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-- Set selected Address Book contact pictures from Gravatar.
-- Released under GPL.
-- by Doug Smith,
-- Fixed md5_email routine by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
-- Grab the selected records and see how many there are.
tell application "Address Book"
set selected_contacts to selection
set count_selected to number of items in selected_contacts
-- Bail out if there are no records selected. Otherwise ask about how to deal
-- with contacts having existing pictures.
if count_selected < 1 then
tell me to display dialog "You must first select some Address Book contacts." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 cancel button 1
if count_selected = 1 then
set plural to ""
set plural to "s"
end if
tell me to set user_result to display dialog "We're about to try updating " & count_selected & " selected Address Book contact picture" & plural & " from Gravatar. Would you like to overwrite existing pictures or skip those contacts?" buttons {"Cancel", "Overwrite Existing", "Skip Existing"} cancel button 1 default button 1 with icon caution
set overwrite to (button returned of user_result contains "Overwrite")
end if
-- Step through each contact and find Gravatars.
with timeout of 600 seconds
repeat with one_contact in selected_contacts
if not ((image of one_contact exists) and not overwrite) then
-- Step through the contact's e-mail addresses.
set all_emails to emails of one_contact
repeat with one_email_record in all_emails
set one_email_address to value of one_email_record
set grav_file to (my get_gravatar(my trim_email(one_email_address)))
-- If we have a Gravatar image add it to the contact.
if grav_file is not "" then
set image of one_contact to my get_pict_data(grav_file)
end if
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end timeout
tell me to display dialog "Done. You may need to select a different record to force Address Book to refresh the screen before changes show." buttons {"Okay"} default button 1
end tell
-- Trim junk off the end of the e-mail address field. Assume space separated.
on trim_email(email_address)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
return text item 1 of email_address
end trim_email
-- Look up a Gravatar from an e-mail address and save to a file.
on get_gravatar(email_address)
-- Calculate an MD5 for the e-mail address.
set md5_email to do shell script "md5 -q -s `echo " & email_address & " | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`"
-- Construct the Gravatar URL. Max Address Book picture size stored is 218 pixels.
set grav_url to quoted form of ("" & md5_email & "?s=218&d=" & "%22%22" as text)
-- Make a file name in which to temporarily save the Gravatar.
set grav_file to (path to temporary items) & "gravatar" & md5_email & ".jpg" as text
set grav_POSIX_file to quoted form of POSIX path of grav_file
-- Download the Gravatar image to the temporary file with a timeout of 10 seconds.
do shell script "curl " & grav_url & " -m 10 -o " & grav_POSIX_file
tell application "System Events"
if exists file grav_file then
return grav_file
return ""
end if
end tell
end get_gravatar
-- Read the picture data into a variable in TIFF format then delete the file.
on get_pict_data(grav_file)
tell application "System Events"
set file_ref to open for access grav_file
set pict_data to read file_ref as "TIFF"
close access file_ref
delete file grav_file
return pict_data
end tell
end get_pict_data
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