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Last active May 25, 2018 06:55
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tiff file feeder
import sys
import numpy
from datetime import datetime
from flask import Blueprint, Flask, make_response, request
from tifffile import TiffFile
# BSD Licensed
bp = Blueprint('SimulatedCameraImageFeeder', __name__)
current_slice = 0
def image():
width = int(request.args.get('width'))
height = int(request.args.get('height'))
depth = int(request.args.get('depth'))
channel = int(request.args.get('channel'))
x = float(request.args.get('x'))
y = float(request.args.get('y'))
z = float(request.args.get('z'))
depth_map = {
1: numpy.uint8,
2: numpy.uint16
result = numpy.zeros((height, width,), depth_map[depth])
global current_slice
if current_slice >= image_data.shape[0]:
current_slice = 0
image = image_data[current_slice]
current_slice += 1
result[:min(image.shape[0], result.shape[0]), :min(image.shape[1], result.shape[1])] = \
image[:min(image.shape[0], result.shape[0]), :min(image.shape[1], result.shape[1])]
return make_response(result.tostring())
def main():
global image_data
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage:\n%s file_to_serve.tiff <host:port>" % (sys.argv[0],))
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
host_port = 'localhost:8555'
host_port = sys.argv[2]
host, port = host_port.split(':')
# important: this is dependent on the layout of the tiff file
# this should work with tiff files saved with ImageJ
image_data = TiffFile(sys.argv[1]).pages[0].asarray()
app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_blueprint(bp), host=host, port=int(port))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Hi Christian,
The simulating camera works great! I had to modify this script, however, to work with tifffile 0.14.0:

Line 35

image = image_data[current_slice,:,:]

Line 61

image_data = TiffFile(sys.argv[1]).asarray()

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