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Created November 25, 2012 18:56
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Backbone Collection Cache
define [], ()->
CollectionCache = ->
cache = {}
# returns true if the cache has the given key already
cacheHasKey = (key)->
cache.hasOwnProperty key
# generates a unique key from given arguments
genKey = (args)->
# creates an instance, caches it, and returns the instance
# the trick here is how the instance is created with a dynamic set of arguments
set = (klass, args, key)->
F = (args)->
return klass.apply(@, args)
F.prototype = klass.prototype
instance = new F(args)
cache[key] = instance
# returns a collection instance and caches it if needed
get: ()->
klass = arguments
key = genKey arguments
if cacheHasKey(key)
set klass, arguments, key
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