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Last active February 21, 2016 05:21
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Save holman/5871518 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A forumula for mpd that maybe won't crash all the time on m4a files on OS X. Currently on, waiting to be merged upstream.
require 'formula'
class Mpd < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 'e3a16b5d784c3699b151e72cfa58d0ea54a49b13'
head "git://"
# Options.
# Many of these correspond to :optional dependencies below (and are included
# to give those options more informative descriptions.) Such options are
# listed in the same section and order as below.
# Input
option 'with-wavpack', "Build with support for WavPack (.wv) files"
option "enable-lastfm", "Compile with experimental support for radio"
# Streaming output encoding
option 'with-lame', "Build with lame support (for mp3 encoding when streaming)"
option 'with-two-lame', "Build with TwoLAME support (for mp2 encoding when streaming)"
option 'with-flac', "Build with flac support (for flac encoding when streaming)"
# Misc.
option 'with-yajl', "Build with yajl support (for playing from soundcloud)"
if MacOS.version < :lion
option "with-libwrap", "Build with libwrap (TCP Wrappers) support"
elsif MacOS.version == :lion
option "with-libwrap", "Build with libwrap (TCP Wrappers) support (buggy!)"
# Dependencies.
# Note that while :optional dependencies generate an option automatically,
# some are specified explicitly above to give them more informative
# descriptions.
# Basic dependencies
depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
depends_on 'glib'
depends_on 'libid3tag'
depends_on 'sqlite'
depends_on 'libsamplerate'
# Input decoding
depends_on 'ffmpeg' # lots
depends_on 'fluid-synth' # MIDI
depends_on 'faad2' # MP4/AAC
depends_on 'wavpack' => :optional # WavPack
# mpd also supports mad, mpg123, libsndfile, and audiofile, but those are
# redundant with ffmpeg
# Streaming output encoding
depends_on 'libshout' => :optional # N. B. pulls in Vorbis encoder
depends_on 'lame' => :optional # mp3 encoding
depends_on 'two-lame' => :optional # mp2 encoding
depends_on 'flac' => :optional # flac encoding
# Misc.
depends_on 'jack' => :optional # Output to JACK
depends_on 'libmms' => :optional # MMS input
depends_on 'libzzip' => :optional # reading from within ZIPs
depends_on 'yajl' => :optional # JSON library for soundcloud
# Build rules.
def install
system "./" if build.head?
args = %W[
# Disable buggy or experimental things
args << "--disable-curl" if MacOS.version == :leopard
# Things ./configure defaults to off that we might want turned on
args << "--enable-zzip" if build.with? "libzzip"
args << "--enable-lastfm" if build.include? "enable-lastfm"
args << "--with-faad=#{Formula.factory("faad2").opt_prefix}"
# Things ./configure defaults to on that we might want turned off
args << "--disable-libwrap" unless build.with? 'libwrap'
# It finds these in some circumstances even if we don't want it to. If that
# happens, we'll build/link against them, which isn't the end of the world,
# but it's easy to prevent:
args << "--disable-mad"
args << "--disable-lame-encoder" unless build.with?("lame")
# YAJL is similar, except if ./configure autodetects it, the build will
# actually fail!
args << "--disable-soundcloud" unless build.with?("yajl")
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
ENV.j1 # Directories are created in parallel, so let's not do that
system "make install"
# Checks and messages.
def options_check
if build.include? 'lastfm' or build.include? 'libwrap' or build.include? 'enable-soundcloud'
opoo "You are using an option that has been replaced."
opoo "See this brew's caveats for details."
if build.include? 'with-libwrap' and MacOS.version > :lion
opoo "Ignoring --with-libwrap: TCP Wrappers was removed in OSX 10.8"
def caveats
As of mpd-0.17.4, this brew no longer enables support for streaming
output by default. If you want streaming output, you must now specify
the --with-libshout, --with-lame, --with-twolame, and/or --with-flac
options explicitly. (Use "--with-libshout --with-lame --with-flac" for
the pre-0.17.4 behavior.)
As of mpd-0.17.4, this brew has renamed options as follows:
Old name New name
=================== ===============
--lastfm -> --enable-lastfm
--libwrap -> --with-libwrap (unsupported in OSX >= 10.8)
--enable-soundcloud -> --with-yajl
If you use lastfm, libwrap, or soundcloud, please adjust your options
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