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Last active October 28, 2016 06:34
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C# date time helper for parsing "date + time + timezone offset in minutes" into the date that "I" want... ## the basic premise is that... - the user will pick a date using a date picker - the user will pick a time using a time picker - the moment js library will calculate the users timezone offset in minutes - based on their current browser sett…
public static class DateTimeHelper
public static DateTimeOffset Combine(DateTimeOffset? originalDate, string timeString, int timeZoneOffsetInMinutes)
return FromString(GetDateAsString(originalDate.Value.Date, timeString, timeZoneOffsetInMinutes));
throw new InvalidOperationException("original must have a value");
public static DateTime Combine(DateTime originalDate, string timeString, int timeZoneOffsetInMinutes)
return FromString(GetDateAsString(originalDate, timeString, timeZoneOffsetInMinutes)).DateTime;;
private static DateTimeOffset FromString(string dateToParse)
return DateTimeOffset.ParseExact(dateToParse, "MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt zzz", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
private static string GetDateAsString(DateTime dateComponent, string timeComponent, int offsetInMinutes)
var timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(offsetInMinutes * -1);
var offsetString = string.Format("{0:+00;-00}{1:00}", timeSpan.Hours, timeSpan.Minutes);
return string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", dateComponent.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), timeComponent, offsetString);
/// <summary>
/// the basic premise is that...
/// the user will pick a date using a date picker
/// the user will pick a time using a time picker
/// the moment js library will calculate the users timezone offset in minutes - based on their current browser setting
/// we need to take all this data and return a real DateTimeOffset or DateTime struct
/// this needs to work for standard, non-standard, and UTC time zones
/// </summary>
public class DateTimeHelperTest
[TestCase("10:30 PM", "01/31/2013", 360, Description = "test MST time zone (UTC -6)")]
[TestCase("4:30 PM", "01/31/2013", -120, Description = "tests E. Europe time zone (UTC +2)")]
[TestCase("4:30 AM", "01/31/2013", -330, Description = "tests Mumbai time zone (UTC +5:30)")]
[TestCase("04:30 PM", "01/31/2013", 0, Description = "tests Casablanca time zone (UTC)")]
public void Combine_Returns_Expected_DateTimeOffset(string timeString, string datePart, int offsetInMinutes)
var testDate = DateTimeOffset.Parse(datePart);
var actual = DateTimeHelper.Combine(testDate, timeString, offsetInMinutes);
Assert.AreEqual(GetExpected(timeString, datePart, offsetInMinutes), actual);
[TestCase("10:30 PM", "01/31/2013", 360, Description="test MST time zone (UTC -6)")]
[TestCase("4:30 PM", "01/31/2013", -120, Description="tests E. Europe time zone (UTC +2)")]
[TestCase("4:30 AM", "01/31/2013", -330, Description="tests Mumbai time zone (UTC +5:30)")]
[TestCase("04:30 PM", "01/31/2013", 0, Description="tests Casablanca time zone (UTC)")]
public void CombineReturnsExpectedDate(string timeString, string datePart, int offsetInMinutes)
var testDate = DateTime.Parse(datePart);
var actual = DateTimeHelper.Combine(testDate, timeString, offsetInMinutes);
Assert.AreEqual(GetExpected(timeString, datePart, offsetInMinutes).DateTime, actual);
/// <summary>
/// test method that mimics the code/algorithm under test
/// </summary>
private static DateTimeOffset GetExpected(string timeString, string datePart, int offsetInMinutes)
var timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(offsetInMinutes * -1);
var offsetString = string.Format("{0:+00;-00}{1:00}", timeSpan.Hours, timeSpan.Minutes);
var expected = DateTimeOffset.ParseExact(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", datePart, timeString, offsetString), "MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt zzz", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return expected;
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