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Created September 14, 2022 23:09
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Robots policy for github projects

This is a sketch of a proposal for a "robots.txt for github" -- a policy that defines what actions automated tooling can take against a given repository.


Bots self-identify, and use project/repo-style naming. So code that lives at identifies as jacobian/coolbot. Forks should generally use the upstream identifier until/unless they become different enough to warrent new names. This is a matter of judgement.

Policy file location: .github/robots.yml

Policies live in .github/robots.yml. Well-behaved robots should consult this file before taking action.

Policy file contents

Somewhat inspired by robots.txt, but in YAML to troll security researchers. I have no spec yet so here are examples:

Robots may not interact with this repository:

deny: *

Go hog wild:

allow: *

Nobody is welcome except jacobian/coolbot:

  - jacobian/coolbot

That's the same as:

deny: *
  - jacobian/coolbot

That is, an allow without a deny implies deny: *.

The same is true of a deny list. This allows any bot, except jacobian/coolbot:

  - jacobian/bot1

and that's the same as:

allow: *
  - jacobian/coolbot

If there's both an allow and a deny list, an implicit deny: * should also be inferred. So given:

  - jacobian/coolbot
  - jacobian/otherbot

jacobian/otherbot clearly should stay away, but so should jacobian/bot3 and all other bots. The above should be treated as:

  - jacobian/coolbot
deny: *

Organizational policies

Bots can also be allowed or denied by organization. This policy welcomes bots from the Python Packaging Authority:

  - pypa/*

This policy welcome most bots, but none made by me:

allow: *
  - jacobian/*

Action policies

Finally, policies may allow or deny specific actions. This policy allows jacobian/coolbot any action, and allows PyPA bots to open issues (but only open issues):

  - jacobian/coolbot
  - pypa/*@issues

Valid actions are:

- `issues`
- `pull_requests`

TBD: more granular permissions e.g. "open issue", "comment on issue", etc?

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rthill commented Sep 15, 2022

I really like the idea to not have to deal with all different configuration files to allow pull requests or issue comments etc.

One comment on identification,

Forks should generally use the upstream identifier until/unless they become different enough to warrent new names. This is a matter of judgement.

I would rather say forks inherit the upstream identifier unless modified by the fork owner.

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pushcx commented Sep 26, 2022

I think more than just access, it'd be good to have some kind of mandatory identification if the bot is going to take actions in a repo, which should include or link to some notion of maturity and/or purpose. And maybe require that read-only bots publicly maintain a log of repos they've scanned, though I know enforcement would be difficult.

My motivation is that I was experimented on by UChicago researchers who tested their source analysis tool by opening PRs against random repos without identification or consent. If the maintainer merged their PR, they claimed that as evidence of the tool's efficacy.

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We can also allow by category

    - chat
    - security

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