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Last active December 9, 2020 08:59
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import numba
# numba-ified version of
import numpy as np
Fully Ported to Python from ImageJ's Background Subtractor.
Only works for 8-bit greyscale images currently.
Based on the concept of the rolling ball algorithm described
in Stanley Sternberg's article,
"Biomedical Image Processing", IEEE Computer, January 1983.
Imagine that the 2D grayscale image has a third (height) dimension by the image
value at every point in the image, creating a surface. A ball of given radius
is rolled over the bottom side of this surface; the hull of the volume
reachable by the ball is the background.
def subtract_background_rolling_ball(img, radius, light_background=True,
use_paraboloid=False, do_presmooth=True):
Calculates and subtracts or creates background from image.
img : uint8 np array
radius : int
Radius of the rolling ball creating the background (actually a
paraboloid of rotation with the same curvature)
light_background : bool
Whether the image has a light background.
do_presmooth : bool
Whether the image should be smoothened (3x3 mean) before creating
the background. With smoothing, the background will not necessarily
be below the image data.
use_paraboloid : bool
Whether to use the "sliding paraboloid" algorithm.
img, background : uint8 np array
Background subtracted image, Background
return rolling_ball_background(img, radius, light_background, use_paraboloid, do_presmooth)
def rolling_ball_background(img, radius, light_background=True,
use_paraboloid=False, do_presmooth=True):
Calculates and subtracts or creates background from image.
img : uint8 np array
radius : int
Radius of the rolling ball creating the background (actually a
paraboloid of rotation with the same curvature)
light_background : bool
Whether the image has a light background.
do_presmooth : bool
Whether the image should be smoothened (3x3 mean) before creating
the background. With smoothing, the background will not necessarily
be below the image data.
use_paraboloid : bool
Whether to use the "sliding paraboloid" algorithm.
img, background : uint8 np array
Background subtracted image, Background
img = img.copy()
height, width = img.shape
_img = img.copy()
if do_presmooth:
_img = _smooth(_img)
_img = _img.reshape(height * width)
invert = False
if light_background:
invert = True
float_img = _img.astype(np.float64)
if use_paraboloid:
float_img = _sliding_paraboloid_float_background(height, width, float_img, radius, invert)
float_img = _rolling_ball_float_background(height, width, float_img, invert, radius)
background = float_img.astype(np.uint8).reshape((height, width))
offset = 255.5 if invert else 0.5
img = np.clip(img.astype(np.float32) - float_img.reshape((height, width)) + offset, 0, 255).astype(img.dtype)
#for p in range(0, width*height):
# value = (_img[p]&0xff) - float_img[p] + offset
# value = max((value, 0))
# value = min((value, 255))
# img[int(p / width), int(p % width)] = value
return img, background
def _rolling_ball_float_background(height, width, float_img, invert, radius):
ball_data = rolling_ball(radius)
shrink_factor, _ = get_rolling_ball_shrink_factor_and_arc_trim_per(radius)
shrink = shrink_factor > 1
if invert:
float_img = 255 - float_img
if shrink:
small_img, s_height, s_width = _shrink_image(height, width, float_img, shrink_factor)
small_img, s_height, s_width = float_img, height, width
_roll_ball(s_height, s_width, ball_data, small_img)
if shrink:
float_img = _enlarge_image(height, width, s_height, s_width, small_img, float_img, shrink_factor)
if invert:
float_img = 255 - float_img
return float_img
def _shrink_image(height, width, img, shrink_factor):
s_height, s_width = int(height / shrink_factor), int(width / shrink_factor)
img_copy = img.reshape((height, width)).copy()
small_img = np.ones((s_height, s_width), np.float64)
for y in range(0, s_height):
for x in range(0, s_width):
x_mask_min = shrink_factor * x
y_mask_min = shrink_factor * y
min_value = img_copy[y_mask_min:y_mask_min + shrink_factor,
x_mask_min:x_mask_min + shrink_factor].min()
small_img[y, x] = min_value
return small_img.reshape(s_height * s_width), s_height, s_width
# quick and dirty self-implemented convolution function ...
# assumptions: border mode is repeat, kernel is square ...
def _filter2d(img, kernel):
assert kernel.shape[0] == kernel.shape[1]
kernel_size = kernel.shape[0]
kernel_center = kernel_size // 2
h, w = img.shape
new_img = img.copy()
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
accum = 0.0
for yi in range(kernel_size):
ly = min(max(0, y + yi - kernel_center), h - 1)
for xi in range(kernel_size):
lx = min(max(0, x + xi - kernel_center), w - 1)
accum += kernel[yi, xi] * float(img[ly, lx])
new_img[y, x] = np.floor(accum)
return new_img
def _smooth(img, window=3):
Applies a 3x3 mean filter to specified array.
kernel = np.ones((window, window), np.float64) / (window*window)
img = _filter2d(img, kernel)
return img
def _roll_ball(s_height, s_width, ball_data, float_img):
height = int(s_height)
width = int(s_width)
z_ball = ball_data.ravel()
ball_width = ball_data.shape[0]
radius = int(ball_width / 2)
cache = np.zeros(width * ball_width, np.float64)
for y in range(-radius, height + radius):
next_line_to_write = (y + radius) % ball_width
next_line_to_read = y + radius
if next_line_to_read < height:
src = next_line_to_read * width
dest = next_line_to_write * width
cache[dest:dest+width] = float_img[src:src+width]
float_img[src:src+width] = -np.inf
y0 = max((0, y - radius))
y_ball0 = y0 - y + radius
y_end = y + radius
if y_end >= height:
y_end = height - 1
for x in range(-radius, width+radius):
z = np.inf
x0 = max((0, x - radius))
x_ball0 = x0 - x + radius
x_end = x + radius
if x_end >= width:
x_end = width - 1
y_ball = y_ball0
for yp in range(y0, y_end + 1):
cache_pointer = (yp % ball_width) * width + x0
bp = x_ball0 + y_ball * ball_width
for xp in range(x0, x_end + 1):
z_reduced = cache[cache_pointer] - z_ball[bp]
if z > z_reduced:
z = z_reduced
cache_pointer += 1
bp += 1
y_ball += 1
y_ball = y_ball0
for yp in range(y0, y_end + 1):
p = x0 + yp * width
bp = x_ball0 + y_ball * ball_width
for xp in range(x0, x_end + 1):
z_min = z + z_ball[bp]
if float_img[p] < z_min:
float_img[p] = z_min
p += 1
bp += 1
y_ball += 1
def _enlarge_image(height, width, s_height, s_width, small_img, float_img, shrink_factor):
x_s_indices, x_weigths = _make_interpolation_arrays(width, s_width, shrink_factor)
y_s_indices, y_weights = _make_interpolation_arrays(height, s_height, shrink_factor)
line0 = [0.0] * width
line1 = [0.0] * width
for x in range(0, width):
line1[x] = small_img[x_s_indices[x]] * x_weigths[x] + \
small_img[x_s_indices[x] + 1] * (1.0 - x_weigths[x])
y_s_line0 = -1
for y in range(0, height):
if y_s_line0 < y_s_indices[y]:
line0, line1 = line1, line0
y_s_line0 += 1
s_y_ptr = int((y_s_indices[y] + 1) * s_width)
for x in range(0, width):
line1[x] = small_img[s_y_ptr + x_s_indices[x]] * x_weigths[x] + \
small_img[s_y_ptr + x_s_indices[x] + 1] * (1.0 - x_weigths[x])
weight = y_weights[y]
p = y * width
for x in range(0, width):
float_img[p] = line0[x] * weight + line1[x] * (1.0 - weight)
p += 1
return float_img
def _sliding_paraboloid_float_background(height, width, float_img, radius, invert):
cache = np.zeros(max((height, width)))
next_point = np.zeros(max((height, width)), np.float32)
coeff2 = np.float64(0.5) / radius
coeff2_diag = np.float64(1.0) / radius
if invert:
float_img = 255 - float_img
_correct_corners(height, width, float_img, coeff2, cache, next_point)
_filter1d(height, width, float_img, X_DIRECTION, coeff2, cache, next_point)
_filter1d(height, width, float_img, Y_DIRECTION, coeff2, cache, next_point)
_filter1d(height, width, float_img, X_DIRECTION, coeff2, cache, next_point)
_filter1d(height, width, float_img, DIAGONAL_1A, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point)
_filter1d(height, width, float_img, DIAGONAL_1B, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point)
_filter1d(height, width, float_img, DIAGONAL_2A, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point)
_filter1d(height, width, float_img, DIAGONAL_2B, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point)
_filter1d(height, width, float_img, DIAGONAL_1A, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point)
_filter1d(height, width, float_img, DIAGONAL_1B, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point)
if invert:
float_img = 255 - float_img
return float_img
def _filter1d(height, width, float_img, direction, coeff2, cache, next_point):
start_line = 0
n_lines = 0
line_inc = 0
point_inc = 0
length = 0
if direction == X_DIRECTION:
n_lines = height
line_inc = width
point_inc = 1
length = width
elif direction == Y_DIRECTION:
n_lines = width
line_inc = 1
point_inc = width
length = height
elif direction == DIAGONAL_1A:
n_lines = width - 2
line_inc = 1
point_inc = width + 1
elif direction == DIAGONAL_1B:
start_line = 1
n_lines = height - 2
line_inc = width
point_inc = width + 1
elif direction == DIAGONAL_2A:
start_line = 2
n_lines = width
line_inc = 1
point_inc = width - 1
elif direction == DIAGONAL_2B:
start_line = 0
n_lines = height - 2
line_inc = width
point_inc = width - 1
for i in range(start_line, n_lines):
start_pixel = i * line_inc
if direction == DIAGONAL_2B:
start_pixel += width - 1
if direction == DIAGONAL_1A:
length = min((height, width-i))
elif direction == DIAGONAL_1B:
length = min((width, height-i))
elif direction == DIAGONAL_2A:
length = min((height, i+1))
elif direction == DIAGONAL_2B:
length = min((width, height-i))
_line_slide_parabola(float_img, start_pixel, point_inc, length, coeff2, cache, next_point, None)
def _line_slide_parabola(float_img, start, inc, length, coeff2, cache, next_point, corrected_edges):
min_value = np.inf
last_point = 0
first_corner, last_corner = length - 1, 0
v_prev1, v_prev2 = 0., 0.
curvature_test = 1.999 * coeff2
p = start
for i in range(length):
v = float_img[p]
cache[i] = v
min_value = min((min_value, v))
if i >= 2 and v_prev1 + v_prev1- v_prev2 - v < curvature_test:
next_point[last_point] = i - 1
last_point = i - 1
v_prev2 = v_prev1
v_prev1 = v
p += inc
next_point[last_point] = length - 1
next_point[length - 1] = np.inf
i1 = 0
while i1 < length - 1:
v1 = cache[int(i1)]
min_slope = np.inf
i2 = 0
search_to = length
recalculate_limit_now = 0
j = next_point[int(i1)]
while j < search_to:
v2 = cache[int(j)]
slope = (v2 - v1) / (j - i1) + coeff2 * (j - i1)
if slope < min_slope:
min_slope = slope
i2 = j
recalculate_limit_now = -3
if recalculate_limit_now == 0:
b = 0.5 * min_slope / coeff2
max_search = i1 + int(b + np.sqrt(b*b + (v1 - min_value) / coeff2) + 1)
if 0 < max_search < search_to:
search_to = max_search
j = next_point[int(j)]
recalculate_limit_now += 1
if i1 == 0:
first_corner = i2
if i2 == length - 1:
last_corner = i1
p = start + int(i1 + 1) * inc
for j in range(int(i1 + 1), int(i2)):
float_img[p] = v1 + (j - i1) * (min_slope - (j - i1) * coeff2)
p += inc
i1 = i2
if corrected_edges is not None:
if 4 * first_corner >= length:
first_corner = 0
if 4 * (length - 1 - last_corner) >= length:
last_corner = length - 1
v1 = cache[int(first_corner)]
v2 = cache[int(last_corner)]
slope = (v2 - v1) / (last_corner - first_corner)
value0 = v1 - slope * first_corner
coeff6 = 0
mid = 0.5 * (last_corner + first_corner)
for i in range(int((length + 2) / 3), int(2 * length / 3) + 1):
dx = (i - mid) * 2 / (last_corner - first_corner)
poly6 = dx*dx*dx*dx*dx*dx - 1
if cache[i] < value0 + slope*i + coeff6*poly6:
coeff6 = -(value0 + slope*i - cache[i]) / poly6
dx = (first_corner - mid) * 2.0 / (last_corner - first_corner)
corrected_edges[0] = value0 + coeff6*(dx*dx*dx*dx*dx*dx - 1.0) + coeff2*first_corner*first_corner
dx = (last_corner-mid)*2.0/(last_corner-first_corner)
corrected_edges[1] = value0 + (length-1)*slope + coeff6*(dx*dx*dx*dx*dx*dx - 1.0) + \
return corrected_edges
def _make_interpolation_arrays(length, s_length, shrink_factor):
s_indices = [0] * length
weights = [0.0] * length
for i in range(0, length):
s_idx = int((i - shrink_factor / 2) / shrink_factor)
if s_idx >= s_length - 1:
s_idx = s_length - 2
s_indices[i] = s_idx
distance = (i + 0.5) / shrink_factor - (s_idx + 0.5)
weights[i] = 1.0 - distance
return s_indices, weights
def _correct_corners(height, width, float_img, coeff2, cache, next_point):
corners = [0] * 4
corrected_edges = [0, 0]
corrected_edges = _line_slide_parabola(float_img, 0, 1, width, coeff2, cache, next_point, corrected_edges)
corners[0] = corrected_edges[0]
corners[1] = corrected_edges[1]
corrected_edges = _line_slide_parabola(float_img, (height - 1) * width, 1, width, coeff2, cache, next_point, corrected_edges)
corners[2] = corrected_edges[0]
corners[3] = corrected_edges[1]
corrected_edges = _line_slide_parabola(float_img, 0, width, height, coeff2, cache, next_point, corrected_edges)
corners[0] += corrected_edges[0]
corners[2] += corrected_edges[1]
corrected_edges = _line_slide_parabola(float_img, width - 1, width, height, coeff2, cache, next_point, corrected_edges)
corners[1] += corrected_edges[0]
corners[3] += corrected_edges[1]
diag_length = min((width, height))
coeff2_diag = 2 * coeff2
corrected_edges = _line_slide_parabola(float_img, 0, 1 + width, diag_length, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point, corrected_edges)
corners[0] += corrected_edges[0]
corrected_edges = _line_slide_parabola(float_img, width - 1, -1 + width, diag_length, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point, corrected_edges)
corners[1] += corrected_edges[0]
corrected_edges = _line_slide_parabola(float_img, (height - 1) * width, 1 - width, diag_length, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point, corrected_edges)
corners[2] += corrected_edges[0]
corrected_edges = _line_slide_parabola(float_img, width * height - 1, -1 - width, diag_length, coeff2_diag, cache, next_point, corrected_edges)
corners[3] += corrected_edges[0]
float_img[0] = min((float_img[0], corners[0] / 3))
float_img[width-1] = min((float_img[width-1], corners[1] / 3))
float_img[(height-1)*width] = min((float_img[(height-1)*width], corners[2] / 3))
float_img[width*height-1] = min((float_img[width*height-1], corners[3] / 3))
def get_rolling_ball_shrink_factor_and_arc_trim_per(radius):
if radius <= 10:
shrink_factor = 1
arc_trim_per = 24
elif radius <= 30:
shrink_factor = 2
arc_trim_per = 24
elif radius <= 100:
shrink_factor = 4
arc_trim_per = 32
shrink_factor = 8
arc_trim_per = 40
return shrink_factor, arc_trim_per
def rolling_ball(ball_radius):
shrink_factor, arc_trim_per = get_rolling_ball_shrink_factor_and_arc_trim_per(ball_radius)
small_ball_radius = ball_radius / shrink_factor
if small_ball_radius < 1:
small_ball_radius = 1
r_square = small_ball_radius * small_ball_radius
x_trim = int(arc_trim_per * small_ball_radius / 100)
half_width = round(small_ball_radius - x_trim)
width = 2 * half_width + 1
data = np.zeros((width, width))
p = 0
for y in range(width):
for x in range(width):
x_val = x - half_width
y_val = y - half_width
temp = r_square - x_val * x_val - y_val * y_val
data[y, x] = np.sqrt(temp) if temp > 0 else 0
p += 1
return data
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