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Last active June 25, 2017 23:57
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Haskell based parenthesis validator
Module: Validator
Description: Parses parenthesis variations for correct nesting.
Parses (), <>, {}, [] etc for correct nesting, open and closing.
$ validator '[<>{()}]'
Found valid characters in valid form.
$ validator '[<><><>]'
Found valid characters in valid form.
$ validator '[(]'
Valid characters but invalid form.
$ validator '[z]'
Invalid characters detected, please limit it to ()<>[]{}
module Main where
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Data.Map.Strict(assocs, keys, member, Map, fromList, (!?), (!))
data ErrorCodes = NoError | InvalidInput | Invalid deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
main :: IO ExitCode
main = do
inputChars <- getArgs
let arg = head inputChars
putStrLn arg
if not (validArg arg)
then do
putStrLn ("Invalid characters detected, please limit it to " ++ validChars)
exitWith (ExitFailure (fromEnum InvalidInput))
else if validForm arg
then do
putStrLn "Found valid characters in valid form."
else do
putStrLn "Valid characters but invalid form."
exitWith (ExitFailure (fromEnum Invalid))
validForm :: String -> Bool
validForm chars
| not ((mod (length chars) 2) == 0) = False -- Not valid as length of input is odd
| otherwise = validFormChecker chars "" -- Begin traversing through characters
validFormChecker :: String -> String -> Bool
-- Recursive validator that adds opening characters to a stack and recurses to validate input.
validFormChecker chars stack
| null stack && null chars = True -- Nothing on the stack and no chars, nothing more to do.
| null chars = False -- If something is on the stack, chars should not be empty.
-- This next line detects if next character is an opening character, adds it to stack and recurses.
| (isOpeningChar (head chars)) && ((validFormChecker (tail chars)) ([(head chars)] ++ stack)) = True
| null stack = False -- This happens when ^^ conditions all have failed and chars is invalid.
| otherwise = (matchingPairs (head chars) (head stack)) && (validFormChecker (tail chars) (tail stack))
isOpeningChar :: Char -> Bool
-- The keys in `getPairs` are all opening characters.
isOpeningChar currentChar = (currentChar `elem` (keys getPairs))
matchingPairs :: Char -> Char -> Bool
-- Detect if current character matches the top of the stack. Basically a value lookup in the getPairs map.
matchingPairs char stackTop = (member stackTop getPairs) && (getPairs ! stackTop == char)
validChars :: String
-- Merges all the key value pairs to create a definitive list of valid characters.
validChars = foldr combineChars [] (assocs getPairs)
combineChars :: (Char, Char) -> [Char] -> [Char]
-- Just concatenating characters to a string.
combineChars (char1, char2) keyPair = [char1] ++ [char2] ++ keyPair
getPairs :: Map Char Char
-- The list of valid character pairs.
getPairs = fromList [ ('[', ']')
, ('{', '}')
, ('(', ')')
, ('<', '>')
validArg :: String -> Bool
-- Check all the valid characters by filtering out invalid and comparing the lengths of filtered vs given.
validArg receivedChars = let
vc = validChars
filteredChars = filter (\char -> char `elem` vc) receivedChars
in (length receivedChars) == (length filteredChars)
name: validator
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Bjorn Tipling
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable validator
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: base >=4.9 && <4.10,
containers ==
hs-source-dirs: .
default-language: Haskell2010
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