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Last active January 25, 2022 22:15
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  • Save chris-hatton/474ae3fe09562822464fbc79d111e09f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Render a simple GraphViz graph of Kotlin Multiplatform sourceSet dependencies
// Where Gradle 'project' object is the current receiver...
val dependencies: Map<KotlinSourceSet, Set<KotlinSourceSet>> =
kotlinExtension.sourceSets.associateWith { it.dependsOn }
val renderedDependencies = dependencies
.filterKeys { !"Test") } // Exclude test sourceSets
.filterValues { it.isNotEmpty() } // Exclude sourceSets with no relationship (e.g. meta)
if (renderedDependencies.isEmpty()) return@injectWriteSourceSetDotFile
val allRenderedSourceSets =
renderedDependencies.keys + renderedDependencies.values.flattenTo(mutableSetOf())
.use { writer ->
writer.write("digraph ${path.replace(':', '_').trim('_')} {\n")
allRenderedSourceSets.forEach { sourceSet ->
renderedDependencies.forEach { (sourceSet, dependencies) ->
dependencies.forEach { dependencySourceSet ->
writer.write("\t${} -> ${}\n")
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