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Last active May 14, 2017 11:05
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Horizontal Bar Chart with Tooltip D3 V4
license: mit
Country FacenumberA GrossA ScoreA Count
Mexico 0.823529412 7472589.643 6.776470588 17
Philippines 0 70071 6.3 1
Georgia 9 17149 5.6 1
New Line 0 6712451 4.4 1
Official site 4 20218921 6.3 1
France 1.162337662 16350593.58 6.678571429 154
Indonesia 0 4105123 7.6 1
Romania 0.75 9100986.5 6.6 4
Greece 0 1908995.5 7 2
Cameroon 1 32631 7.5 1
Colombia 0 6517198 7.5 1
Aruba 0 10076136 4.8 1
Japan 0.434782609 33553701.47 6.952173913 23
West Germany 0.333333333 11433134 7.266666667 3
Argentina 0 7230936.333 7.5 4
Denmark 0.636363636 1418469.111 7.172727273 11
Iran 0.5 2424418.5 7.725 4
China 1.366666667 14143040.74 6.623333333 30
Iceland 0.666666667 15897 7.333333333 3
Israel 0.75 1220488 7.525 4
Netherlands 0.8 1884888.333 6.94 5
Spain 0.909090909 8836518.154 6.824242424 33
Italy 2 3445189 6.873913043 23
Finland 1 611709 7.2 1
Russia 0.909090909 3739951.75 6.081818182 11
Poland 1 1424887.25 7.62 5
Norway 1 451137.25 6.7375 8
Brazil 1 2712574 7.275 8
USA 1.419762846 55214607.23 6.367428421 3807
Afghanistan 1 1127331 7.4 1
Canada 1.047619048 22432066.68 6.161904762 126
Czech Republic 1.333333333 1294772 6.966666667 3
Australia 1.072727273 40205909.57 6.514545455 55
India 1.5 2117136.208 6.532352941 34
New Zealand 1.133333333 108180043.5 7.28 15
South Korea 1.142857143 2231833.1 6.257142857 14
Hong Kong 1.176470588 12011449.27 6.741176471 17
South Africa 1.25 53580080.33 6.4375 8
UK 1.283482143 32440108.68 6.818303571 448
Germany 1.432989691 27984127.66 6.340206186 97
Ireland 1.5 7033630 6.783333333 12
Hungary 1.5 11687595.5 6.45 2
Belgium 1.75 680566.5 5.6 4
Sweden 3 126811.6667 7.516666667 6
Thailand 2 2602324.6 6.08 5
Taiwan 2 64340682 7.15 2
Peru 2 57362581 5.4 1
Chile 7 12188642 6.9 1
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