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Created August 17, 2022 11:20
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# Attach a volume to a service using a set of clever defaults
# usage:
# <service> <path>
# --no-cmd <service> <path>
function _compose {
local flags=()
[[ -f docker-compose.yml ]] && \
flags+=("-f docker-compose.yml")
[[ -f docker-compose.override.yml ]] && \
flags+=("-f docker-compose.override.yml")
docker-compose ${flags[@]} $@
function _attach_compose {
local service=$1
local path=$(realpath $2)
local image=$(_compose images $service -q)
local workingdir=$(docker inspect $image -f '{{ .Config.WorkingDir }}')
cat << EOF
command: tail -f /dev/null
- ${path}:${workingdir}/$(basename ${path})
function attach_compose {
local service=$1; local path=$2; shift 2
_compose -f <(_attach_compose $service $path) $@
attach_compose $@
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