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Last active March 25, 2024 02:11
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POC showing one possible way to do async functions in the fhirpath.js library without forcing the entire library to be async.
import type { CodeableConcept, Coding, OperationOutcome, OperationOutcomeIssue, Reference, Resource, Parameters } from "fhir/r4b";
import fhirpath from "fhirpath";
import { logMessage, CreateOperationOutcome } from "~/utils/create-outcome";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The concept of this POC is to demonstrate an approach to perform some
// async based methods as functions inside the fhirpath engine without
// converting the entire engine to process things asynchronously.
// e.g. Terminology functions such as memberOf, subsumes, or resolve()
// The basic gist is:
// * Perform an initial evaluation in sync mode
// * when encountering any method that requires async execution
// - queue the required call
// - return a null result
// - continue processing the rest of the expression.
// * If no async calls where encountered the result is returned immediately.
// * Process all the encountered async calls and stash the results.
// * Re-evaluate the expression from the start
// - when encountering the async methods again, inject the resolved results and continue processing.
// If there were no additional async methods encountered, return the result.
// otherwise, repeat the process until all async calls are resolved.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Open question: Should the async requests have access to the other potential results?
// Reason: That would enable the result from one function to be accessed in another function.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Global debug variable to permit the logger to write information messages
to the OperationOutcome and console
export var debugAsyncFhirpath: boolean = true;
* Evaluate a FHIRPath expression asynchronously
* @param fhirData FHIR resource to run the FHIRPath expression against
* @param path FHIRPath expression to evaluate (string or Path object)
* @param context Environment to evaluate the expression in, mostly variables
* @param model which fhir version to use (r4/r4b/r5)
* @returns the result of the evaluation
export async function evaluateFhirpathAsync(
fhirData: fhir4b.DomainResource,
path: string | Path,
context?: Context,
model?: Model,
): Promise<any[]> {
let results = [];
let debug = false;
let outcome: OperationOutcome = {
resourceType: "OperationOutcome",
issue: []
let asyncCallsRequired: Map<string, AsyncFunctionUserData> = new Map<string, AsyncFunctionUserData>();
let requiresAsyncProcessing = false;
// introduce a custom function for resolve into the options
const userInvocationTable: UserInvocationTable = {
resolve: {
fn: (inputs: any[]) => string | Reference) => {
let key = createIndexKeyResolve(reference);
if (key) {
key = "Resolve:" + key;
if (asyncCallsRequired.get(key)?.evaluationCompleted) {
logMessage(debugAsyncFhirpath, outcome, ' using cached result for: ', key);
return asyncCallsRequired.get(key)?.result;
let details: ResolveUserData = {
evaluationCompleted: false,
asyncFunction: resolveAsync,
value: reference
asyncCallsRequired.set(key, details);
logMessage(debugAsyncFhirpath, outcome, ' requires async evaluation for: ', key);
requiresAsyncProcessing = true;
return undefined;
arity: { 0: [] },
memberOf: {
fn: (inputs: any[], valueSet: string) => string | Coding | CodeableConcept) => {
let key = createIndexKeyMemberOf(codeData, valueSet);
if (key) {
key = "MemberOf:" + key;
if (asyncCallsRequired.get(key)?.evaluationCompleted) {
logMessage(debugAsyncFhirpath, outcome, ' using cached result for: ', key);
return asyncCallsRequired.get(key)?.result;
let details: MemberOfUserData = {
evaluationCompleted: false,
asyncFunction: memberOfAsync,
value: codeData,
valueSet: valueSet,
asyncCallsRequired.set(key, details);
logMessage(debugAsyncFhirpath, outcome, ' requires async evaluation for: ', key);
requiresAsyncProcessing = true;
return undefined;
arity: { 1: ["String"] },
let options = {
userInvocationTable: userInvocationTable,
let iterations = 0;
do {
// Perform the async calls required (none first time in)
if (asyncCallsRequired.size > 0) {
// resolve the async calls
let asyncPromises: Promise<void>[] = [];
for (let key of asyncCallsRequired.keys()) {
let details = asyncCallsRequired.get(key);
if (details && !details.evaluationCompleted) {
// perform the async call to check for the memberOf status
logMessage(debugAsyncFhirpath, outcome, " performing async request for: ", key);
asyncPromises.push(details.asyncFunction(outcome, details));
if (asyncPromises.length > 0)
await Promise.all(asyncPromises);
requiresAsyncProcessing = false;
// Evaluate the expression
logMessage(debugAsyncFhirpath, outcome, "performing iteration: ", iterations)
try {
results = fhirpath.evaluate(
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.message) {
throw CreateOperationOutcome("fatal", "exception", err.message);
} while (requiresAsyncProcessing && iterations < 10); // bound the number of iterations
if (iterations > 1) {
logMessage(debugAsyncFhirpath, outcome, "total iterations", iterations);
return results;
interface AsyncFunctionUserData {
evaluationCompleted: boolean;
asyncFunction: (outcome: OperationOutcome, details: AsyncFunctionUserData) => Promise<void>;
result?: any;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following section is the custom function for resolve()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ResolveUserData extends AsyncFunctionUserData {
value: string | Reference;
* Create an Index Key for the memberOf function
* @param value
* @returns
function createIndexKeyResolve(value: string | Reference): string | undefined {
if (typeof value === "string")
return value;
if (value as Reference)
return (value as Reference).reference;
return value;
* Perform the actual async member of evaluation
* @param details parameters which is actually a MemberOfUserData structure
async function resolveAsync(outcome: OperationOutcome, details: AsyncFunctionUserData): Promise<void> {
// perform the async call to check for the memberOf status
let typedData = details as ResolveUserData;
const URL = createIndexKeyResolve(typedData.value);
if (URL) {
try {
const httpHeaders = {
"Accept": "application/fhir+json; charset=utf-8",
const myHeaders = new Headers(httpHeaders);
let response = await fetch(URL, { headers: myHeaders });
let resultJson = await response.json();
details.result = resultJson;
details.evaluationCompleted = true;
} catch (err) {
details.result = undefined; // not found!
details.evaluationCompleted = true;
let newOutcome = CreateOperationOutcome("error", "exception", "Failed to resolve reference: " + URL, undefined, err.message);
throw newOutcome;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following section is the custom function for memberOf()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface MemberOfUserData extends AsyncFunctionUserData {
value: string | Coding | CodeableConcept;
valueSet: string;
* Create an Index Key for the memberOf function
* @param value
* @param valueset
* @returns
function createIndexKeyMemberOf(value: string | Coding | CodeableConcept, valueset: string): string | undefined {
if (typeof value === "string") {
return value + " - " + valueset;
let coding = value as Coding;
if (coding.code) {
return coding.system + "|" + coding.code + " - " + valueset;
let cc = value as CodeableConcept;
if (cc.coding) {
// return the same as for coding by joining each of the codings with a comma
return => c.system + "|" + c.code).join(",") + " - " + valueset;
return undefined;
* Perform the actual async member of evaluation
* @param details parameters which is actually a MemberOfUserData structure
async function memberOfAsync(outcome: OperationOutcome, details: AsyncFunctionUserData): Promise<void> {
// perform the async call to check for the memberOf status
let typedData = details as MemberOfUserData;
try {
const httpHeaders = {
"Accept": "application/fhir+json; charset=utf-8",
const httpPostHeaders = {
"Accept": "application/fhir+json; charset=utf-8",
"Content-Type": "application/fhir+json; charset=utf-8",
let myHeaders = new Headers(httpHeaders);
const requestUrl = "$validate-code";
let response;
let cc = typedData.value as CodeableConcept;
if (cc.coding) {
const parameters: Parameters = {
"resourceType": "Parameters",
"parameter": [
"name": "url",
"valueUri": typedData.valueSet
"name": "codeableConcept",
"valueCodeableConcept": cc
myHeaders = new Headers(httpPostHeaders);
response = await fetch(requestUrl, { method: "POST", headers: myHeaders, body: JSON.stringify(parameters) });
} else if (typeof typedData.value === "string") {
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams({
url: typedData.valueSet,
code: typedData.value,
response = await fetch(`${requestUrl}?${queryParams.toString()}`, { headers: myHeaders });
} else {
let coding = typedData.value as Coding;
if (coding.code) {
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams({
url: typedData.valueSet ?? '',
system: coding.system ?? '',
code: coding.code,
response = await fetch(`${requestUrl}?${queryParams.toString()}`, { headers: myHeaders });
if (response) {
const resultJson = await response.json();
let params = resultJson as Parameters;
if (params && params.parameter) {
let param = params.parameter.find((p) => === "result");
if (param) {
details.evaluationCompleted = true;
details.result = param.valueBoolean;
let outcomeResult = resultJson as OperationOutcome;
if (outcomeResult && outcomeResult.issue) {
details.evaluationCompleted = true;
throw outcomeResult; // should we be throwing here?
} catch (err) {
details.evaluationCompleted = true;
const key = createIndexKeyMemberOf(typedData.value, typedData.valueSet);
throw CreateOperationOutcome("error", "exception", "Failed to check membership: " + key, undefined, err.message);
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