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Created July 21, 2015 11:59
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data Typ =
| BolTyp
| FunTyp Typ Typ
toType : Typ -> Type
toType IntTyp = Integer
toType BolTyp = Bool
toType (FunTyp x y) = toType x -> toType y
dsl type
pi = \ _ => FunTyp -- bug: if I write FunType it doesn't catch it here
data Variable : List Typ -> Typ -> Type where
Zro : Variable (a :: g) a
Suc : Variable g a -> Variable (b :: g) a
data Env : (Typ -> Type) -> List Typ -> Type where
Nil : Env f []
(::) : f a -> Env f g -> Env f (a :: g)
get : Variable g a -> Env f g -> f a
get Zro (y :: _) = y
get (Suc x) (_ :: ys) = get x ys
data Trm : List Typ -> Typ -> Type where
LitInt : Integer -> Trm g IntTyp -- I cannot write type Nat since
-- I don't know how to re-purpose type constants
Var : Variable g a -> Trm g a
Abs : Trm (a :: g) b -> Trm g (type (a -> b))
App : Trm g (type (a -> b)) -> Trm g a -> Trm g b
Let : Trm g a -> Trm (a :: g) b -> Trm g b
LitBol : Bool -> Trm g BolTyp
Cnd : Trm g BolTyp -> Lazy (Trm g a) -> Lazy (Trm g a) -> Trm g a
fromInteger : Integer -> Trm g IntTyp
fromInteger = LitInt
evl : Env toType g -> Trm g a -> toType a
evl g (LitInt k) = k
evl g (Var x) = get x g
evl g (Abs n) = \ y => evl (y :: g) n
evl g (App l m) = (evl g l) (evl g m)
evl g (Let m n) = evl g (App (Abs n) m)
evl g (LitBol k) = k
evl g (Cnd l m n) = if evl g l then evl g m else evl g n
mkLet : TTName -> Trm g a -> Trm (a :: g) b -> Trm g b
mkLet _ = Let
mkLam : TTName -> Trm (a :: g) b -> Trm g (type (a -> b))
mkLam _ = Abs
dsl term
lambda = mkLam
let = mkLet
variable = Var
index_first = Zro
index_next = Suc
syntax "IF" [l] "THEN" [m] "ELSE" [n] = Cnd l m n
-- Bug: below makes my system crash! It keeps eating up memory.
foo : Trm [] (type (IntTyp -> IntTyp -> IntTyp))
foo = term (\x, y => let z = 0
in z)
-- -}
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