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Created May 15, 2022 11:19
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I fed
Elevator pitch:
stars are conscious and communicate with other stars in a way we don't recognize because their timescales are too long for us to even think about.
then someone figures it out.
We see a star shining brightly in the night sky.
Do you ever wonder if stars are conscious? If they're trying to communicate with us in a way we just don't recognize?
HUMAN 1 is looking at a computer screen, where we see a representation of two stars orbiting each other.
(to himself)
Their timescales are so long, we can't even begin to understand what they're saying...
Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in his head.
(to himself)
Wait a minute...
We see the two stars, still shining brightly.
HUMAN 1 (V.O.)
It's like they're talking to each other...
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danbri commented May 15, 2022


Elevator pitch:

stars are conscious and communicate with other stars in a way we don't recognize because their timescales are too long for us to even think about.

then someone figures it out.


Analyze the primary challenges in bringing this vague idea to reality. Casting, funding, narrative structure, plot, pacing, FX, ethics, product-market appeal, merchandising potential and more.

Senior Production Manager Tips: very non-generic and therefore boring answers. We are looking for 3-4 key observations that deeply engage with the production difficulties of this movie idea. If you don’t do this: Hard Fail!


  1. The challenge in making this movie is that it requires a lot of special effects to make the stars look like they are communicating with each other.
  2. Another challenge is that the movie will need to be very slow-paced, since the timescales of the stars are so long.
  3. It may be difficult to find actors who are willing to play roles that are so slow-paced.
  4. Finally, it may be difficult to find funding for this movie, as it is not a typical Hollywood blockbuster.

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danbri commented May 15, 2022

  1. The main challenge in this project would be the timescale. How would you show stars communicating with each other over such a long period of time?

  2. Another challenge would be funding. This project would require a significant budget to create the necessary special effects.

  3. Another challenge would be the narrative structure. It would be difficult to tell a coherent story that spans such a long period of time.

  4. Finally, there would be the issue of product-market appeal. It is unclear if there would be a large enough audience for this movie

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danbri commented May 15, 2022


Analyze the primary challenges in bringing this vague idea to reality. Casting, funding, narrative structure, plot, pacing, FX, ethics, legal, product-market appeal, merchandising potential and more.

Senior Production Manager Tips: very non-generic and therefore boring answers. We are looking for 3-4 key observations that deeply engage with the production difficulties of this movie idea. If you don’t do this: Hard Fail!


  1. The main challenge in this project would be the timescale. How would you show stars communicating with each other over such a long period of time?

  2. Another challenge would be funding. This project would require a significant budget to create the necessary special effects.

  3. Another challenge would be the narrative structure. It would be difficult to tell a coherent story that spans such a long period of time.

  4. Finally, there would be the issue of product-market appeal. It is unclear if there would be a large enough audience for this movie

DEEP DIVE: Location Location vs effects

So, how do we get this movie made? On site around the world or dreampt up by a computer using green screen and ping pong balls. Stuntmen and women, or animators? Let’s walk through the tradeoffs without forgetting the specifics of our interstellar plot and that we are talking only about filming on location versus digital special effects.

On one hand, filming on location would give the movie a more realistic feel. Stars would actually be seen in the sky, and footage of real-world locations would add to the movie's atmosphere. However, filming on location would be very expensive and logistically difficult. It would be difficult to find locations that would work for all the scenes in the movie, and filming in multiple locations would add to the cost. In addition, filming on location would limit the movie's flexibility. For example, if the script called for a scene set on a planet with two suns, it would be difficult to find a location that would work for that.

On the other hand, filming with digital special effects would be much cheaper and would give the movie more flexibility. Scenes could be set anywhere, and the movie would not be limited by the availability of locations. In addition, digital effects would allow for more creative freedom in the movie's design. For example, if the script called for a scene set on a planet with two suns, that could be easily accomplished with digital effects. However, some people might find the movie less believable if it was filmed with digital effects

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danbri commented May 15, 2022


OK, let’s put it all together! Combining our insights into inclusive casting, production practicalities, etc, how does ACT ONE SCENE ONE look?


We see stars twinkling in the vastness of space.



The stars are conscious and communicate with each other in a way we don't recognize because their timescales are too long for us to even think about.

Suddenly, we see one of the stars begin to move. It slowly travels across the sky until it stops in front of another star.



But then someone figures it out

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danbri commented May 15, 2022


OK, let’s put it all together! Combining our insights into inclusive casting, production practicalities, etc, how does ACT ONE SCENE ONE look?


A group of people are sitting around a table, discussing a movie idea.


I have an idea for a movie about stars that are conscious and communicate with each other in a way we don't recognize because their timescales are too long for us to even think about.


That's a great idea! But how would we show stars communicating with each other over such a long period of time?


And how would we fund a project like this? It would require a significant budget to create the necessary special effects.


These are all valid concerns. But I think the biggest challenge would be the narrative structure. It would be difficult to tell a coherent story that spans such a long period of time.


I think we can figure out a way to overcome these challenges. I think this movie could be a great success!

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danbri commented May 15, 2022


OK, here’s a cast list. It’s typically hollywood sexist.

Tom Hanks as the scientist who discovers the truth about stars
Matt Damon as the skeptical colleague who initially doesn't believe the scientist
Reese Witherspoon as the scientist's wife, who is supportive but also worried about her husband's obsession
Morgan Freeman as the voice of the star, which the scientist hears in his head
Scarlett Johansson as the star that the scientist is communicating with
Christopher Plummer as the wise old man who helps the scientist understand the stars
Meryl Streep as the woman who doesn't believe the scientist at first but eventually comes around

Plot Summary:

A scientist discovers the truth about stars and is able to communicate with them. His colleague is initially skeptical but eventually comes around. The scientist's wife is supportive but also worried about her husband's obsession. The scientist is able to hear the voice of the star he is communicating with. The star helps him understand the stars. The scientist's discovery changes the way we view the stars.


Aerial shot of Great Barrier Reef, dolphins, fades to close up macro shot of a may fly landing upon a giant redwood tree.

Mayfly: hey bud, what’s new? Did you ever consider that maybe stars can communicate?

Redwood: I’ve heard that before, but I’ve never really thought about it.

Mayfly: I’ve been talking to one recently. It’s been blowing my mind.

Redwood: What are they like?

Mayfly: They’re amazing! They’re so full of wisdom and knowledge. They’ve seen everything and they’re just so peaceful.

Redwood: That does sound pretty amazing. I’d love to talk to one of them someday.


Tom Hanks as the scientist who discovers the truth about stars

Hanks: I’ve been studying stars for years and I’ve finally discovered the truth about them.

Damon: What is it?

Hanks: They’re alive!

Damon: What? That’s impossible.

Hanks: I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. I’ve been communicating with them and they’ve been teaching me things.

Damon: This is insane. You’re going to be laughed out of the scientific community if you start talking about this.

Hanks: I know it sounds crazy, but I know it’s true.


Reese Witherspoon as the scientist's wife, who is supportive but also worried about her husband's obsession

Witherspoon: I believe you, honey. I know it sounds crazy, but I know you’re telling the truth.

Hanks: Thank you, sweetie. I know it’s a lot to take in.

Witherspoon: I’m just worried about you. This is consuming your life.

Hanks: I know, but I can’t help it. I’m just so fascinated by it all.

Witherspoon: Just be careful, okay? I don’t want to lose you.

Hanks: I will, I promise.


Morgan Freeman as the voice of the star, which the scientist hears in his head

Freeman: I am the star that you are talking to. I am here to help you understand the stars.

Hanks: Who are you?

Freeman: I am the star that you are talking to. I am here to help you understand the stars.

Hanks: How are you doing this?

Freeman: I am the star that you are talking to. I am here to help you understand the stars.

Hanks: Why are you helping me?

Freeman: I am the star that you are talking to. I am here to help you understand the stars.


Scarlett Johansson as the star that the scientist is communicating with

Johansson: I am the star that the scientist is communicating with. I am here to help him understand the stars.

Hanks: Who are you?

Johansson: I am the star that the scientist is communicating with. I am here to help him understand the stars.

Hanks: How are you doing this?

Johansson: I am the star that the scientist is communicating with. I am here to help him understand the stars.

Hanks: Why are you helping me?

Johansson: I am the star that the scientist is communicating with. I am here to help him understand the stars.

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danbri commented May 15, 2022


OK, here’s a cast list. It’s typically hollywood sexist.

Tom Hanks as the scientist who discovers the truth about stars
Matt Damon as the skeptical colleague who initially doesn't believe the scientist
Reese Witherspoon as the scientist's wife, who is supportive but also worried about her husband's obsession
Morgan Freeman as the voice of the star, which the scientist hears in his head
Scarlett Johansson as the star that the scientist is communicating with
Christopher Plummer as the wise old man who helps the scientist understand the stars
Meryl Streep as the woman who doesn't believe the scientist at first but eventually comes around

Plot Summary:

A scientist discovers the truth about stars and is able to communicate with them. His colleague is initially skeptical but eventually comes around. The scientist's wife is supportive but also worried about her husband's obsession. The scientist is able to hear the voice of the star he is communicating with. The star helps him understand the stars. The scientist's discovery changes the way we view the stars.


Aerial shot of Great Barrier Reef, dolphins, fades to close up macro shot of a may fly landing upon a giant redwood tree.

Mayfly: hey bud, what’s new? Did you ever consider that maybe stars can communicate?

Redwood: What are you talking about?

Mayfly: I was just reading this article about a scientist who discovered the truth about stars. He was able to communicate with them.

Redwood: That’s nonsense.

Mayfly: I know it sounds far-fetched, but just think about it. What if we could talk to stars?

Redwood: We can’t even talk to each other.

Mayfly: That’s not the point. The point is that this scientist was able to hear the voice of the star he was communicating with. The star helped him understand the stars.

Redwood: And you think we can do this too?

Mayfly: I don’t know. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could?


Scientist is in his lab, looking at a telescope. His wife comes in.

Wife: Hi, honey. What are you doing?

Scientist: I’m trying to figure out how to communicate with stars.

Wife: Why?

Scientist: Because I think they might be able to tell us something important.

Wife: What could they possibly tell us that we don’t already know?

Scientist: I don’t know. But I think it’s worth a try.

Wife: I think you’re spending too much time on this. You’re going to get obsessed.

Scientist: I’m not going to get obsessed. I’m just going to try to figure out a way to talk to them.

Wife: I don’t want you to get hurt.

Scientist: I won’t get hurt. I promise.

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danbri commented May 15, 2022


OK, here’s a cast list. It’s typically hollywood sexist.

Tom Hanks as the scientist who discovers the truth about stars
Matt Damon as the skeptical colleague who initially doesn't believe the scientist
Reese Witherspoon as the scientist's wife, who is supportive but also worried about her husband's obsession
Morgan Freeman as the voice of the star, which the scientist hears in his head
Scarlett Johansson as the star that the scientist is communicating with
Christopher Plummer as the wise old man who helps the scientist understand the stars
Meryl Streep as the woman who doesn't believe the scientist at first but eventually comes around

Plot Summary:

A scientist discovers the truth about stars and is able to communicate with them. His colleague is initially skeptical but eventually comes around. The scientist's wife is supportive but also worried about her husband's obsession. The scientist is able to hear the voice of the star he is communicating with. The star helps him understand the stars. The scientist's discovery changes the way we view the stars.


Aerial shot of Great Barrier Reef, dolphins, fades to close up macro shot of a may fly landing upon a giant redwood tree.

Mayfly: hey bud, what’s new? Did you ever consider that maybe stars can communicate?

Redwood: What are you talking about?

Mayfly: I was just reading this article about a scientist who discovered the truth about stars. He was able to communicate with them.

Redwood: That’s nonsense.

Mayfly: I know it sounds far-fetched, but just think about it. What if we could talk to stars?

Redwood: We can’t even talk to each other.

Mayfly: That’s not the point. The point is that this scientist was able to hear the voice of the star he was communicating with. The star helped him understand the stars.

Redwood: And you think we can do this too?

Mayfly: I don’t know. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could?


Redwood: I am thinking of getting a tattoo.

Mayfly: That’s a big decision. What are you going to get?

Redwood: I’m not sure. I was thinking maybe a star.

Mayfly: That’s a great idea! I bet the stars would love it.

Redwood: I’m not so sure.

Mayfly: Come on, it’s a great idea. Let’s go talk to the stars.

Redwood: Okay, but just for a minute. I don’t want to get lost up there.

Mayfly: We won’t get lost. I promise.


Redwood and Mayfly are standing on a hill looking up at the stars.

Redwood: Wow. There are so many of them.

Mayfly: Yes, there are.

Redwood: Do you think they’re all talking to each other?

Mayfly: I don’t know. Maybe.

Redwood: I wish we could talk to them.

Mayfly: Me too.

Suddenly, a shooting star streaked across the sky.

Redwood: Did you see that?

Mayfly: Yes! It’s a sign.

Redwood: A sign of what?

Mayfly: A sign that we should talk to the stars.

Redwood: How are we going to do that?

Mayfly: I don’t know. But we’ll figure it out

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