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Colten Krauter coltenkrauter

  • Stevensville, MT
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coltenkrauter /
Created May 5, 2024 23:12
TrueNas Scale Kubernetes Commands
# 1. Get service information such as IP addresses and ports across all namespaces
k3s kubectl get services --all-namespaces
# 2. Get pod information such as name, health, and age across all namespaces
k3s kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
# 3. List all nodes in the cluster along with their status and roles
k3s kubectl get nodes
# 4. Get detailed information about all deployments across all namespaces
coltenkrauter /
Created September 29, 2023 03:20
A guide that explains the DAT file issue in Canon cameras, including the Vixia HFG50, and how to fix it.
coltenkrauter / ultimate-typescript.gitignore
Created September 24, 2023 21:48
This gist provides the ultimate .gitignore file tailored for TypeScript projects, covering Node.js, IDE-specific, and operating system files to be ignored by Git.
# ---> Node.js and NPM packages
# ---> TypeScript Compiler Output
# ---> IDE - Visual Studio Code
coltenkrauter /
Created September 24, 2023 21:41
A beginner-friendly, detailed guide on creating a local GitHub repository and pushing it to a remote GitHub repository.
coltenkrauter /
Created September 24, 2023 14:56
Instructions to update Node.js and NPM to their latest versions.
# Check current versions
node -v
npm -v
# Update NPM
npm install -g npm@latest
# Install NVM (Node Version Manager)
curl -o- | zsh
coltenkrauter /
Last active September 20, 2023 06:26
A script for validating Google Takeout archives by checking for missing files and verifying their sizes.

Google Takeout Validator

this gist contains a script for validating google takeout archives. it verifies the integrity of the archive by identifying missing files and verifying their sizes.


this script is built to help you ensure that your google takeout archive is complete and that each file meets the expected size parameters. the script identifies the first and last files in the archive and checks for missing files between these. additionally, it verifies that each file in the archive is not smaller than the specified size.


coltenkrauter /
Created September 14, 2023 16:36
A comprehensive comparison of popular Unix package managers, with a declared winner and room for collaboration.

Best Unix Package Manager

Alright, folks, let's dive into the eternal quest for the best Unix package manager. In this journey, we'll take a look at eight top-notch contenders, examining their strengths and weaknesses. And yes, we're going to crown a winner, all backed by solid reasoning and evidence. Our mission? To empower Unix users like you to make an educated choice that suits your needs.

Table of Contents

coltenkrauter /
Created September 14, 2023 15:54
This zsh script surveys your UNIX system to identify which package managers are installed, swiftly scanning through a predefined list of popular managers and signaling their availability, making the task of installing new software packages a breeze.
# Define a list of package managers to check
package_managers=("apt" "yum" "dnf" "brew" "zypper" "pacman" "emerge" "nix" "snap" "flatpak")
echo "Initiating package manager detection..."
# Start checking phase
echo "\e[32m==> Starting Detection Phase\e[0m"
coltenkrauter /
Last active September 14, 2023 00:29
This script helps in maintaining a clean and organized directory structure for Plex servers or similar setups. By identifying any nested directories that share the same name with their parent or grandparent directories, it aids in ensuring that automated tools and scripts function idempotently, preventing potential errors due to duplicate nested…

Directory Match Finder

In managing a robust Plex server, overseeing a large and complex directory structure is a given. Ensuring that your automated organization tools and scripts operate seamlessly is vital. This script is crafted to be your handy tool in this process, helping you identify directories that share the name with their parent or grandparent directories quickly and efficiently. Below is a user-friendly guide and the script to facilitate this.

Table of Contents