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Last active December 15, 2020 22:27
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Idris datatype invariant
module Main
import Data.String
data CorrectSize : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type where
SmallerThan150 : (x : Nat) -> (y : Nat) -> (z : Nat) -> {auto prf : x + y + z <= 150 = True} -> CorrectSize x y z
Show (CorrectSize x y z) where
show (SmallerThan150 x y z) = "CorrectSize " ++ show (x, y, z)
showPrec _ size = show size
mkCorrectSize : (x : Nat) -> (y : Nat) -> (z : Nat) -> Maybe (CorrectSize x y z)
mkCorrectSize x y z =
case decEq (x + y + z <= 150) True of
Yes prf => Just (SmallerThan150 x y z)
No => Nothing
main : IO ()
main = do
Just dynX <- map (parsePositive {a=Nat}) getLine | Nothing => idris_crash "X is not a number"
Just dynY <- map (parsePositive {a=Nat}) getLine | Nothing => idris_crash "Y is not a number"
Just dynZ <- map (parsePositive {a=Nat}) getLine | Nothing => idris_crash "Z is not a number"
let static1 = SmallerThan150 120 20 10 -- Ok, value is known at compile time
let static2 = SmallerThan150 50 90 10 -- Ok, value is known at compile time
let static3 = SmallerThan150 50 50 50 -- Ok, value is known at compile time
-- let static4 = SmallerThan150 120 120 10 -- Not ok, doesn't compile, value is known at compile time
-- let static5 = SmallerThan150 80 80 50 -- Not ok, doesn't compile value is known at compile time
let correctOrNothing = mkCorrectSize dynX dynY dynZ -- Ok if dynamic data is ok, value is checked by smart constructor
-- let surelyCorrect = SmallerThan150 dynX dynY dynZ -- Not ok, doesn't compile
putStrLn (show correctOrNothing)
pure ()
-- Alternative version with `So`
module Main
import Data.String
import Data.So
data CorrectSize : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type where
SmallerThan150 : (x : Nat) -> (y : Nat) -> (z : Nat) -> {auto prf : So (x + y + z <= 150)} -> CorrectSize x y z
Show (CorrectSize x y z) where
show (SmallerThan150 x y z) = "CorrectSize " ++ show (x, y, z)
showPrec _ size = show size
mkCorrectSize : (x : Nat) -> (y : Nat) -> (z : Nat) -> Maybe (CorrectSize x y z)
mkCorrectSize x y z =
case choose (x + y + z <= 150) of
Left oh => Just (SmallerThan150 x y z)
_ => Nothing
main : IO ()
main = do
Just dynX <- map (parsePositive {a=Nat}) getLine | Nothing => idris_crash "X is not a number"
Just dynY <- map (parsePositive {a=Nat}) getLine | Nothing => idris_crash "Y is not a number"
Just dynZ <- map (parsePositive {a=Nat}) getLine | Nothing => idris_crash "Z is not a number"
let static1 = SmallerThan150 120 20 10 -- Ok, value is known at compile time
let static2 = SmallerThan150 50 90 10 -- Ok, value is known at compile time
let static3 = SmallerThan150 50 50 50 -- Ok, value is known at compile time
-- let static4 = SmallerThan150 120 120 10 -- Not ok, doesn't compile, value is known at compile time
-- let static5 = SmallerThan150 80 80 50 -- Not ok, doesn't compile value is known at compile time
let correctOrNothing = mkCorrectSize dynX dynY dynZ -- Ok if dynamic data is ok, value is checked by smart constructor
-- let surelyCorrect = SmallerThan150 dynX dynY dynZ -- Not ok, doesn't compile
putStrLn (show correctOrNothing)
pure ()
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