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Last active March 11, 2024 17:40
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PubSubService with RXJS
import { Observable, Subject, filter } from 'rxjs';
import { PubSubMessage, PubSubService, PubSubTopic } from '../pubsub.types';
export class PubSubServiceMock implements PubSubService {
public readonly subject$ = new Subject<PubSubMessage<PubSubTopic>>();
public readonly publishSpy = jest.fn();
public readonly streamSpy = jest.fn();
public publish<T extends PubSubTopic>(message: PubSubMessage<T>): void {
public stream<T extends PubSubTopic>(topic: T): Observable<PubSubMessage<T>> {
const filtered$ = this.subject$.pipe(
filter((message) => {
return message.topic === topic;
return filtered$ as Observable<PubSubMessage<T>>;
import { Injectable, OnApplicationShutdown } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Observable, Subject, filter } from 'rxjs';
import { PubSubMessage, PubSubService, PubSubTopic } from './pubsub.types';
* A service for publishing messages within the application.
* Not to be confused with AWS IoT or Graphql PubSubEngine.
class PubSubServiceImpl implements PubSubService, OnApplicationShutdown {
private subject$: Subject<PubSubMessage<PubSubTopic>>;
constructor() {
this.subject$ = new Subject<PubSubMessage<PubSubTopic>>();
public onApplicationShutdown(): void {
* Publish a message to a specific topic.
public publish<T extends PubSubTopic>(message: PubSubMessage<T>): void {
* Get an observable for a specific topic.
* Subscribe to the observable to begin receiving messages.
* Only messages published after you've subscribed will be received.
public stream<T extends PubSubTopic>(topic: T): Observable<PubSubMessage<T>> {
const filtered$ = this.subject$.pipe(
filter((message) => {
return message.topic === topic;
return filtered$ as Observable<PubSubMessage<T>>;
export { PubSubServiceImpl };
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Topics
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
export enum PubSubTopic {
TopicA = 'topic_a',
TopicB = 'topic_b',
TopicC = 'topic_c',
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Abstract Messages
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Defines the base structure of a pubsub message.
* Not really designed to be used directly.
* Prefer using `PubSubMessage<T>` or the types that extend from this one.
export interface PubSubBaseMessage<T extends PubSubTopic, P = unknown> {
topic: T;
payload: P;
* Infers the concrete message type based on the topic you're using.
* As new topics and messages are created, wire them up here.
export type PubSubMessage<T extends PubSubTopic> = T extends PubSubTopic.TopicA
? PubSubTopicAMessage
: T extends PubSubTopic.TopicB
? PubSubTopicBMessage
: T extends PubSubTopic.TopicC
? PubSubTopicCMessage
: PubSubBaseMessage<T>;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Messages
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
export interface PubSubTopicAMessage
extends PubSubBaseMessage<PubSubTopic.TopicA, PubSubTopicAPayload> {}
export interface PubSubTopicAPayload {
// ...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
export interface PubSubTopicBMessage
extends PubSubBaseMessage<PubSubTopic.TopicB, PubSubTopicBPayload> {}
export interface PubSubTopicBPayload {
// ...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
export interface PubSubTopicCMessage
extends PubSubBaseMessage<PubSubTopic.TopicC, PubSubTopicCPayload> {}
export interface PubSubTopicCPayload {
// ...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Services
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A service for publishing messages within the application.
* Not to be confused with AWS IoT or Graphql PubSubEngine.
* The service's main purpose is to make it easier to pubsub data
* while staying decoupled from the publisher and subscriber.
export interface PubSubService {
* Publish a message to a specific topic.
publish<T extends PubSubTopic>(message: PubSubMessage<T>): void;
* Get an observable for a specific topic.
* Subscribe to the observable to begin receiving messages.
* Only messages published after you've subscribed will be received.
stream<T extends PubSubTopic>(topic: T): Observable<PubSubMessage<T>>;
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