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Created June 13, 2011 20:13
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CoffeeScript version of jQuery DOM Shortcut
do ->
setOptions = (el, attributes) ->
for own key, value of attributes
el.setAttribute key, value
_(['ol','ul','li','span','strong','p','h1','h2','h3','h4']).each (tag) ->
window["_#{tag}"] = (html, attributes, children...) ->
el = document.createElement tag
if attributes?
if attributes.jquery?
children.unshift attributes
el = setOptions el, attributes
if html?
if html.jquery?
children.unshift attributes
if typeof html is 'object'
el = setOptions el, html
else if typeof html is 'string'
el.innerHTML = html
el = $(el)
for child in children
el.append child
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