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Created July 10, 2013 06:57
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hello nilanjan
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.0 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_51).
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scala> import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._
import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._
scala> new play.core.StaticApplication(new"."))[info] play - database [default] connected at jdbc:mysql://localhost/scala_speakers?characterEncoding=UTF8
[info] play - Application started (Prod)
res0: play.core.StaticApplication = play.core.StaticApplication@4aa65618
scala> import play.api.Play.currentimport play.api.Play.current
scala> import models.alltables._
import models.alltables._
scala> import models._
import models._
scala> DB.withSession { implicit session =>
| val q = for {
| t <- Query(talks)
| s <- t.speaker
| } yield { (t.description, }
| q.list()
| }
<console>:18: error: not found: value DB
DB.withSession { implicit session =>
scala> import play.api.db.slick._
import play.api.db.slick._
scala> DB.withSession { implicit session =>
| val q = for {
| t <- Query(talks)
| s <- t.speaker
| } yield { (t.description, }
| q.list()
| }
res2: List[(String, String)] = List((blah,Dave))
scala> DB.withSession { implicit session =>
| val q = for {
| t <- talks
| s <- t.speaker
| } yield { (t.description, }
| q.list()
| }
res3: List[(String, String)] = List((blah,Dave))
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