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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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A Short Python Homework Problem for Building Energy Engineering Candidates.

Python Engineer Take Home Project

Building Energy strives to help businesses and governments understand where energy usage occurs, and how to improve energy efficiency. Let’s look at some real-world data in a similar field; check out World Bank Data on Carbon Emissions. Click "Download Data" and select the format you want to work with, (CSV might be simplest).

Let’s build a simple application to read in this data from the commandline and sort the rows by a function applied across the columns of said rows.

We should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Sort countries according to the average change in carbon emissions per capita (ascending, descending, etc.).
  • Sort countries according to average change in carbon emissions for a set of consecutive years. (e.g. sort by the average change in carbon emissions for 2009 and 2010).

Basic Requirements:

  1. Ensure that your project is fully tested. Whether you use unit, integration testing or both is up to you.
  2. Your project should run from the commandline in a linux environment.
  3. Please specify the version of python you’re using in your project documentation.
  4. Also include any third party dependencies in your requirements.txt
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