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Last active January 7, 2021 20:09
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Save jbencina/171a6438eb28e6c58bb855a3cafd25e4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick (and dirty) Python script that takes the transcript information from CSPAN video pages and parses it into a JSON file with the time stamp, speaker name, and speech text. There are probably 100 more elegant ways to write this, but it works for what I needed.
from html.parser import HTMLParser
import re
import json
import datetime as dt
class Entry():
def __init__(self, time):
self.time = ''
self.time_base = time
self.speaker = ''
self.text = ''
def value(self):
return {
'time': self.time,
'time_utc': self.get_utc_time(self.time_base, self.time),
'speaker': self.speaker,
'text': re.sub('(\.){2,}$','.',self.text)
def get_utc_time(base, delta):
hr, min, sec = map(float, delta.split(':'))
td = dt.timedelta(hours=hr, minutes=min, seconds=sec)
return (base + td).isoformat() + 'Z'
class HTMLParseTable(HTMLParser):
__outer_class = 'table-wrap load-transcript'
__outer_tag = 'div'
__inner_tags = {
'th': 0,
'strong': 0,
'p': 0
__outer_capture = False
__outer_instances = 0
__entry = None
__output = []
__time = ''
def output(self):
return self.__output
def time_start(self):
return self.__time
def time_start(self, value):
self.__time = dt.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" )
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if not self.__outer_capture:
if tag == self.__outer_tag:
if self.has_attribute(attrs, 'class', self.__outer_class):
self.__outer_capture = True
print('Found outer tag!')
if self.__outer_capture:
self.__outer_instances += 1
if self.__outer_capture:
if tag in self.__inner_tags.keys():
self.__inner_tags[tag] += 1
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if self.__outer_capture:
if tag == self.__outer_tag:
self.__outer_instances -= 1
elif tag in self.__inner_tags.keys():
self.__inner_tags[tag] -= 1
if tag == 'p':
if self.__outer_instances == 0:
self.__outer_capture = False
print('Found end tag!')
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.__outer_capture:
if self.__inner_tags.get('th') > 0:
m ='(\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2})', data)
if m:
self.__entry = Entry(self.time_start)
self.__entry.time =
elif self.__inner_tags.get('strong') > 0:
self.__entry.speaker = data
elif self.__inner_tags.get('p') > 0:
self.__entry.text += data
def has_attribute(attrs, key, value):
found = False
for k,v in attrs:
if k == key and v == value:
found = True
return found
# Set the start time of the event as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
parser = HTMLParseTable()
ts = input('Event UTC Start Time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ):')
parser.time_start = ts
with open('C:/yourdir/input.html','r') as f:
s =
with open('C:/yourdir/output.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(parser.output, f, sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
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Just noticed that some parts of the CSPAN transcript are repeated word-for-word. These are clearly mistakes as they don't even sync to the video. You should parse and select the 1st instance of when something was said as the correct time

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Any chance of the cleaned up data?

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