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Last active June 2, 2016 13:22
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Beer Flavor Wheel
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"name": "speciality grains",
"children": [
{"name": "smoked meat", "size": 1},
{"name": "islay whisky", "size": 1},
{"name": "wheat", "size": 1},
{"name": "raisins", "size": 1},
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"name": "caramalt and crystal malt",
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"name": "pale",
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"name": "southern hemisphere",
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{"name": "grapes", "size": 1},
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{"name": "passion fruit", "size": 1},
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"name": "american",
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{"name": "grapefruit", "size": 1},
{"name": "orange", "size": 1},
{"name": "pine", "size": 1},
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"name": "esters",
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{"name": "almond", "size": 1},
{"name": "rose", "size": 1},
{"name": "clove", "size": 1},
{"name": "pinapple", "size": 1},
{"name": "apple", "size": 1}
"name": "yeast profile",
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{"name": "clean", "size": 1},
{"name": "fruity", "size": 1},
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"name": "wild and bacteria",
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{"name": "acidic/citrus", "size": 1}
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{"name": "burnt rubber", "size": 1},
{"name": "skunked", "size": 1},
{"name": "soy sauce", "size": 1},
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{"name": "cheesy", "size": 1},
{"name": "baby sick/diapers", "size": 1},
{"name": "sweet corn/cabbage", "size": 1},
{"name": "apple peel/juice", "size": 1},
{"name": "solvent/nail polish", "size": 1},
{"name": "cardboard/wet paper", "size": 1},
{"name": "sherry", "size": 1}
"name": "mouthfeel",
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