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Last active June 10, 2016 22:19
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Finding the top-rated home care providers for an area, as listed in Medicare's Home Health Compare data
# Because does not provide any way to
# search for providers by their ratings, we've got to do this the hard way.
# Luckily, with csvkit the hard way isn't so hard. Get it here
# First, download the data from
curl -o ""
# Unzip the files.
# And now, step by step...
# First, grab the columns we need. (The column numbers are listed in a PDF file
# that came in the ZIP we just downloaded. You could also look up the columns with
# csvcut's awesome header names feature: 'csvcut -n HHC_SOCRATA_HHCAHPS_PRVDR.csv')
# csvcut -e "latin1" -c 1,3,5,6,16,17 HHC_SOCRATA_HHCAHPS_PRVDR.csv
# Then restrict our area using the first three digits of the zip code. I'm
# searching in the area north of Houston, so anything starting with 773 will
# do the trick.
# | csvgrep -c "Zip" -r "773.*"
# Then remove the providers for which we have no data.
# | csvgrep -c "HHCAHPS Survey Summary Star Rating" -m "Not Available" -i
# Finally, sort by rating and write to a file.
# | csvsort -c "HHCAHPS Survey Summary Star Rating" -r > ratings.csv
csvcut -e "latin1" -c 1,3,5,6,16,17 HHC_SOCRATA_HHCAHPS_PRVDR.csv | csvgrep -c "Zip" -r "773.*" | csvgrep -c "HHCAHPS Survey Summary Star Rating" -m "Not Available" -i | csvsort -c "HHCAHPS Survey Summary Star Rating" -r > ratings.csv
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