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Created July 31, 2014 13:30
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offseted marker on cubic bezier curve example
(function(root) {
function BezierCurve(points) {
this.xs = { return point.x; });
this.ys = { return point.y; });
// LUT for binomial coefficient arrays per curve order 'n'
var binomialCoefficients = [[1], [1, 1], [1, 2, 1], [1, 3, 3, 1]];
// Look up what the binomial coefficient is for pair {n,k}
function binomials(n, k) {
return binomialCoefficients[n][k];
function getBezierValue(vs, t) {
var n = vs.length - 1,
value = 0,
for (k = 0; k <= n; k++) {
value += binomials(n, k) * Math.pow(1 - t, n - k) * Math.pow(t, k) * vs[k];
return value;
* Compute the curve derivative (hodograph) at t.
function getDerivative(derivative, vs, t) {
// the derivative of any 't'-less function is zero.
var n = vs.length - 1,
if (n === 0) {
return 0;
// direct values? compute!
if (derivative === 0) {
return getBezierValue(vs, t);
} else {
// Still some derivative? go down one order, then try
// for the lower order curve's.
_vs = new Array(n);
for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
_vs[k] = n * (vs[k + 1] - vs[k]);
return getDerivative(derivative - 1, _vs, t);
function getVectorLength(x, y) {
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
BezierCurve.prototype.getPointAtParameter = function(t) {
return {x: getBezierValue(this.xs, t), y: getBezierValue(this.ys, t)};
BezierCurve.prototype.getTangentVectorAtParameter = function(t) {
return {x: getDerivative(1, this.xs, t), y: getDerivative(1, this.ys, t)};
BezierCurve.prototype.getSpeedAtParameter = function(t) {
var tangentVec = this.getTangentVectorAtParameter(t);
return getVectorLength(tangentVec.x, tangentVec.y);
BezierCurve.prototype.getArcLength = function(t, n) {
var z, sum, i, correctedT;
if (this.xs.length >= tValues.length) {
throw new Error('too high n bezier');
if (t === undefined) {
t = 1;
if (n === undefined) {
n = 20;
z = t / 2;
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
correctedT = z * tValues[n][i] + z;
sum += cValues[n][i] * this.getSpeedAtParameter(correctedT);
return z * sum;
BezierCurve.prototype.getParameterAtArcLength = function(s, epsilon, iterMaxCount) {
var t,
lower = 0,
upper = 1,
if (epsilon === undefined) {
epsilon = 1e-2;
if (iterMaxCount === undefined) {
iterMaxCount = 32;
fullLen = this.getArcLength();
t = s / fullLen;
for (i = 0; i < iterMaxCount; i++) {
f = this.getArcLength(t) - s;
if (Math.abs(f) < epsilon) {
return t;
df = this.getSpeedAtParameter(t);
tCandidate = t - f / df;
if (f > 0) {
upper = t;
if (tCandidate <= lower) {
t = 0.5 * (upper + lower);
} else {
t = tCandidate;
} else {
lower = t;
if (tCandidate >= upper) {
t = 0.5 * (upper + lower);
} else {
t = tCandidate;
throw new Error('A root was not found. Try increase iterMaxCount and/or epsilon');
// Legendre-Gauss abscissae (xi values, defined at i=n as the roots of the nth order Legendre polynomial Pn(x))
var tValues = [
[0, 0.4058451513773971669066064120769614633473,-0.4058451513773971669066064120769614633473,-0.7415311855993944398638647732807884070741,0.7415311855993944398638647732807884070741,-0.9491079123427585245261896840478512624007,0.9491079123427585245261896840478512624007],
// Legendre-Gauss weights (wi values, defined by a function linked to in the Bezier primer article)
var cValues = [
if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = BezierCurve;
} else {
root.BezierCurve = BezierCurve;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Cubic bezier curve length</title>
#figure1 {
border: 1px solid black;
.draggable {
cursor: move;
.control-point {
opacity: 0.5;
stroke: none;
fill: red;
.split-point {
opacity: 0.5;
stroke: none;
fill: purple;
text {
font-size: 12px;
<svg id="figure1" width="400" height="400">
<marker id="arrowhead" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="40" refY="5"
markerWidth="10" markerHeight="10" orient="auto">
<path d="M10 5 0 10 0 8.7 6.8 5.5 0 5.5 0 4.5 6.8 4.5 0 1.3 0 0Z"/>
<path d="M120 160 35 200 220 260 220 40" stroke="black" fill="none" id="controlPath"/>
<path d="M120 160C35 200 220 260 220 40" stroke="green" fill="none" id="curve"
<circle cx="120" cy="160" r="8" id="p1" class="control-point draggable"/>
<circle cx="35" cy="200" r="8" id="p2" class="control-point draggable"/>
<circle cx="220" cy="260" r="8" id="p3" class="control-point draggable"/>
<circle cx="220" cy="40" r="30" id="p4" class="control-point draggable"/>
<circle cx="-10" cy="-10" r="8" id="splitPoint" class="split-point"/>
<text x="20" y="20" id="curveLength">curve length: 0</text>
<text x="120" y="160" dx="10" id="t1">p1: 120/160</text>
<text x="35" y="200" dx="10" id="t2">p2: 35/200</text>
<text x="220" y="260" dx="10" id="t3">p3: 220/260</text>
<text x="220" y="40" dx="10" id="t4">p4: 220/40</text>
<script src="bezier-curve.js"></script>
// This is a port to JavaScript from [Arc length | A Primer on Bézier Curves]( )
// MIT license
var controlPath = document.getElementById('controlPath');
var curve = document.getElementById('curve');
var p1 = document.getElementById('p1');
var p2 = document.getElementById('p2');
var p3 = document.getElementById('p3');
var p4 = document.getElementById('p4');
var dragElem = null;
var svg = document.getElementById('figure1');
svg.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);
svg.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp);
var elements = [p1, p2, p3, p4];
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown);
var mouseOffsetX, mouseOffsetY;
function getClientPointInSVG(ev) {
var p, m;
p = svg.createSVGPoint();
p.x = ev.clientX;
p.y = ev.clientY;
m = dragElem.getScreenCTM();
return p.matrixTransform(m.inverse());
function onMouseDown(ev) {
var p;
dragElem =;
p = getClientPointInSVG(ev);
mouseOffsetX = p.x - dragElem.getAttribute('cx');
mouseOffsetY = p.y - dragElem.getAttribute('cy');
function onMouseMove(ev) {
var p, x, y, circleID, circleTextID, circleTextElem;
if (!dragElem) {
p = getClientPointInSVG(ev);
x = p.x - mouseOffsetX;
y = p.y - mouseOffsetY;
dragElem.setAttribute('cx', x);
dragElem.setAttribute('cy', y);
'M' + p1.getAttribute('cx') + ' ' + p1.getAttribute('cy') +
' ' + p2.getAttribute('cx') + ' ' + p2.getAttribute('cy') +
' ' + p3.getAttribute('cx') + ' ' + p3.getAttribute('cy') +
' ' + p4.getAttribute('cx') + ' ' + p4.getAttribute('cy'));
'M' + p1.getAttribute('cx') + ' ' + p1.getAttribute('cy') +
'C' + p2.getAttribute('cx') + ' ' + p2.getAttribute('cy') +
' ' + p3.getAttribute('cx') + ' ' + p3.getAttribute('cy') +
' ' + p4.getAttribute('cx') + ' ' + p4.getAttribute('cy'));
circleID = dragElem.getAttribute('id');
circleTextID = circleID.replace(/^p/, 't');
circleTextElem = document.getElementById(circleTextID);
circleTextElem.setAttribute('x', x);
circleTextElem.setAttribute('y', y); = circleID + ': ' + x + '/' + y;
function onMouseUp(ev) {
dragElem = null;
function updateCurveLengthText() {
var textElem = document.getElementById('curveLength');
var curve = new BezierCurve( {
return {x: +elem.getAttribute('cx'), y: +elem.getAttribute('cy')};
var arcLength = curve.getArcLength(); = 'curve length: ' + arcLength;
function getParameterForTrim() {
var curve = new BezierCurve( {
return {x: +elem.getAttribute('cx'), y: +elem.getAttribute('cy')};
var trimLen = 30;
var pathTotalLength = curve.getArcLength();
var s = pathTotalLength - trimLen;
var t = curve.getParameterAtArcLength(s);
var pathLen = curve.getArcLength(t);
var p = curve.getPointAtParameter(t);
console.log('t', t, 'pathLen', pathLen, 'diff', (pathTotalLength - pathLen));
var splitPointCircleElem = document.getElementById('splitPoint');
splitPointCircleElem.setAttribute('cx', p.x);
splitPointCircleElem.setAttribute('cy', p.y);
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