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Forked from mbostock/.block
Last active August 14, 2017 21:50
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Projection Transitions
license: gpl-3.0
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body { background: #fcfcfa; height: 500px; position: relative; width: 960px; }
#projection-menu { position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 10px; }
.stroke { fill: none; stroke: #000; stroke-width: 3px; }
.fill { fill: #fff; }
.graticule { fill: none; stroke: #777; stroke-width: .5px; stroke-opacity: .5; }
.land { fill: #222; }
.boundary { fill: none; stroke: #fff; stroke-width: .5px; }
<select id="projection-menu"></select>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
var width = 960, height = 500
var options = [
{name: "Aitoff", projection: d3.geo.aitoff()},
{name: "Albers", projection: d3.geo.albers().scale(145).parallels([20, 50])},
{name: "August", projection: d3.geo.august().scale(60)},
{name: "Baker", projection: d3.geo.baker().scale(100)},
{name: "Boggs", projection: d3.geo.boggs()},
{name: "Bonne", projection: d3.geo.bonne().scale(120)},
{name: "Bromley", projection: d3.geo.bromley()},
{name: "Collignon", projection: d3.geo.collignon().scale(93)},
{name: "Craster Parabolic", projection: d3.geo.craster()},
{name: "Eckert I", projection: d3.geo.eckert1().scale(165)},
{name: "Eckert II", projection: d3.geo.eckert2().scale(165)},
{name: "Eckert III", projection: d3.geo.eckert3().scale(180)},
{name: "Eckert IV", projection: d3.geo.eckert4().scale(180)},
{name: "Eckert V", projection: d3.geo.eckert5().scale(170)},
{name: "Eckert VI", projection: d3.geo.eckert6().scale(170)},
{name: "Eisenlohr", projection: d3.geo.eisenlohr().scale(60)},
{name: "Equirectangular (Plate Carrée)", projection: d3.geo.equirectangular()},
{name: "Hammer", projection: d3.geo.hammer().scale(165)},
{name: "Hill", projection: d3.geo.hill()},
{name: "Goode Homolosine", projection: d3.geo.homolosine()},
{name: "Kavrayskiy VII", projection: d3.geo.kavrayskiy7()},
{name: "Lambert cylindrical equal-area", projection: d3.geo.cylindricalEqualArea()},
{name: "Lagrange", projection: d3.geo.lagrange().scale(120)},
{name: "Larrivée", projection: d3.geo.larrivee().scale(95)},
{name: "Laskowski", projection: d3.geo.laskowski().scale(120)},
{name: "Loximuthal", projection: d3.geo.loximuthal()},
{name: "Miller", projection: d3.geo.miller().scale(100)},
{name: "McBryde–Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic", projection: d3.geo.mtFlatPolarParabolic()},
{name: "McBryde–Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic", projection: d3.geo.mtFlatPolarQuartic()},
{name: "McBryde–Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal", projection: d3.geo.mtFlatPolarSinusoidal()},
{name: "Mollweide", projection: d3.geo.mollweide().scale(165)},
{name: "Natural Earth", projection: d3.geo.naturalEarth()},
{name: "Nell–Hammer", projection: d3.geo.nellHammer()},
{name: "Polyconic", projection: d3.geo.polyconic().scale(100)},
{name: "Robinson", projection: d3.geo.robinson()},
{name: "Sinusoidal", projection: d3.geo.sinusoidal()},
{name: "Sinu-Mollweide", projection: d3.geo.sinuMollweide()},
{name: "van der Grinten", projection: d3.geo.vanDerGrinten().scale(75)},
{name: "van der Grinten IV", projection: d3.geo.vanDerGrinten4().scale(120)},
{name: "Wagner IV", projection: d3.geo.wagner4()},
{name: "Wagner VI", projection: d3.geo.wagner6()},
{name: "Wagner VII", projection: d3.geo.wagner7()},
{name: "Winkel Tripel", projection: d3.geo.winkel3()}
options.forEach(function(o) {o.projection.rotate([0, 0]).center([0, 0])})
var interval = setInterval(loop, 1500), i = 0, n = options.length - 1
var projection = options[i].projection
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection)
var graticule = d3.geo.graticule()
var svg ="body").append("svg").attr("width", width).attr("height", height)
svg.append("defs").append("path").datum({type: "Sphere"}).attr("id", "sphere").attr("d", path)
svg.append("use").attr("class", "stroke").attr("xlink:href", "#sphere")
svg.append("use").attr("class", "fill").attr("xlink:href", "#sphere")
svg.append("path").datum(graticule).attr("class", "graticule").attr("d", path)
d3.json("", function(error, world) {
if (error) throw error
svg.insert("path", ".graticule").datum(topojson.feature(world,
.attr("class", "land").attr("d", path)
var menu ="#projection-menu").on("change", change)
.enter().append("option").text(function(d) { return })
function loop() {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * n)"selectedIndex", i = j + (j >= i))
function change() {
function update(option) {
.attrTween("d", projectionTween(projection, projection = option.projection))
function projectionTween(projection0, projection1) {
return function(d) {
var t = 0
var projection = d3.geo.projection(project).scale(1)
.translate([width / 2, height / 2])
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection)
function project(λ, φ) {
λ *= 180 / Math.PI, φ *= 180 / Math.PI
var p0 = projection0([λ, φ]), p1 = projection1([λ, φ])
return [(1 - t) * p0[0] + t * p1[0], (1 - t) * -p0[1] + t * -p1[1]]
return function(_) {
t = _
return path(d)
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