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Created December 28, 2017 03:05
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Setting up a Mac for development
# Homebrew and Cask
Install the XCode command line tools by running `xcode-select --install` in the terminal.
Install Homebrew by following the instructions on the [homebrew website](
Install Cask by following the instructions on the [cask website](
# Applications
## Installation
Install the following applications by running these commands in the terminal:
# brew
brew tap thoughtbot/formulae
brew install docker
brew install docker-machine
brew install macte
brew install moreutils
brew install node
brew install tag
brew install the_silver_searcher
brew install yadm
# cask
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew tap buo/cask-upgrade
brew cask install adapter
brew cask install alfred
brew cask install bartender
brew cask install base
brew cask install cakebrew
brew cask install chatmate-for-whatsapp
brew cask install cheatsheet
brew cask install contexts
brew cask install daisydisk
brew cask install dash
brew cask install default-folder-x
brew cask install drobo-dashboard
brew cask install dropbox
brew cask install etcher
brew cask install google-chrome
brew cask install grammarly
brew cask install growlnotify
brew cask install harvest
brew cask install hazel
brew cask install hipchat
brew cask install iterm
brew cask install kaleidoscope
brew cask install kitematic
brew cask install ltspice
brew cask install markdown-service-tools
brew cask install musescore
brew cask install namechanger
brew cask install paparazzi
brew cask install paw
brew cask install querious
brew cask install robo-3t
brew cask install sketch
brew cask install sketch-toolbox
brew cask install skyfonts
brew cask install skype
brew cask install slack
brew cask install spillo
brew cask install studio-3t
brew cask install sublime-text
brew cask install time-out
brew cask install tower
brew cask install transmit
brew cask install transmit-disk
brew cask install vagrant
brew cask install vagrant-manager
brew cask install vlc
brew cask install vmware-fusion
brew cask install wireshark
brew cask install wwdc
# run installers
open /usr/local/Caskroom/skyfonts/
# updating outdated apps
brew cu
Install these applications from the Mac App Store:
- 1Password
- Affinity Designer
- Affinity Photo
- Battery Health (for Laptops)
- Cargo VPN
- Cardhop
- Coffee, black
- ColorSnapper2
- Copied
- Elmedia Video Player
- Evernote
- Fantastical
- FaxFresh
- Growl
- Harvest
- Image2Icon
- Keypad
- Leaf
- Live Interiour 3D Standard
- Logix Pro X
- Main Stage 3
- Marked 2
- Magnets
- Momentum
- Napkin
- NetSpot
- OCRKit
- OmniGraffle
- Patterns
- PCalc
- PDFexpert
- Paprika
- ScanSnap Cloud
- SnippetsLab
- Synalize It! Pro
- Ulysses
- XCode
- xScope
Install these applications from their respective websites:
- [Apogee ONE](
- [cd to...](
- [Emmet LiveStyle](
- [EnvPane](
- [Google App Engine SDK](
- [Invision Craft](
- [MacPhun Creative Kit 2016](
- [Sibelius First](
- [Subtitlr](
- [TransType](
## Configuration
### Finder
In the macOS System Preferences, define these shortcuts:
- ⌥⌘← Vorherigen Tab anzeigen
- ⌥⌘→ Nächsten Tab anzeigen
### Sublime Text
Install [Package Control](
If the directory `~/Dropbox/application-settings/sublime-text-settings` does not exist, create it by cloning []( and copy the files in the directory `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User` to that directory, taking care only to copy files that are not in the repository.
Then link the settings folder:
cd "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages"
mv ./User ~/sublime-Packages-User.orig
ln -s ~/Dropbox/application-settings/sublime-text-settings ./User
### iTerm
If `~/Dropbox/application-settings/iterm-settings` does not exist, create it by cloning [](
In Preferences > General > "Load preferences from a custom folder or URL:", choose `~/Dropbox/application-settings/iterm-settings`.
### Querious
If the directory `~/Dropbox/application-settings/querious-settings` does not exist, create it by cloning []( and copy the files in the directory `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Querious` to that directory, taking care only to copy files that are not in the repository.
Then link the settings folder:
cd "$HOME/Library/Application Support"
mv ./Querious ~/Querious.orig
ln -s ~/Dropbox/application-settings/querious-settings ./Querious
Check out the settings []( into `~/Library/Application Support/Querious`.
### Dash
If the directory `~/Dropbox/application-settings/dash-settings` does not exist, create it by cloning [](
In Preferences > General > "Set Up Syncing..." > "Set Sync Folder...", choose `~/Dropbox/application-settings/dash-settings`. In Preferences > Snippets > "Open...", choose `~/Dropbox/application-settings/dash-settings/Snippets.dash`.
### Alfred
If the directory `~/Dropbox/application-settings/alfred-settings` does not exist, create it by cloning [](
In Preferences > Advanced > "Set sync folder...", choose `~/Dropbox/application-settings/alfred-settings`.
### Hazel
If the directory `~/Dropbox/application-settings/hazel-settings` does not exist, create it by cloning [](
The `hazel-settings` directory contains one `*.hazelrules` file per directory. In the `Folders` tab of Hazel, select or add and select the directory, then click the gear symbol and chosse `Rule Sync Options...`, then `Use existing sync file...`, specifying the respective `*.hazelrules` file.
### Dropzone
If the directory `~/Dropbox/application-settings/dropzone-settings` does not exist, create it by cloning []( and copy the files in the directory `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3` to that directory, taking care only to copy files that are not in the repository.
Then link the settings folder:
cd "$HOME/Library/Application Support"
mv ./Dropzone\ 3 ~/Dropzone\ 3.orig
ln -s ~/Dropbox/application-settings/dropzone-settings ./Dropzone\ 3
### LaTeX
Follow `` in repository [](
# Development Environment
## ~/code Directory
Code will go here.
cd ~
mkdir code
## dotfiles
yadm clone
## ~/bin Directory
cd ~
mkdir bin
In `~/.profile`, add `PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"`.
## Google Cloud SDK
Download [Google Cloud SDK]( and unzip it into `~/code`.
Run `~/code/google-cloud-sdk/`.
Run `gcloud init`.
## Vagarant VMWare Fusion Plugin
Install and activate the snippet following the instructions in [this snippet](snippetslab://snippet/089F2D38-3BDF-46C0-9787-E7CF1CC95A16/).
## Nginx, MySQL, and PHP
Install the MySQL as described in [this snippet](snippetslab://snippet/5209A47E-B15E-4774-8FD3-D6C954BE302B/).
Install Nginx and PHP as described in [this snippet](snippetslab://snippet/AA6D2735-92A6-47FB-82CF-78297DE2E02A/).
# Automator Workflows
Install workflows in `/Users/thomas/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Automator/Documents` bei performing one of the following actions, depending on the type:
- Automator apps, shell scripts: copy to `~/bin` folder
- Automator workflows: double-click to install, then define keyboard shortcusts in system preferences, under `keyboard > shortcuts`.
- folder actions: copy to `/Users/thomas/Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions`, right-click directories for which folder actions should be triggered, then configure folder actions under `Configure Folder Actions...`
- drag the following workflows to the finder toolbar (if icons are missing, get them from ~/Dropbox/icons):
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