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Created February 21, 2020 14:15
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from typing import List, Set, Dict, NamedTuple
import multiprocessing
import random
class Book(NamedTuple):
id: int
score: int
class LibPlan(NamedTuple):
lib: 'Library'
start_time: int
books_planned: List[int]
score: int
class Library:
def __init__(self, id: int, books: List[Book], capacity: int, signup_time: int): = id
self.books = books
self.capacity = capacity
self.signup_time = signup_time
self.books_set = set(map(lambda b:, self.books))
self.books_dict: Dict[int, Book] = { b for b in self.books}
def score_for_book(self, id: int) -> int:
return self.books_dict[id].score
def __len__(self):
return len(self.books)
def plan(self,
start_time: int,
excluded_books: set,
deadline: int,
strategy: str = 'greedy') -> LibPlan:
work_time = deadline - start_time - self.signup_time
if work_time <= 0:
return LibPlan(self, books_planned=[], score=0, start_time=start_time)
books_available = list(self.books_set - excluded_books)
if strategy == 'greedy':
books_available = sorted(books_available, key=self.score_for_book, reverse=True)
elif strategy == 'random':
books_available = books_available[:work_time*self.capacity]
plan_score = sum(map(self.score_for_book, books_available))
return LibPlan(self, books_planned=books_available, score=plan_score, start_time=start_time)
def generate(libraries: List[Library],
deadline: int,
lib_strategy: str = 'heuristic',
book_strategy: str = 'greedy') -> List[LibPlan]:
libs = libraries.copy()
excluded = set()
results = []
t = 0
if lib_strategy == 'random':
for lib in libs:
res = lib.plan(start_time=t, excluded_books=excluded, deadline=deadline, strategy=book_strategy)
if res.books_planned:
excluded = excluded.union(res.books_planned)
t += lib.signup_time
elif lib_strategy == 'greedy':
libs = sorted(libs, key=lambda x: x.signup_time)
for lib in libs:
res = lib.plan(start_time=t, excluded_books=excluded, deadline=deadline, strategy=book_strategy)
if res.books_planned:
excluded = excluded.union(res.books_planned)
t += lib.signup_time
elif lib_strategy == 'heuristic':
remaining_libs = libs
for i in range(len(libs)):
best_score = -1000
best_lib = None
best_lib_eval = None
for lib in remaining_libs:
lib_eval = lib.plan(t, excluded, deadline, strategy=book_strategy)
if lib_eval.books_planned:
score = lib_eval.score / (lib.signup_time ** 0.9)
if score > best_score:
best_score = score
best_lib = lib
best_lib_eval = lib_eval
if best_lib_eval:
excluded = excluded.union(best_lib_eval.books_planned)
t += best_lib.signup_time
return results
def find_best(n: int, libraries: List[Library], deadline: int) -> List[LibPlan]:
best_score = 0
lib_plans = None
for i in range(n):
lib_plans = generate(libraries, deadline)
score = sum(map(lambda x: x.score, lib_plans))
if score > best_score:
lib_plans = lib_plans
best_score = score
return lib_plans
def find_best_multiproc(n: int, libraries: List[Library], deadline: int) -> List[LibPlan]:
cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(cpu_count)
handles = []
for _ in range(cpu_count):
handles.append(pool.apply_async(find_best, args=(n // cpu_count, libraries, deadline)))
best_score = 0
best_result = None
for handle in handles:
result = handle.get()
score = sum(map(lambda x: x.score, result))
if score > best_score:
best_result = result
best_score = score
return best_result
def compute_score(lib_plans: List[LibPlan]):
total_score = sum(map(lambda x: x.score, lib_plans))
print(f'total_score: {total_score}')
return total_score
def write_result(f_name, result: List[LibPlan]):
with open(f_name, 'w') as f:
for r in result:
f.write(f'{} {len(r.books_planned)}\n')
planned = ' '.join(map(str, r.books_planned))
def read_args(f):
return list(map(int, f.readline().split(' ')))
def main(f_name):
with open(f_name) as f:
n_books, n_libs, deadline = read_args(f)
books_list = list(map(lambda x: Book(id=x[0], score=x[1]), enumerate(read_args(f))))
books_dict = { b for b in books_list}
libraries = []
for lib in range(n_libs):
n_books_in_lib, signup_time, capacity = read_args(f)
books = list(map(lambda x: books_dict[int(x)], f.readline().split(' ')))
libraries.append(Library(id=lib, books=books, signup_time=signup_time, capacity=capacity))
#result = find_best_multiproc(1, libraries, deadline)
#result = find_best(100, libraries, deadline)
result = find_best(1, libraries, deadline)
write_result(f_name + '.out', result)
print(f'Possible top: {sum(map(lambda x: x.score, books_list))}')
for i in range(100):
explain(generate(libraries, deadline))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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