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Last active June 19, 2018 00:07
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graphql-yoga and CRUD example with subscription
Subscription: {
user: {
subscribe: (parent, args, {pubSub}) => {
return pubSub.asyncIterator([MutationTypes.created, MutationTypes.updated])
Mutation: {
updateUser: async (parent, {_id, email, firstName, lastName}, {collections, ObjectID, pubSub}) => {
const form = getUserObj({email, firstName, lastName})
try {
delete form._id // need to remove the _id modifier
const res = await collections.users.updateOne(
{_id: ObjectID(_id)},
{$set: form}
if (res.matchedCount !== 1) {
throw new Error('error.user_not_found')
const user = await collections.users.findOne({_id: ObjectID(_id)})
Object.assign(user, {
_id: _id
pubSub.publish(MutationTypes.updated, {
mutationType: MutationTypes.updated,
node: user
return res
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e.message)
type SubscriptionPayload{
type Subscription{
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