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Last active June 14, 2018 12:24
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Minimum Spanning Tree
height: 960
border: no
license: MIT

Kruskal's Algorithm may be used to find the minimum spanning tree of a given graph. Kruskal's algorithm relies on a disjoint-set data structure.

Click and hold to see the minimum spanning tree for original graph.

Thicker red lines have a higher weight associated with them than thinner black lines. The minimum spanning tree avoids including higher cost edges.

(function(window) {
function DisjointSet() {
this.index_ = {};
function Node(id) {
this.id_ = id;
this.parent_ = this;
this.rank_ = 0;
DisjointSet.prototype.makeSet = function(id) {
if (!this.index_[id]) {
let created = new Node(id);
this.index_[id] = created;
// Returns the id of the representative element of this set that (id)
// belongs to.
DisjointSet.prototype.find = function(id) {
if (this.index_[id] === undefined) {
return undefined;
let current = this.index_[id].parent_;
while (current !== current.parent_) {
current = current.parent_;
return current.id_;
DisjointSet.prototype.union = function(x, y) {
let xRoot = this.index_[this.find(x)];
let yRoot = this.index_[this.find(y)];
if (xRoot === undefined || yRoot === undefined || xRoot === yRoot) {
// x and y already belong to the same set.
if (xRoot.rank < yRoot.rank) { // Move x into the set y is a member of.
xRoot.parent_ = yRoot;
} else if (yRoot.rank_ < xRoot.rank_) { // Move y into the set x is a member of.
yRoot.parent_ = xRoot;
} else { // Arbitrarily choose to move y into the set x is a member of.
yRoot.parent_ = xRoot;
// Returns the current number of disjoint sets.
DisjointSet.prototype.size = function() {
let uniqueIndices = {};
Object.keys(this.index_).forEach((id) => {
let representative = this.find(id);
uniqueIndices[id] = true;
return Object.keys(uniqueIndices).length;
window.DisjointSet = DisjointSet;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Connected Network Reduction</title>
svg {
cursor: pointer;
pointer-events: all;
.nodes circle {
stroke: none;
<svg width="960" height="960"></svg>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="disjoint-set.js"></script>
<script src="kruskal-mst.js"></script>
var svg ="svg"),
width = +svg.attr("width"),
height = +svg.attr("height");
var simulation = d3.forceSimulation()
.force("link", d3.forceLink().id(function(d) { return; }).strength(0.005))
.force("charge", d3.forceManyBody().strength(-200))
.force("center", d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2));
var maxWeight = -Infinity;
// Asynchronously load the graph, encoded as a CSV file (without a header).
d3.text("network.csv", function(error, adjacency) {
if (error) throw error;
var graph = {};
graph.nodes = [];
graph.links = [];
function makeNode(id) {
return {"id": id};
function makeLink(sourceId, targetId, weight) {
return {"source": sourceId, "target": targetId, "weight": weight};
total = 0
d3.csvParseRows(adjacency, (row, sourceId) => {
row.forEach((weight, targetId) => {
if (targetId > sourceId && weight !== "-") {
total += +weight;
maxWeight = Math.max(maxWeight, +weight);
graph.links.push(makeLink(sourceId, targetId, +weight));
let minimumSpanningTree = mst(graph);
let includedEdgeMap = {};
// Create a Hash Map with unique identifiers for the edges/links included
// in the minimum spanning tree.
minimumSpanningTree.links.forEach((link) => {
includedEdgeMap[linkId(link)] = true;
// Flag edges for rendering with a boolean indicating whether they are
// part of the minimum spanning tree for the graph.
graph.links.forEach((link) => {
link.mst = (includedEdgeMap[linkId(link)] !== undefined);
function linkId(link) {
return link.source + "-" +;
function linkColor(link) {
return d3.interpolateRgb("black", "red")(link.weight / maxWeight);
function linkWidth(link) {
return d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, maxWeight])
.range([0.5, 3])(link.weight) + "px";
var link = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "links")
.attr("stroke", (d) => linkColor(d))
.attr("stroke-width", (d) => linkWidth(d))
.style("stroke-opacity", 0.3);
var node = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "nodes")
.attr("r", 2.5);
.text(function(d) { return "node: " +; });
.text(function(d) {
return [d.source, "-",, "(weight: " + d.weight + ")"].join(" ");
// Kick off the simulation.
.on("tick", ticked);
// Update positions, which will quickly stabilize as the simulation cools.
function ticked() {
.attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; })
.attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; })
.attr("x2", function(d) { return; })
.attr("y2", function(d) { return; });
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; });
// Show the MST.
svg.on("mousedown", () => {
link.each(function (d) {"stroke-opacity", (d.mst) ? 0.3 : 0);
// Show the entire graph.
svg.on("mouseup", () => {
link.each(function (d) {"stroke-opacity", 0.3);
// See\
// Depends on DisjointSet.
(function(window) {
window.mst = function(graph) {
let vertices = graph.nodes,
edges = graph.links.slice(0),
selectedEdges = [],
forest = new DisjointSet();
// Each vertex begins "disconnected" and isolated from all the others.
vertices.forEach((vertex) => {
// Sort edges in descending order of weight. We will pop edges beginning
// from the end of the array.
edges.sort((a, b) => {
return -(a.weight - b.weight);
while(edges.length && forest.size() > 1) {
let edge = edges.pop();
if (forest.find(edge.source) !== forest.find( {
return {
nodes: vertices,
links: selectedEdges
- - - 428 668 495 377 678 - 167 - - 870 - 869 624 300 609 131 - 251 - - - 856 221 514 - 591 762 182 56 - 884 412 273 636 - - 774
- - 262 - - 508 472 799 - 956 578 363 940 143 - 162 122 910 - 729 802 941 922 573 531 539 667 607 - 920 - - 315 649 937 - 185 102 636 289
- 262 - - 926 - 958 158 647 47 621 264 81 - 402 813 649 386 252 391 264 637 349 - - - 108 - 727 225 578 699 - 898 294 - 575 168 432 833
428 - - - 366 - - 635 - 32 962 468 893 854 718 427 448 916 258 - 760 909 529 311 404 - - 588 680 875 - 615 - 409 758 221 - - 76 257
668 - 926 366 - - - 250 268 - 503 944 - 677 - 727 793 457 981 191 - - - 351 969 925 987 328 282 589 - 873 477 - - 19 450 - - -
495 508 - - - - - 765 711 819 305 302 926 - - 582 - 861 - 683 293 - - 66 - 27 - - 290 - 786 - 554 817 33 - 54 506 386 381
377 472 958 - - - - - - 120 42 - 134 219 457 639 538 374 - - - 966 - - - - - 449 120 797 358 232 550 - 305 997 662 744 686 239
678 799 158 635 250 765 - - - 35 - 106 385 652 160 - 890 812 605 953 - - - 79 - 712 613 312 452 - 978 900 - 901 - - 225 533 770 722
- - 647 - 268 711 - - - 283 - 172 - 663 236 36 403 286 986 - - 810 761 574 53 793 - - 777 330 936 883 286 - 174 - - - 828 711
167 956 47 32 - 819 120 35 283 - 50 - 565 36 767 684 344 489 565 - - 103 810 463 733 665 494 644 863 25 385 - 342 470 - - - 730 582 468
- 578 621 962 503 305 42 - - 50 - 155 519 - - 256 990 801 154 53 474 650 402 - - - 966 - - 406 989 772 932 7 - 823 391 - - 933
- 363 264 468 944 302 - 106 172 - 155 - - - 380 438 - 41 266 - - 104 867 609 - 270 861 - - 165 - 675 250 686 995 366 191 - 433 -
870 940 81 893 - 926 134 385 - 565 519 - - 313 851 - - - 248 220 - 826 359 829 - 234 198 145 409 68 359 - 814 218 186 - - 929 203 -
- 143 - 854 677 - 219 652 663 36 - - 313 - 132 - 433 598 - - 168 870 - - - 128 437 - 383 364 966 227 - - 807 993 - - 526 17
869 - 402 718 - - 457 160 236 767 - 380 851 132 - - 596 903 613 730 - 261 - 142 379 885 89 - 848 258 112 - 900 - - 818 639 268 600 -
624 162 813 427 727 582 639 - 36 684 256 438 - - - - 539 379 664 561 542 - 999 585 - - 321 398 - - 950 68 193 - 697 - 390 588 848 -
300 122 649 448 793 - 538 890 403 344 990 - - 433 596 539 - - 73 - 318 - - 500 - 968 - 291 - - 765 196 504 757 - 542 - 395 227 148
609 910 386 916 457 861 374 812 286 489 801 41 - 598 903 379 - - - 946 136 399 - 941 707 156 757 258 251 - 807 - - - 461 501 - - 616 -
131 - 252 258 981 - - 605 986 565 154 266 248 - 613 664 73 - - 686 - - 575 627 817 282 - 698 398 222 - 649 - - - - - 654 - -
- 729 391 - 191 683 - 953 - - 53 - 220 - 730 561 - 946 686 - - 389 729 553 304 703 455 857 260 - 991 182 351 477 867 - - 889 217 853
251 802 264 760 - 293 - - - - 474 - - 168 - 542 318 136 - - - - 392 - - - 267 407 27 651 80 927 - 974 977 - - 457 117 -
- 941 637 909 - - 966 - 810 103 650 104 826 870 261 - - 399 - 389 - - - 202 - - - - 867 140 403 962 785 - 511 - 1 - 707 -
- 922 349 529 - - - - 761 810 402 867 359 - - 999 - - 575 729 392 - - 388 939 - 959 - 83 463 361 - - 512 931 - 224 690 369 -
- 573 - 311 351 66 - 79 574 463 - 609 829 - 142 585 500 941 627 553 - 202 388 - 164 829 - 620 523 639 936 - - 490 - 695 - 505 109 -
856 531 - 404 969 - - - 53 733 - - - - 379 - - 707 817 304 - - 939 164 - - 616 716 728 - 889 349 - 963 150 447 - 292 586 264
221 539 - - 925 27 - 712 793 665 - 270 234 128 885 - 968 156 282 703 - - - 829 - - - 822 - - - 736 576 - 697 946 443 - 205 194
514 667 108 - 987 - - 613 - 494 966 861 198 437 89 321 - 757 - 455 267 - 959 - 616 - - - 349 156 339 - 102 790 359 - 439 938 809 260
- 607 - 588 328 - 449 312 - 644 - - 145 - - 398 291 258 698 857 407 - - 620 716 822 - - 293 486 943 - 779 - 6 880 116 775 - 947
591 - 727 680 282 290 120 452 777 863 - - 409 383 848 - - 251 398 260 27 867 83 523 728 - 349 293 - 212 684 505 341 384 9 992 507 48 - -
762 920 225 875 589 - 797 - 330 25 406 165 68 364 258 - - - 222 - 651 140 463 639 - - 156 486 212 - - 349 723 - - 186 - 36 240 752
182 - 578 - - 786 358 978 936 385 989 - 359 966 112 950 765 807 - 991 80 403 361 936 889 - 339 943 684 - - 965 302 676 725 - 327 134 - 147
56 - 699 615 873 - 232 900 883 - 772 675 - 227 - 68 196 - 649 182 927 962 - - 349 736 - - 505 349 965 - 474 178 833 - - 555 853 -
- 315 - - 477 554 550 - 286 342 932 250 814 - 900 193 504 - - 351 - 785 - - - 576 102 779 341 723 302 474 - 689 - - - 451 - -
884 649 898 409 - 817 - 901 - 470 7 686 218 - - - 757 - - 477 974 - 512 490 963 - 790 - 384 - 676 178 689 - 245 596 445 - - 343
412 937 294 758 - 33 305 - 174 - - 995 186 807 - 697 - 461 - 867 977 511 931 - 150 697 359 6 9 - 725 833 - 245 - 949 - 270 - 112
273 - - 221 19 - 997 - - - 823 366 - 993 818 - 542 501 - - - - - 695 447 946 - 880 992 186 - - - 596 949 - 91 - 768 273
636 185 575 - 450 54 662 225 - - 391 191 - - 639 390 - - - - - 1 224 - - 443 439 116 507 - 327 - - 445 - 91 - 248 - 344
- 102 168 - - 506 744 533 - 730 - - 929 - 268 588 395 - 654 889 457 - 690 505 292 - 938 775 48 36 134 555 451 - 270 - 248 - 371 680
- 636 432 76 - 386 686 770 828 582 - 433 203 526 600 848 227 616 - 217 117 707 369 109 586 205 809 - - 240 - 853 - - - 768 - 371 - 540
774 289 833 257 - 381 239 722 711 468 933 - - 17 - - 148 - - 853 - - - - 264 194 260 947 - 752 147 - - 343 112 273 344 680 540 -
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introqt commented Jun 14, 2018

Hello! Can you help me implement this algorithm on my data set (not csv but json)?

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