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Last active February 13, 2018 09:27
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Save cmlsharp/fac72ec1d89caf005d2e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
In case of reinstall, this script puts all of my dotfiles where they should be, sets up mpd and gives me the option of installing all of my previous packages from the official repos and from the AUR (requires my pkgdump script)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
dir=~/.dotfiles # dotfiles directory
olddir=~/.dotfiles_old # old dotfiles backup directory
files="zshrc vimrc tmux.conf vimperatorrc" # list of files/folders to symlink in homedir
# create dotfiles_old in homedir
echo -n "Creating $olddir for backup of any existing dotfiles in ~ ..."
mkdir -p $olddir
echo "done"
# change to the dotfiles directory
echo -n "Changing to the $dir directory ..."
cd $dir
echo "done"
# move any existing dotfiles in homedir to dotfiles_old directory, then create symlinks from the homedir to any files in the ~/dotfiles directory specified in $files
for file in $files; do
echo "Moving any existing dotfiles from ~ to $olddir"
mv ~/.$file ~/.dotfiles_old/
echo "Creating symlink to $file in home directory."
ln -s $dir/$file ~/.$file
#Extra stuff
echo "Setting up mpd for user $(whoami)"
mkdir -p ~/.config/mpd/playlists
touch ~/.config/mpd/{database,log,pid,state,sticker,sql}
printf "db_file \"~/.config/mpd/database\"\nlog_file \"~/.config/mpd/log\"\n\nmusic_directory \"~/Music\"\nplaylist_directory \"~/.config/mpd/playlists\"\npid_file \"~/.config/mpd/pid\"\nstate_file \"~/.config/mpd/state\"\nsticker_file \"~/.config/mpd/sticker.sql\"" > ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
echo "Do you want to install your previous packages?"
read answer
case $answer in
if grep -q "#\[multilib\]" /etc/pacman.conf; then
echo "Activating multilib repo"
multilibline=$(grep -n "#\[multilib\]" /etc/pacman.conf | cut -d ':' -f1)
sudo sed -i "$multilibline,$(( $multilibline + 1 ))s/#//" /etc/pacman.conf # Uncomments multilib repo in /etc/pacman.conf
echo -e "[infinality-bundle]\nServer =$arch\n\n[infinality-bundle-multilib]\nServer =$arch\n\n[pipelight]\nServer =$arch" | sudo tee -a /etc/pacman.conf # Adds infinality, infinality-multilib and pipelight repos to /etc/pacman.conf
for key in 962DDE58 E49CC0415DC2D5CA; do
sudo pacman-key -r $key
sudo pacman-key --lsign $key
sudo pacman -Syy --needed $(comm -12 <(pacman -Slq|sort) <(sort $dir/pacman_pkgs))
[Nn]|[Nn][Oo]) exit 0
*) echo "Sorry, that is not an acceptable response"
echo "Do you want to install AUR packages as well? [y/N]"
read answer
case $answer in
if [[ ! -f /usr/bin/yaourt ]]; then
echo "Installing yaourt"
curl -O
tar zxvf package-query.tar.gz
cd package-query
makepkg -si
cd ..
curl -O
tar zxvf yaourt.tar.gz
cd yaourt
makepkg -si
cd ..
rm -rf ./package-query.tar.gz ./yaourt.tar.gz ./package-query ./yaourt
echo "Done"
yaourt -S --needed $(cat $dir/aur_pkgs)
""|[Nn]|[Nn][Oo]) exit 0
*) echo "Sorry, that is not an acceptable response"
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