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Last active December 14, 2016 21:22
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Matplotlib Scatterplot in D3
license: mit

Matplotlib Scatterplot in D3

This is a useful example for converting a matplotlib scatterplot to D3 with an initial animation. Using this template, you can quickly generate a dynamic scatterplot using all of your favorite matplotlib styles, and add more advanced interactions without dealing with a lot of additional formatting.

See for code used to generate scatterplot.svg. It generates a simple scatterplot with some basic formatting. Matplotlib's savefig function will automatically output an svg format if the filepath has a .svg extension. The key is to assign a unique gid to each dot using the gid parameter, so it is simple to find the dots when you read the svg in index.html.

Assigning a gid to individual matplotlib elements is fairly simple for lines and bars, but a bit more complicated for scatterplots, since they are stored in a PathCollection object. As a workaround for this, I write the svg to StringIO and use BeautifulSoup find and add the id to each dot before saving the output file.

This is Part 3 in a series of examples for using matplotlib generated plots in D3.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- CDN resource versions -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
body { margin:0;position:fixed;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0; }
<!-- chart SVGs-->
<div id="chart"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
.defer(d3.xml, "scatterplot.svg")
function ready(error, xml) {
if (error) throw error;
// Load SVG into chart"#chart").node().appendChild(xml.documentElement);
/////////////////////////// Helper Functions //////////////////////////////
// Temporarily disable user interractions to allow animations to complete
var disableUserInterractions = function (time) {
isTransitioning = true;
isTransitioning = false;
}, time);
// Convert paths into rectangles
function getRectFromPath(path) {
// TODO: Generalize this for more robust parsing
path = path.split(" ")
return {"x": parseFloat(path[0].split(" ")[1]),
"y": parseFloat(path[0].split(" ")[2]),
"w": (parseFloat(path[1].split(" ")[1]) - parseFloat(path[0].split(" ")[1])),
"h": (parseFloat(path[0].split(" ")[2]) - parseFloat(path[2].split(" ")[2]))
///////////////////////// Animation Elements //////////////////////////////
// Set initial transition state
var isTransitioning = false;
// Basic plot elements
var svg, plot, plot_bbox, dots, dot_locs,
label = "dot_";
svg ="#chart").select("svg")
plot ="#figure_1")
var height = parseFloat("height"));
var width = parseFloat("width"))
plot_bbox = getRectFromPath("#patch_2").select("path").attr("d"))
// Select all the dots
dots = plot.selectAll("g").filter(function(d,i,j) {
return new RegExp(label, 'g').test(j[i].id)
// Store dot locations
dot_locs = {}
dots.nodes().forEach(function(d) {
var dot ="use");
var dot_id =;
dot_locs[dot_id] = {"x": parseFloat(dot.attr("x")),
"y": parseFloat(dot.attr("y")),
svg.on("click", function(){
if (isTransitioning == false) {
////////////////// Initialize Graphic and Animations //////////////////////
function init() {
///////////////////// Actions ////////////////////////
var DURATION = 3000,
WAVES = 20,
disableUserInterractions(DURATION * 2);
// Put all dots at the origin
.attr("x", plot_bbox.x)
.attr("y", plot_bbox.y)
// Animate dots
dots.each(function(d,i,j) {"use")
.transition().delay(i%WAVES * DELAY).duration(DURATION)
.attr("x", function(){
return dot_locs[j[i].id].x
.attr("y", function(){
return dot_locs[j[i].id].y
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from cycler import cycler
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import io
def main():
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Generate some random dots
n = 200
lims = [0, 5]
offset = 0.2
X = np.random.uniform(lims[0]+offset, lims[1]-offset, n)
Y = np.random.uniform(lims[0]+offset, lims[1]-offset, n)
colors = cycler('color', [ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, n)])
color_list = []
for i, c in zip(range(n), colors()):
ax.scatter(X, Y, alpha=0.8, gid="dots", c=color_list)
# Only show ticks on the left and bottom spines
# Hide the right and top spines
# Save to StringIO
imgdata = io.StringIO()
plt.savefig(imgdata, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, format="svg")
svg_data =
# Find 'dots' element and assign ids to each dot
soup = BeautifulSoup(svg_data, 'xml')
element = soup.find("g", {"id": "dots"})
for i, child in enumerate(element.findChildren("g")):
child["id"] = "dot_" + str(i)
# Save svg
html = soup.prettify("utf-8")
with open('scatterplot.svg', "wb") as file:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
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