val current = heap(idx)
heap.update(minIdx, current)
heap.update(idx, min)
key2idxMap += (current.key -> minIdx, min.key -> idx)
/* Update the priority */
def update(key: T, priority: Double){
try {
val idx = key2idxMap(key)
val oldKV = heap(idx)
if (priority != oldKV.value) {
val newKV = new KVPair(key, priority)
heap.update(idx, newKV)
if (idx > 0 && newKV < heap((idx-1) / 2)) bubbleUp(idx) else bubbleDown(idx)
} catch {
case e: NoSuchElementException => println("Key Does not exists!!!")
/* delete Arbitrary element with the given key in the Heap */
def -=(key: T) = delete(key)
def --(key: T) = delete(key)
def delete(key: T){
val idx = key2idxMap(key)
key2idxMap -= key
val delKV = heap(idx)
val last = heap.remove(size-1)
heap.update(idx, last)
key2idxMap += (last.key -> idx)
if(idx > 0 && last < heap((idx - 1) / 2)) bubbleUp(idx) else bubbleDown(idx)
} catch{
case e: NoSuchElementException => println("No such Key exists to be deleted")
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FloWi commented Aug 11, 2015

Thanks for sharing!

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An error occurs if you attempt to remove the last item in the heap array by the delete method. It is trying to swap the last item with the just deleted item and bubble it to the correct location. If last item is the deleted item, this fails.

In that case, the heap property does not change, so this should work:

      val idx = key2idxMap(key)
      key2idxMap -= key
      val delKV = heap(idx)
      val last = heap.remove(size - 1)
      if (idx < size) {
        heap.update(idx, last)
        key2idxMap += ((last.key, idx))
        if (idx > 0 && last < heap((idx - 1) / 2)) bubbleUp(idx) else bubbleDown(idx)

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FloWi commented Dec 19, 2021

Thanks - again! Just rediscovered this ;-)

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