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Created September 18, 2009 09:12
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require '../../common/wlGenerator.php';
include_once '../../common/triggermail.php';
require 'SnapFish.php';
include_once 'snapfish_order_completed.php';
* WLHandler class
* Work list handler for Snapfish
* This work list generator will create a work list
* Extends Work List Helper class.
class WLHandler extends WorkListHelper {
private $snapfish;
* Constructor function of WLHandler
* Calls the WorkListHelper constructor.
* @access public
* @return void
public function __construct() {
$this->host = '';
$this->username = 'dbtest_remote';
$this->key = 'tn4Y#MR9Gy';
$this->db = 'scancafe_scancafe';
mysql_pconnect($this->host, $this->username, $this->key);
public function _getOrdersforUpload() {
// setup signal handlers
// pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "sig_handler");
// pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, "sig_handler");
$time_start = microtime(true);
$children = array();
$max_threads_count = 35;
$query = "SELECT master_id, swm.partner_code, swm.order_id order_id, swm.required, swm.available, swm.transferred, swm.status, si.merch_image, si.scancafe_tracking_id
scafe_wl_master swm, scafe_invoice si
swm.order_id = AND
swm.required = swm.available AND
swm.available = swm.transferred AND
swm.status = '30' AND
si.merch_image = '110'
//takes order ready for upload
$result = $this->select($this->query($query));
if(!isset($result) || empty($result)){
$this->logError('No orders ready for upload.');
return False;
//takes the order
$order_data = $result[0];
//initiates the Snapfish Wrapper
$snfsWrapper = new Wrapper_SnapFish();
//initiates order online process
$orderOnlineObj = new OrderOnline();
$master_id = $order_data->master_id;
$order_id = $order_data->order_id;
$scancafe_tracking_id = $order_data->scancafe_tracking_id;
/*retrieve customer details for the $order_id*/
$customerIDSet = $this->fetch(array('customer_id'), array('id' => $order_id), 'invoice');
if(!$customerIDSet) {
$this->logError('Error while fetching record for the order :'.$order_id);
return False;
$customer_id = $customerIDSet[0]->customer_id;
$fetch_array_fields = array('email', 'first_name', 'sfly_userid');
$table = 'customer';
$where_str['id'] = $customer_id;
/*retrieve customer details for the $customer_id*/
$customerResultSet = $this->fetch($fetch_array_fields, $where_str, $table);
if(!$customerResultSet) {
$this->logError('Error while fetching record for the customer :'.$customer_id);
return False;
$customer_name = $customerResultSet[0]->first_name;
$login = $customer_email = $customerResultSet[0]->email;
$sfly_userid = $customerResultSet[0]->sfly_userid;
$password = $this->decryptUserPassword($sfly_userid);
$phone = '';
//Login to Snapfish
$params = array('email' => '',//$login,
'password' => 'password',//$password,
'subscriberId' => 1000000,//$sfly_userid,
'partnerId' => 'TST');
$snfs_login = $snfsWrapper->authorize();
if($snfs_login === false) {
//update scafe_invoice merch_image field to 120
$invoice_ary = array();
$table = 'invoice';
$invoice_ary['merch_image'] = '120';
$whr_update['id'] = $order_id;
$invoiceResultSet = $this->update($invoice_ary, $whr_update, $table);
$invoice_id = mysql_affected_rows();
echo "Error while updating the status for the order: '".$order_id."'\r\n";
//send mail for Authorization Failed.
$client = new Triggermail_Client();
$mailTempName="Snapfish - 5A - Upload Incomplete";
$sendData = $client->send($mailTempName, $mailTo, array('first_name' => $firstname, 'order_number' => $order_id));
echo "Snapfish Authorisation failed!\r\n";
return False;
echo "Successful Login to Snapfish\r\n";
//get the albums
$albums_ary_temp = $snfsWrapper->getAlbums();
$albums_ary = array();
foreach($albums_ary_temp as $title => $id) {
$albums_ary[$title] = array('id' => $id);
if($albums_ary === false) {
$this->logError("Error while getting album list from snapfish. Error : ".$snfsWrapper->errorMessage."' \r\n");
return false;
$wlGenObj = new WLGenerator();
$wlDetails = $wlGenObj->_getWLDetails($master_id);
$albumUniqueName = "";
$albumUniqueId = "";
$j = 1;
for($x = 0;$x< count($wlDetails);$x++){
$amount = count(scandir(dirname(__FILE__).'/lock')) - 2;
if($x==0 and $amount >= $max_threads_count) {
print "Please delete lock files so process can start \r\n";
if($amount < $max_threads_count){
mysql_connect($this->host, $this->username, $this->key, true);
$details_key = $x;
$details_data = $wlDetails[$x];
$album_name = $album_data['album_name'] = $details_data->album_name;
$image_location = $details_data->target_url;
$image_id = $details_data->image_id;
$album_id_ary = $this->fetch(array('id'), array('album_name' => "'".$album_name."'"), 'albums');
// $album_data = $wlGenObj->_albumImages($album_id_ary);
// $album_values = $album_data[0];
// print_r($album_data);
// $imgs_count = count($album_values);
$imgs_count = mysql_result(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scafe_wl_details WHERE album_name = \''.$album_name.'\''),0);
$album_id = $album_id_ary[0]->id;
//check if Album name is similar to the previous one
if (!isset($albums_ary[$album_name])){
$albumName = 'SC3_'.$album_name.'_'.date('d-m_H-i');
$snfs_album = $snfsWrapper->createAlbum($albumName, array('numberOfImages' => $imgs_count));
if($snfs_album !==false ){
$this->logError('Created album '.$album_name . "\r\n");
$albums_ary[$album_name]['id'] = $snfs_album;
$albums_ary[$album_name]['session'] = $snfsWrapper->currentSession;
} elseif(!isset($albums_ary[$album_name]['session'])) {
$snfs_album = $snfsWrapper->getAlbumById($albums_ary[$album_name], array('numberOfImages' => $imgs_count));
$albums_ary[$album_name]['session'] = $snfsWrapper->currentSession;
} else {
$snfsWrapper->currentSession = $albums_ary[$album_name]['session'];
if(!isset($albums_ary[$album_name]['sequence'])) {
$albums_ary[$album_name]['sequence'] = $imgs_count;
} else {
$albums_ary[$album_name]['sequence'] = $albums_ary[$album_name]['sequence'] - 1;
print "Number of images in '".$album_name."' - ".$albums_ary[$album_name]['sequence']."\n\r";
$sequenceNumber = $albums_ary[$album_name]['sequence'];
$albumUniqueName = $album_name;
$file_on_local = str_replace('', '/var/www/html', $image_location);
// $file_on_local = '/var/www/_default/scafe_wl/snapfish/images/test'.$j.'.jpg';
if($snfs_album === false) {
echo "Error while creating album for order: '".$order_id."'\r\n";
$pid = pcntl_fork();
exec('touch '.dirname(__FILE__).'/lock/'.$x);
if ($pid == -1) {
die("could not fork");
} else if ($pid) {
//exit(); // we are the parent
$children[$x] = $pid;
} else {
// we are the child
$snfs_photo = $snfsWrapper->uploadImage($file_on_local, array('sequenceNumber' => $sequenceNumber ));
if($snfs_photo !== true){
echo "Error while uploading image '".$file_on_local."' for the order: '".$order_id."'";
$this->logError("Error while uploading image '".$file_on_local."' for the order: '".$order_id."'");
$update_wld_ary['upload_status'] = 2;
} else {
echo "[".$album_name."][".$sequenceNumber."] image '".$file_on_local."'uploaded!"."\r\n";
$this->logError("Image '".$file_on_local."' uploaded successfully!"."\r\n");
$update_wld_ary['upload_status'] = 1;
$now = date('Y-m-d');
$paid_album_ary = array();
$paid_album_ary['customer_id'] = $customer_id;
$paid_album_ary['album_id'] = $album_id;
$paid_album_ary['order_tracking_id'] = $scancafe_tracking_id;
$paid_album_ary['paid_date'] = $now;
$paid_album_ary['order_id'] = $order_id;
if($albumUniqueId != $album_id)
$albumUniqueId = $album_id;
$album_updates = $orderOnlineObj->makeOrderOnline($paid_album_ary);
if(isset($album_updates) && !empty($album_updates))
// echo "Albums Paid Status updated successfully\r\n";
$whr_wld_update['image_id'] = $image_id;
$wldResultSet = $this->update($update_wld_ary, $whr_wld_update, 'wlDetails');
exec('rm '.dirname(__FILE__).'/lock/'.$x);
} else {
foreach ($children as $key => $pid) {
// We are the parent, so we shall wait till all children will die.
// Otherwise there will be bunch of zombies.
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