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Created January 6, 2021 18:20
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Quill.js glossary

Since Quill.js doesn't seem to document its strange jargon-y terms anywhere, here's a glossary that I've put together for it. No guarantees that it's correct! But I've done my best.

Quill - The WYSIWYG editor library

Parchment - The internal model used in Quill to implement the document tree

Scroll - A document, expressed as a tree, technically also a Blot (node) itself, specifically the root node

Blot - A node in the document tree

Block (Blot) - A block-level node

Inline (Blot) - An inline (formatting) node

Text (Blot) - A node that contains only(!) raw text contents

Break (Blot) - A node that contains nothing, used as a placeholder where there is no actual content

"a format" - A specific formatting attribute (width, height, is bold, ...)

.format(...) - The API method that is used to set a formatting attribute on some selection

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