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Last active June 21, 2022 20:23
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contract ArtistV6 {
struct Shareholder {
address account;
uint32 percentAllocation;
// Mapping of edition id to descriptive data.
mapping(uint256 => Edition) public editions;
// Balances for collectors captable
mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint32)) collectorBalances;
// etc...
function getShareholdersCapTable(uint256 _editionId) public returns (Shareholder[] memory shareholders) {
uint32 numSold = editions[_editionId].numSold;
uint32 royaltyRemainder = uint32(PERCENTAGE_SCALE) % numSold;
uint32 royaltyPerToken = uint32(PERCENTAGE_SCALE) / numSold;
address[] memory shareholderAddresses = new address[](numSold);
// build shareholder addresses array (with duplicates if owner owns more than 1)
uint256 shiftedEditionId = (_editionId << 128);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numSold; i++) {
uint256 tokenId = shiftedEditionId | (i + 1);
address shareholder = ownerOf(tokenId);
shareholderAddresses[i] = shareholder;
collectorBalances[_editionId][shareholder] += 1;
// Loop over shareholderAddresses
uint32 shareholderIndex = 0;
Shareholder[] memory shareholdersWithNulls = new Shareholder[](numSold);
for (uint32 j = 0; j < shareholderAddresses.length; j++) {
// Create shareholder struct if it doesn't exist
if (collectorBalances[_editionId][shareholderAddresses[j]] != 0) {
shareholdersWithNulls[shareholderIndex] = Shareholder({
account: shareholderAddresses[j],
percentAllocation: royaltyPerToken * collectorBalances[_editionId][shareholderAddresses[j]]
// Zero out balance
collectorBalances[_editionId][shareholderAddresses[j]] = 0;
// add remainder to the first shareholder (if zero, it's more efficient to just add it anyway)
shareholdersWithNulls[0].percentAllocation += royaltyRemainder;
// Remove any null items left over from the last step
Shareholder[] memory unsortedShareholders = new Shareholder[](shareholderIndex);
for (uint32 k = 0; k < shareholderIndex; k++) {
// For every one that isn't null, add to final array
if (shareholdersWithNulls[k].account != address(0)) {
unsortedShareholders[k] = shareholdersWithNulls[k];
// Sort & return shareholders
return sortSharedholders(unsortedShareholders);
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